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Everything posted by CarpeNoctum
Einai poly kala kai mexri na matheis pws ta blepeis einai ligo eknetristiko.. Gelaw poly me osous ekneyrizontai pou de mporoun eykola na ta broyn!
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Exei dikio o tp! An to balete se summertime den tha exete problhma.
Epeidh exete anaferei sxedon ola ta tromera tragoydia toys na pw ki egw epipleon oti anebainw poly otan akoyw th diaskeyh pou exoun kanei sto Whiskey in the Jar twn Thin Lizzy. Apsogos rythmos kai poly anebastiko!! Telos sxetika me to St Anger pou me apogoiteyse tha thela na pw oti emena de moy thymise katholoy thrush metal alla punk. Telos Pantws.. Apla perimena kati diaforetiko. Genika omws oi Metallica einai apsogoi :)
Proteinw tis ekshs dyo ballades. Den einai poly gnwstes kai isws dyskoleyteite ligo na tis breite: Strange Fruit - The Flame Still Burns Strange Fruit - What Might Have Been PS Yparxei kai tainia "Strange Fruit" gia th zwh toy sygkrothmatos.. Arketa sygkinitikh tha elega
Dokimase opws sou eipan me windvd h powerdvd. An ta thes "full" katebase ta apo kanena p2p programma. Apo kei kai pera enhmerwtika sou lew oti ta .vob arxeia einai ripped arxeia apo dvd. Einai san na exeis kaneis kanei copy paste ena dvd sto sklhro sou (lew peripou giati den einai akribws etsi, ta dvd me vob arxeia einai kleidwmena kai de mporeis na kaneis c-p ta arxeia sto sklhro, alla xreiazesai kapoio allo programma)
isdn 64 kai syntoma adsl mallon 384 :)
Einai logiko na apogoiteysei pollous... Otan exeis synithiseiolo to cast kai ksafnika menei monos toy enas badizonas stis idies grammes xarakthra de mporeis na perimeneis kai polla. As elpisoume opws les to xeimwna na einai kati kalytero kai na kataferei na mas kanei na gelasoume ligo parapanw..
Gia des EDW kaiEDW. Einai ola trial kai kanoun convert se word. Se txt apeytheias xwris na to kaneis word endiamesa ligo apithano na breis. Epishs brhka ki alla alla den yposthrizoun ellhnika. Ayta pou ebala apla de grafoyn poies glwsses yposthrizoun kai lene apla multilanguage support... Elpizw na soy fanoyn xrhsima.
Thessaloniki pantws pou eimai egw den thn exw dei poythena oloklhrh. Logika tha thn feroun giati sthn Amerikh yparxei edw kai kairo. Opws eipes omws kai sy xwris ellhnikoys ypotitloys.
Sony Ericsson P900: Πληροφορίες και νέα
CarpeNoctum replied to florinaperis's topic in Sony Ericsson
To eida oti akoma kai h symantec leei oti einai mono gia series 60 mias kai enw mporei na labei to .sis arxeio ena Px00 thlefwno otan paei na ginei h ekgatastash grafei oti einai incopatible. Par' ola ayta psaxnontas ligo perissotero eida ayto: Following the reports on the Cabir virus, it was inevitable that an Anti-Virus program for mobile phones would be released. SimWorks Anti Virus from SimWorks is designed specifically for symbian based phones for the protection againts harmful Viruses. SimWorks’ Anti-Virus protects phone’s from all known viruses including the recently discovered Cabir virus and is compatible with all phones using the Symbian operating system such as the popular SonyEricsson P800/P900 and Nokia’s 6600. Phgh einai to mobile9 Gi ayto kai ebala to arthro... -
To lampaki profanws einai braxykyklwma kai ara thema plaketas gi ayto menei panta anameno. Twra sxetika me th syndesh sto pc den apokleietai na exei braxykyklwsei kati ekei kai gi ayto de mporeis na syndetheis. An exeis apokleisei ola ta alla endexomena ta opoia mporei na ftaine gia to oti de syndeesai me to pc tote mallon einai thema plaketas kai thelei allagma.
Eixes dikio. Ksekinaei kanonika stis 9 Septembrioy. Pantws opoios thelei plhrofories gia to pilot edw eimaste...
File moy den to ksera ayto. Dekth h diorthwsh. Prospathisa kapoia stigmh xtes na bw sto nbc na parw plhrofories gia to epomeno giati eixa kapoies ypopsies kai egw oti tha einai pilot mias kai htan ligo periergo na ksekinhsei kalokairiatika alla den katafera na mpw. :)
Sony Ericsson P900: Πληροφορίες και νέα
CarpeNoctum replied to florinaperis's topic in Sony Ericsson
Soy lythike h aporia???? :p ;) :whistle: -
Sony Ericsson P900: Απόψεις - Εντυπώσεις
CarpeNoctum replied to Global moderator's topic in Sony Ericsson
De lew einai poly mourato na exeis QWERTY keyboard kai symfwnw me mia apopsh pou leei oti ta sainia ths SE tha broyn tropo na kanoyn th xrhsh toy eykolh. Apo kei kai pera nomizw oti de tha tairiazei kai poly me to P900 giati exoun diaforetikes gwnies. Tha thela bebaia na dw kai to xrwma toy fwtismou tou. Giati to mple xrwma fwtismou sto P900 den paizetai kai tha htan koutamara na to allaksoun. -
Tha symfwnhsw kai egw me ton mcde oti ayth h mania me tis anabathmiseis exei paraginei. Anabathmish kanoyn synexeia mono oi porwmenoi gamers kai pragmatika de nomizw na yparxei logikos anthrwpos pou tha agorasei laptop gia na paizei paixnidia. Opote mia kalh apodosh agoras timhs apo 1500-2000 eyrw einai oti kalytero gia enan xrhsth opws o filos pouy psaxnei na agorasei laptop. Oute to office, oyte to internet, oute to photoshop, oute ta avi theloun treles apaithseis. Opote de xreiazetai na ksodepseis trela posa gia tis douleies pou theleis.
Egw katafera na to katebasw apla apenergopoiwntas ton Download Manager. :)
Loipon.. San enas apo toys xiliades fans twn Friends kai exontas dei ola ta epeisodia ths seiras (apo to prwto ws to teleytaio ths dekaths), katexontas ta ola (na nai kala to dc++), alla kai me oles tis synenteykseis pou exoun dwsei sta amerikanika kanalia kai tis exw katebasei (ti arrwstia thee moy!!) exw na pw ta ekshs: 1. Sta video clubs yparxei h dekath saizon(oxi oloklhrh) alla xwris ellhnikoys ypotitloys. Den exei bgei poythena me ellhnikous. Adika psaxnete akoma! 2.Sxetika me thn tainia reunion exoun akoustei polles fhmes kai an bgei tha einai gia cinema kai oxi gia thleorash ALLA oloi ths paragwghs pros to parwn kratane to stoma toys kleisto. 3.Meta ta Friends TI????? Exoyme kai leme... Gia osoys den to gnwrizoyn(Den ekana scroll stis pisw selides na dw an to kserete) sthn Amerikh eidh ksekinhse na paizetai h seira JOEY me ton aksiagaphto Matt Le Blanc na eksarkwnei ton gnwsto xarakthra apo ta Friends, o opoios exei metakomisei sto Hollywood pia gia na kanei thn tyxh toy meta apo oles tis allages pou synebhsan ypotithetai sth zwh toy. San porwmenos me ta Friends ekana anw katw to dc++ kai telika brhka to prwto epeisodio ths seiras JOEY (mono ena exei paixtei pros to parwn) kai to katebasa kai to eida.. Symperasmata: O Matt Le Blanc diathrei akribws ton xarakthra toy aksiagaphtoy Joey opws ton kserame me tis gnwstes toy gkafes kai to gnwsto toy IQ :p Apo kei kai pera.. H seira den polythymizei se tipota to periballon twn friends kai oyte exei to asteireyto xioumor ths. Oi asteies stigmes ths einai mono oi gkafes kai oi atakes toy Joey. Gia mena apotelei ayth h seira ena ypokatastato twn Friends kai den kserw kata poso tha kataferei na thn antikatasthsei kai na krathsei (amfiballw an kai einai poly nwris akoma). Ola bebaia eksartwntai apo thn plokh ths istorias h opoia bebaia mporw na pw oti den dinei kai polla shmadia gia to pws tha ekselixthei sto mellon. Opote apla perimenoume na doyme pws tha paei. Ayto poy eixe pei o Matt Le Blanc se mia synenteyksh olwn twn Friends ston Jay Leno htan oti sth seira JOEY tha kanoun kai kapoies emfaniseis oi palioi tou filoi. Ayto bebaia menei na to doyme giati opws gnwrizete ta cache twn prwtagwnistwn twn Friends einai pleon poly ypshla. Telos kati asteio.. Sthn idia synenteyksh o Matt Le Blanc xaritologwntas eipe oti hthele th seira JOEY na thn onomasei "Where the hell is everyone" :D Ayta gia ta Friends.. Gia oti plhrofories thelete edw eimaste!!! PS An thelete sas lew ti ginetai sto prwto epeisodio.. Oti kai na pw den tha exei spoilers giati prokeitai gia to prwto epeisodio kai den yparxei plokh pio prin.
Sony Ericsson P900: Πληροφορίες και νέα
CarpeNoctum replied to florinaperis's topic in Sony Ericsson
Me aformh ena post gia antivirus sto P900 epsaksa kai brhka to ekshs arthro. Afora genika symbian os devices (oxi apokleistika to P900), apla to ebala edw pros enhmerwsh! First Symbian OS worm detected By Jørgen Sundgot, Tuesday 15 June 2004 Computer security firm Kaspersky Labs is reporting that it has detected the first worm program for Symbian OS, dubbed Cabir. So far, however, it doesn't appear to have a payload beyond spreading itself. Cabir appears to be transmitted as a SIS file, the Symbian distributable file type. The file appears as "Caribe Security Manager" in the user's inbox and prompts the user to install it, like a trojan. Once they do, however, the worm penetrates the system and self-activates whenever the device is started. Cabir will then scan the nearby area for Bluetooth-using Symbian handsets and send a copy of itself to the first one it finds. So far, the worm does not appear to have any malicious payload other than replicating itself to other devices. Kaspersky believes the worm to have been created by a virus writer pseudonym Vallez, commonly used by virus groups 29a. 29a has been credited with other proof-of-concept viruses before, such as the first macro virus (Cap), the first .NET virus (Donut), and the first virus for 64-bit Windows (Rugrat)....(Continue) Source: infoSync World -
Aytes oi symperifores einai eleines kai atoma ta opoia den sebontai ton anthrwpo pou exoun dipla toys einai kataptysta. De tha tolmousa pote na shkwsw xeri sthn kopela moy.. Osoi to kanoyn einai megaloi alhtes kai nomizoun oti etsi tha deiksoun ton antrismo toys. Dystyxws omws gi aytoys o antrismos den einai ta xastoukia...
Den ennoousa to drive sou, alla ta diskakia pou xrhsimopoieis gia na grapseis. :)
Ayto mallon einai problhma toy mesoy,dhladh toy dvd pou xrhsimopoieis gia na grapseis se ayto - proteinw na dokimaseis me allh marka.
Bghke kai to DirectX 9.0c to opoio bebaia tha perilifthei kai sto SP2 gia ta WinXP. Download
Bghke h ekdosh gia to dwrean kai poly xrhsimo DVD Shrink. Yposthrizei kai DL eggrafh. Download :)