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Everything posted by xrhstos13

  1. Allos ena pou symplhrwse hmoun kai egw.Kalh sou epityxia sthn pryxiakh sou....!
  2. Symfwnw alla ola krinontai apo tous kathightes.Paradeigma to sxoleio mou exei dhmhourghsei poaradosh kai kathe xrono kai oi 3 taksei pane polyhmerh ekdromh.H teleutaia fora pou den phgan htan prin to 2000....Yparxoun kapoioi kathightes pou endiaferontai kai gia tous mathites kai oxi mono gia thn parth tous...
  3. Kai omws den yparxei tetoios nomos.O nomos leei oti dikaiouse 5 peripatous kai 2 monohmeres.To an tha pas polyhmerh krinete apokleistika sto an exeis kathightes pou exoun oreksh na analaboun kapoia programmata polyhmerwn ekdromwn.Auta einai prwtoboulia kathightwn kai h organwsh tous den exei kamia sxesh me thn diauthinsh.Bebaia h dieuthinsh mporei na askhsei beto kai na mhn epitrepsei th telesh ths ekdromhs.Exei ton teleutaio logo xwris na sou prosferei omws tipota parapanw...:)
  4. +1 Parepiptontws na anaferw pws ta paidia ths triths lykeiou tou sxoleiou mas lene na kanoun katalhpsh apo shmera to brady me ta gnwsta aithmata.Bash tou 10 ktl.Pragma pou me briskei antitheto ws ekshs.Na kaneis thn katalhpsh.Alla ti se kanei na pistebeis oti o Karamanlhs kai o kathe Karamanlhs tha gyrisei na koitaksei an kanoun ta paidia tou 3ou lykeiou Sparths katalhpsh.Tsampa mathima tha xasoume.Kai auta tha ta broume mprosta mas otan tha theloume 4hmerh alla tha paroume ta @@ mas kai tha exoun kai dikio na mhn mas pane...
  5. +1.Bebaia egw den antimetopizw to problhma se toso megalo bathmo.Me thn 384 katebaza ta meshmeria me 33-36 kai ta bradakia xtypaga 39-41.Meta thn anabathmish(pou thn phra xampari shmera) katebaza to meshmeri me 81!!:)
  6. Nomizw pws h lysh einai na to apenergopoihseis...
  7. Ti na sou kanw pou den eimai theos, ti parapanw na mporesw kai pws, an thes na pethanw as aksizei o skopos, ti na sou kanw EGW EIMAI AUTOOOOOOOOOOOS Giannhs Ploutarxos.Apla o kalyteros...
  8. Kai omws o Solied ton ekapse.Allwste den mporouse na kanei kai alliws...Blepeis den eixe allo paikth an paiksei sth thesh tou.N a briskete se olo to ghpedo.Otan eleipe o Iero olos o OSFP den blepotan...Den etrexe kaneis sto kentro tou gayrou.Alla to thema mas einai h ethnikh.Mhn pame allo :offtopic:
  9. Re file ti psaxneis na breis twra?O Basinas auth th stigmh einai se kalyterh katastash apo ton stoltidh.O Stoltidhs pleon exei kanei san paixths logw ths mh yparkshs allou paixth na ton boithisei na mazepsei ta asymazeuta sto kentro tou gayrou...
  10. Edw sparth den paizoun tipota yperpolytelh supercars apo polites.Alla apo perastikous exw dei kata kairous mia porche carrera(tou Vaggeli tou Matziou:)),mia maserati,2 ferrari kai telos ena theiko hamer!
  11. Katarxhn mhn anoigeis 2 fores to idio topic.As erthoume sto thema sou.To paixnidi einai polu kalo me fantastika grafika kai yperoxo gameplay...
  12. Ta nea ta mathate?O PSAT me anakoinwsh tou apokalei ybrhsth to Rehagel me aformh tis dhlwseis tou.Parte link:lol:http://www.sportime.gr/football_inside.asp?article_id=31290
  13. Xmm.Nomizw pws einai swsth h erwthsh-parathrhsh sou.O Stathis exei exelixthei se enan apo tous kalyterous stoper olwn ths teleutaias dekaetias(apopsh mou).Alla mhn ksexnas pws prohgeite o mparmpa-Giwrghs(Anatolakhs) alla kai o kyr-Giannhs(Goumas).:lol:
  14. Kai omws file mou an exeis proseksei o Stoltidhs fetos exei kaei.Den ta paei katholou kala kai den exei dynameis.Auto san apotelesma fysika tou oti edw kai 3 xronia einai o monos pou trexei sto kentro tou Olympiakou...Filika
  15. H koryfaia mpyra gia mena einai h Corona extra.Alla logw timhs kapoies fores protimw kai thn Heineken.Oles oi alles einai skoupidia...Apopsh mou.Filika panta..:)
  16. Eisai sigouros gi'auto?Kserw pws etsi htan mexri prin kana 4mhno alla nomizw pws allakse pleon kai pas apeutheias autoforo...Makari na einai opws les bebaia...Kaneis allos gia sigouria?
  17. Extes agorasa ena mhxanaki 50cc kainourio kai den ginotan na to balw sto onoma mou.Kai ithela na rothsw kati allo.Phra tis pinakides,asfaleia ktl.Ola.Alla diplwma bgazw se 1 mhn apo shmera.Opote kykloforhsw eksw kai me stamathsoun ti ginete?Trow mynhsh kai paw meta apo ena xrono sto dikasthrio?Nomizw pws exei allaksei auto.Palia etsi htan.Alla allakse.Kserei kaneis ti leei twra h nomothesia?
  18. Posooooo:blink: :blink: ?Oso skeftomai oti egw to phra 340 eurwpoula mou erxete na skasw...:wacko:
  19. Emena me gohteuei polu to peripoihmeno mali ths kopelas.Kai den mporw na blepw spyria sto proswpo ths opote ena katharo proswpo tha htan ideal...
  20. Filaraki ma thn panagia exw akribws to idio problhma.Kai ksereis pws to psiloantimetopisa?Arxisa na foraw synexws mpokserakia pou na kalyptoun to shmeio auto etsi oste na mhn erxete se epafh to shmeio auto me tipota...!
  21. Oxi kai etsi.AGia na katsei na kanei to xwrofylaka stous tritous prepei na meinei ksagrypnos panw apo to pc peri tis 2-3 meres:D
  22. Ena polu kalo,poiotiko kai oikonomiko mp3 playes exei sta multirama.Einai ena creative to opoio kanei 149 eurw me enswmatomenh mnhmh 2gb kai dynatothta epektashs me kartes flash.Epishs exei othoni 1.5 intswn kai einai dynath h proepiskophsh diaforwn eikonwn se morfh jpeg.Auta:)
  23. Filaraki na prosexeis pws milas ok?Den se prosebale kanenas opote den exeis dikaiwma na prosbaleis kai esy kanenan.To pws skeftete o kathenas einai dikaiwma tou kai esena den sou peftei logos.Esy otan phgaines sxoleio timh sou kai kamari sou pou goustares na kaneis mathima.O kathenas omws exei to dikaiwma na skeftete opws tou aresei.:chair: :rocket: :kill: :protest:
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