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Everything posted by kontax

  1. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Μέχρι πρίν 1 μήνα είχα δεί την μπαταρία στο http://www.cityshop.gr/index.php?target=categories&category_id=1211
  2. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    https://cloud.mail.ru/public/cfs1/uuZYUh1TD 1. Russified all that was possible on the basis of developments on the Rusiko A5.1_v1.1.3; 2. Vycheschena kitayschina; 3. Replace the launcher to version 7.3; 4. The modem is replaced by a version of 1544dev; 5. Chinese browser replaced with Google Chrome; 6. Added video player on s121 (updated to the new version); 7. Ruth and preinstalled franca; 8. Chinese FM Radio zavirusovanoe replaced by normal; 9. Added LenovoMusic; 10. Replaced setup menu calls a version of 1535dev to return harvested manufacturer options; 11. Added base APN settings for operators; 12. Corrected the name and loksrinov; 13. Substitutions all Chinese fonts in the Fonts from the team + added a new font from the row; 14. Country dialing now in Russian, it is not necessary to turn off location; 15. Management Board of host file to block advertising; 16. Upgraded SuperSu, franca; 17. Updated gps.conf (should better find satellites); 18. Unlock the item "Profile" in the sound settings, 19. In Settings / System Applications / Call item was added at the bottom of the "Advanced Settings" where there is a noise reduction settings, and other settings; 20. Fixed Build.prop (will not write in play market that the application is not suitable for the device); 21. We tried a little row for lovers of the region, made ​​clocks active in stock and cut out junk select "Print" settings; 22. Updated to version shareit of Market; 23. For lovers of smart bracelets settings / Security added item SmartLock; 24. Working weather launcher; 25. In the Shutdown menu item added reboot rekaveri; 26. Photos during the call to full screen, go to customize settings \ System Applications \ Call (this connection is not working when the Auto call, you need to press the manual); 27. Updated host file to block advertising; 28. Support init.d and busybox; installation script cleans cache lauchera, dialers and storage of contacts, remove the old weather (if you have it installed), be careful !!!
  3. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    MIUI v7 5.12.31 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/BDK5/Fzgdu5ZaF http://greeshan.ucoz.com/load/roms/lenovo_k3_note/miui_v7_multilanguage_android_5_0/23-1-0-166 1553 DEV https://cloud.mail.ru/public/AnRS/ay3NsG5fD http://greeshan.ucoz.com/news/proshivka_vibeui_3_0_dlja_lenovo_k3_note_versii_1553_dev/2016-01-02-266 Προαιρετικά patches Patch DisableTrottling (Download) - at rehydrating without wipe. Disables limit processor speed when the processor's temperature, after which the game does not slow down. At your own risk !!! Patch EnglishSearchContact (Download) - at rehydrating without wipe. After installing sideband search for contacts becomes English (Russian default). Menu: Contacts - are also becoming more in English (Russian default). Patch NetworkIndicator (Download) - at rehydrating without wipe. After installing the network indicator icons (G, 2G, 3G, 4G, E) in the status bar back (by default I have them removed). Patch SafeCenter (Download) - at rehydrating without wipe this version, if there is an error SafeCenter (SecurityIt).
  4. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://www.needrom.com/download/miui-v7-multilanguage/ http://greeshan.ucoz.com/news/proshivka_miui_v7_dlja_lenovo_k3_note_versii_5_12_24/2015-12-27-261 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/dAnE/y5W4ZQ3mQ Based entirely on official firmware v7 for MIUI Xiaomi Redmi Note 2; Deodex firmware; Removed the online page with the video in the video player Removed the check package signatures The Chinese have removed and replaced the main page in MIUI browser Added Russian language, the translation is approximately 98-99%. Added more languages(25), use my own private repository; Added swipe to the dialer from the lock screen; Added Root rights; Added T9 search in the dialer for the Russian language; Added application access to SD card (removed by default); Added a minimal set of google services (Google Play, sync. contacts); Added ad blocker in Settings – Advanced; Added proxy settings in the settings "developer"; Added additional battery information in the battery settings; Changed Settings – Advanced (removed the spaces and added icons); Fixed themes are downloaded and used paid themes; Replaced the radio. FM Radio without kitayschiny and works; Added settings access point (APN) for almost all operators (Its base settings); Removed all the trash and chinese;
  5. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://www.needrom.com/download/cyanogenmod12-1stable-release-2/#comments https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B7OH1N_rvPDpRDRoUGI3cWJKZ3c&export=download Είμαι εδώ και 48 ώρες με την τελευταία έκδοση cyanogenmod. Εβαλα xposed v79 , gapps , όλα καλά το μόνο που χρειάστηκε να αλλάξω την ελληνική γραμματοσειρά για facebook. Το έκανα μέσω xposed module PerAppFonts. Το bluetooth δείχνει ok, το wifi καλύτερο απο vibeui, GPS έχει και Glonass θα το ελέγξω, 4G δεν έχω δεί ακόμα, μπαταρία αξιοπρεπής.
  6. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://www.needrom.com/download/miuiv7-global-7-0-12-0/ https://yadi.sk/d/hy4d-8bjmSvQ4 http://greeshan.ucoz.com/news/proshivka_miui_v7_stable_global_dlja_lenovo_k3_note_versii_7_0_12_0/2015-12-24-259 updated translation for all languages added set of challenges in the T9 added Root-rights added to Settings – Modules (Xposed). removed a warning with increasing volume of media I replaced the radio. An FM radio and works without kitayschiny added configuration of access points (APN) for almost all operators (Its base configuration) added applications to access the SD card (the default has been removed) Locking added advertising in Settings – Advanced added to the challenges of access to the lock screen (swipe right) removed the check package signatures add additional information to the battery settings Battery I removed the application of official updates for security purposes Added proxy settings for developers for experimental purposes has added an expanded menu reset (There is only normal) 1629 added new icons for applications Added Titanium Backup version 7.3.0 corrected and added new icons in the Settings -Advanced I added to the Settings sub-labels added sound enhancement MaxxAudio. (Settings – Sound and vibration – Sound Enhancer) corrected video recording FULL HD (thanks Gauravtech9) I corrected the LED (not verified) to put all the green in Settings – Indicator (thanks to the SW. Cheshkin) updated kernel (thanks to the SW. Cheshkin) I removed all the trash and kitayschinu​ Install all wipe - Global firmware different from the weekly. If you do not come SMS - open EngeneerMode -> Telephony -> Mobile data service preferred Caution rekaveri put through custom, to the Council through TWRP
  7. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Το έπαθα και εγώ παλαιότερα με αλλαγή ROM. Λύθηκε με Restore προηγούμενου Full Backup ( νά έχεις πάρει NVRAM, PRO INFO, Protect).
  8. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://4pda.ru/pages/go/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fphonedl.ota.lenovomm.com%2Fdls%2Fv6%2FVIBEUI_V3.0_1552_7.382.1_DEV_K50-T5_WC53.zip Και το patch του daradan https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Mg97/uy8pN7XD9 1552 dev WC53: - Init.d (the scripts are executed once at startup of the phone) - Init.d.loop (scripts are executed continuously as complete traversal of all the scripts in a folder in alphabetical order) - SELinux Permissive (information about all actions that violate the current security policy, will be recorded in the log, but the action will not be blocked) - Root_shell (Ruth rights under adb) - Busybox 1.24.1 (a set of Linux utilities console systems) - Sqlite3 (it's cross-platform embedded database that supports a fairly complete set of SQL commands and is available in source code) - Changes platform.xml (full access to a flash drive) - Upgraded hosts from 21.12.2015 (remove advertisements) - Modem 1544dev (last modem without roaming) - The inclusion of "debugging USB" (automatically included) - Remove recovery-from-boot.p / bak (just in case that was not restored stock rekaveri) - Removed the signature verification system files (which can be installed on the system partition are not signed applications) - Open_gapps-arm64-5.1-mini-20151220(which includes a look here, removed googlenow, setupwizard) - SuperSU-Pro-v2.46 (root) - Exfat (support exfat) - Experimentally - Fix aliexpress app (app aliexpress don't opened and downloaded. Fixed) install via TWRP without wipes
  9. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://4pda.ru/pages/go/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcloud.mail.ru%2Fpublic%2FDq3r%2FwupJpDXTZ 1. Russified all that was possible on the basis of developments on the Rusiko A5.1_v1.1.0 2. Vycheschena kitayschina; 3. Replaced launcher to version 7.3; 4. The modem is replaced by the version of 1544dev; 5. Chinese browser replaced by Google Chrome; 6. Added video player on s121 (updated to the new version); 7. Added standard topics of ROW; 8. Ruth and preinstalled franca; 9. Chinese FM Radio zavirusovanoe replaced by normal; 10. Added LenovoMusic; 11. Replaced setup menu calls a version of 1535dev to return harvested manufacturer options; 12. Integrated patch blackout throttling of Tehnik_970 (the game will not slow down); 13. Added base APN settings for operators; 14. Corrected the name and loksrinov; 15. Substitutions all Chinese fonts in the Fonts from the team + added a new font from the row; 16. Country dialing now in Russian, it is not necessary to turn off location; 17. Management Board of host file to block advertising; 18. Upgraded SuperSu, Mail, the camera 19. Updated gps.conf (should better find satellites); 20. Unlock the item "Profile" in the sound settings, 21. In Settings / System Applications / Call item was added at the bottom of the "Advanced Settings" where there is a noise reduction settings, and other settings; 22. Fixed Build.prop (will not write in play market that the application is not suitable for the device); 23. We tried a little row for lovers of the region, made ​​clocks active in stock and cut out junk select "Print" settings
  10. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://www.movilesdualsim.com/tema/s205_visnu_lemonade-18-12-2015.107124/ http://www.mediafire.com/download/8r5e6wjlhaa32tj/S205_VISNU_LEMONADE.zip
  11. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Σύμφωνα με τις δικές του οδηγίες για clean install For firmware I use TWRP Recovery from SevenMaxs and Cheshkin 1. Download the firmware and throw it on the phone 2. Go to Recovery: On the phone off hold down the button: vol up vol down + power + 3. Click Wipe - Advanced and select the wipes are: 1) Cache 2) Dalvik Cache 3) Data then move the slider to the right to start the wipe ... 4. Exit to the main menu (back), choose the Mount and remove the check mark from the System section if necessary. If you do not remove the check mark is likely to get an error in the firmware ... 5. Select Install. 6. Specify the firmware file in the format .zip, swipe to the right start flashing process and look forward to the end. Note, if you are not sure of the proper operation of your SD Card, I advise you to throw off the firmware to the internal memory. 7. Reboot ready.
  12. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Για όσους βολεύονται με τις εκδόσεις του greeshan. http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=659110&st=9980#entry44361628 (post 9994) Εκδοση 1550 DEV http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=659110&st=11700#entry45258984 (POST 11715) https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2Tc6/2Mx6v8hbv
  13. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://4pda.ru/pages/go/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fphonedl.ota.lenovomm.com%2Fdls%2Fv6%2FVIBEUI_V3.0_1551_7.372.1_DEV_K50-T5_WC2C.zip Και το patch του daradan https://cloud.mail.ru/public/78Ky/r7xc1kiX7 1551 dev: - Init.d (the scripts are executed once at startup of the phone) - Init.d.loop (scripts are executed continuously as complete traversal of all the scripts in a folder in alphabetical order) - SELinux Permissive (information about all actions that violate the current security policy, will be recorded in the log, but the action will not be blocked) - Root_shell (Ruth rights under adb) - Busybox 1.24.1 (a set of Linux utilities console systems) - Sqlite3 (it's cross-platform embedded database that supports a fairly complete set of SQL commands and is available in source code) - Changes platform.xml (full access to a flash drive) - Upgraded hosts from 12.15.2015 (remove advertisements) - Modem 1544dev (last modem without roaming) - The inclusion of "debugging USB" (automatically included) - Remove recovery-from-boot.p / bak (just in case that was not restored stock rekaveri) - Removed the signature verification system files (which can be installed on the system partition are not signed applications) - Open_gapps-arm64-5.1-mini-20,151,213 (which includes a look here, removed googlenow, setupwizard) - SuperSU-Pro-v2.46 (root) - Exfat (support exfat) - Experimentally install via TWRP without wipes
  14. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    ναι, κατευθειαν απο recovery εγκαθιστάς τη νέα recovery.
  15. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Αλλαξε έκδοση TWRP. Βάλε την δοκιμασμένη TWRP AtlonX2 Material https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfnRGY2VSSHJJTVppbjJjYUZuaDNXbmxSdXlHOEoxcjRQWk9KMnNSYkJXN1k/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfmVyOWZCZjR6OUZBcTlsaFhVVDF2MlFMQ0Fjc0FQMTlfeUtpRGVFZlgycU0/0B5oTMOqjH0_TflI0Y2hMbFlCNC1HZGY4UVlLN1JmeE5jMk40WFhEcEU3M0N2dndWbEZLdFk?sort=13&direction=a Η να δοκιμάσεις την πολύ νέα TWRP https://yadi.sk/d/lbiJDI3Em9dq7
  16. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Οσες φορές είχα θέμα με την εγκατάσταση νέας ROM έφταιγε του οτι δεν έκανα ΟΛΑ τα απαραίτητα wipes για clean install. Μπορεί και να υπερβάλω αλλά πάντα κάνω πρώτα factory reset, reboot ξανά σε recovery , wipe , advanced wipe και μετά επιλέγω Dalvik Cache, Cache, UserData , Internal Storage (ΟΧΙ external οπου εχω τη νέα ROM) και μετά install τη νέα ROM.
  17. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    https://cloud.mail.ru/public/EVns/ZEQmM9mAs Επισης νέα έκδοση TWRP r6 απο VDT , με την προηγούμενη είχα θέμα με αυτή ισχυρίζονται οτι λύθηκαν. https://yadi.sk/d/lbiJDI3Em9dq7 *Fixes the delay while wiping system,cache,and dalvik cache/ *Fixes bootloop after flashing new ROMs I've tested it and its working flawlessly now! http://i.imgur.com/1IMPlsM.png Και όσοι περιμένουν Android M στο τηλέφωνο τους. http://s4.lefile.cn/data/attachment/forum/201512/12/170923xjfl909c99u6wu29.jpg
  18. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Με ποιά έκδοση TWRP προσπαθείς? Καλύτερα να βάλεις την TWRP Atlon X2 Material https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfnRGY2VSSHJJTVppbjJjYUZuaDNXbmxSdXlHOEoxcjRQWk9KMnNSYkJXN1k/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfmVyOWZCZjR6OUZBcTlsaFhVVDF2MlFMQ0Fjc0FQMTlfeUtpRGVFZlgycU0/0B5oTMOqjH0_TflI0Y2hMbFlCNC1HZGY4UVlLN1JmeE5jMk40WFhEcEU3M0N2dndWbEZLdFk?sort=13&direction=a
  19. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Στη δική μου περίπτωση έκανα εγκατάσταση μέσω TWRP την 1550DEV , έκανα τις αρχικές ρυθμίσεις μετά reboot σε recovery και εγκατάσταση το αρχείο init.d_1550_root_gapp0712.zip . Με τη βοήθεια του Titanium Backup έκανα freeze τις λίγες κινεζιές και είμαι έτοιμος. Το ΟΤΑ δέν ξέρω αν θα δουλέψει , θα το διαπιστώσουμε μόλις βγεί η 1551DEV...
  20. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Για όποιον θέλει άμεσα και γρήγορα να δοκιμάζει τις μανίσιες ROM, χωρίς να μπλέκει με ανεπάλληλα install root gapps sdfix κτλπ. Παίρνουμε την πιό πρόσφατη ROM http://phonedl.ota.lenovomm.com/dls/v6/VIBEUI_V3.0_1550_7.365.1_DEV_K50-T5_WC0A.zip Και παρακολουθούμε τις αναρτήσεις του daradan στο XDA που ετοιμάζει custom boot.img http://forum.xda-developers.com/k3-note/general/organized-thread-lenovo-k3-note-k50-t3158522/page145 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/GJfP/gtn7u83yg 1550 dev: - Init.d (the scripts are executed once at startup of the phone) - Init.d.loop (scripts are executed continuously as complete traversal of all the scripts in a folder in alphabetical order) - SELinux Permissive (information about all actions that violate the current security policy, will be recorded in the log, but the action will not be blocked) - Root_shell (Ruth rights under adb) - Busybox 1.24.1 (a set of Linux utilities console systems) - Sqlite3 (it's cross-platform embedded database that supports a fairly complete set of SQL commands and is available in source code) - Changes platform.xml (full access to a flash drive) - Upgraded hosts (removal of advertisements) - Modem 1544dev (last modem without roaming icon) - The inclusion of "debugging USB" (automatically included) - Remove recovery-from-boot.p / bak (just in case that was not restored stock rekaveri) - Removed the signature verification system files (which can be installed on the system partition are not signed applications) - Open_gapps-arm64-5.1-mini-20151207 - SuperSU-Pro-v2.46 Ετσι με 2 μόλις κινήσεις είμαστε έτοιμοι. Το μόνο που χρειάστηκε να κάνω επιπλέον είναι να παγώσω 3-4 κινεζιές με το Titanium Backup.
  21. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

  22. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Δέν έχει Ελληνικά. Με την MIUI 7 διαπίστωσα θέμα με το bluetooth . Χάνει την σύνδεση με το ρολοι Alcatel Onetouch. Γιαυτό συνεχίζεται ο μαραθώνιος με δοκιμή της ρωσσικής 1549DEV.
  23. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Το απόγευμα η έκδοση που ανέβασε δεν είχε keyboard και έπρεπε να το κάνεις flash απο recovery. Τώρα έχει ίδη ανεβάσει την κανονική με keyboard. Είναι πάρα πολύ καλή και την προτείνω για test drive. Εχω την αίσθηση οτι αναποκρίνεται πιο καλά και απο τις AOSP... ----- προσθήκη μηνύματος 15 λεπτά μετά την υποβολή του προηγούμενου ----- https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8Tp3/1A2sq6Pyn 1549 DEV VIBE Developer Team 1. Russified all that was possible on the basis of developments on the Rusiko A5.1_v1.0.8; 2. Vycheschena kitayschina; 3. Returned launcher with all nastroykmi; 4. The modem is replaced by the version of 1544dev; 5. Chinese browser replaced by a dolphin; 6. Added video player on s121 (because of the fight with Chinese firmware viruses remain without video player, so ...) 7. Added standard topics of ROW; 8. Ruth and preinstalled franca; 9. Chinese FM Radio zavirusovanoe replaced by normal; 10. Added LenovoMusic; 11. Replaced setup menu calls a version of 1535dev to return harvested manufacturer options; 12. Integrated patch blackout throttling of Tehnik_970 (the game will not slow down); 13. Integrated CPU frequency menu for developers from Tehnik_970; (not the fact that the control of the CPU is completely correct, if you do not know what to do and what it just did not touch it); 14. Added base APN settings for operators; 15. Corrected the name and loksrinov; 16. Substitutions all Chinese fonts in the Fonts from the team; 17. Country dialing now in Russian, it is not necessary to turn off location
  24. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    http://www.needrom.com/download/miui-7-5-11-21-ml/#comments Μετά απο την έκδοση απο XDA ας ξαναπροσπαθήσω με τη νέα απο Needrom. Προσοχή θέλει keyboard flash. https://mega.nz/#!55BQWQSQ!GMUF9_IqPtVo6QFnOUh8Q0OnfBoh68Y9Fsip8i5UULQ - Multilanguage (15 language) - Root Supersu - Fixed some libraries - Removed app Chinese - Integrated mini Gapps - Theme manager with download theme paid - Lenovo Camera 5.0 and Lenovo gallery - MIPop - Audio DiracHD +Maxx +V4A for an extraordinary sound
  25. kontax

    Lenovo K3 Note

    Δοκίμασες αυτή τη λύση ? http://forum.xda-developers.com/k3-note/general/tool-lenovo-k3-note-manager-t3261285
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