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Look https://yadi.sk/d/MI-oN6KqptizQ
Επικρατεί σύγχιση με τις εκδόσεις της 1610 ... Πρώτα βγήκε ο Cuoco92 με την 1610 VIBEUI 3.1 Μετά αμέσως βγήκε η αρκετά διαφορετική Official 3.5 Marshmallow 1610_3.40.1 http://www.needrom.com/download/3-5-official-marshamallow-1610/ και τώρα παλεύω να κατεβάσω την πρώτη VIBE 3.5_1610_3.40.1_DEV_K50-T5 ROOT Lite http://www.needrom.com/download/3-5-lite-root-1610-updated/ Πίκρα με την δεύτερη έκδοση lite-root του developer KAKA. Τα έκανε όντως ΚΑΚΑ με το updater-script , δοκιμάζω τώρα την πρώτη... Ολα δουλεύουν κανονικά root.gapps.xposed, ή μόνη απώλεια το Ράδιο. Ενω δείχνει οτι παίζει δεν ακούγεται τίποτις.. Εχουμε και νέα έκδοση TWRP v3.0.0-3 for k3 note https://yadi.sk/d/S-P8nTq6mporY/
Σήμερα έχουμε νέες αφίξεις με την 1609DEV Οι Ρώσοι .. http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=720905&st=20#entry46542038 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8sse/fH1Gj3PmB Οι Ισπανοί ... http://www.movilesdualsim.com/tema/vibeui_v3-1_1609_ltt_lemonade-android-6-0-mm-28-02-2016.105738/ http://www.mediafire.com/download/01z56bt2ojg11j6/VIBEUI_V3.1_1609_LEMONADE.zip
Είμαι μια εβδομάδα με την έκδοση των Ρώσων 1608DEV VDT και όλα καλά. Αν δεν θές να μπλέξεις με root και gapps , τότε βάλε αυτή που τα έχει ίδη. http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=720905&st=20#entry46542038 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/M6GP/3LFdAMAf4 Μέσα στο Σαββατοκύριακο θα βγάλουν και την 1609 .
Εγω έβαλα την official απο XDA xposed-v80-sdk23-arm64.zip μια χαρά.
http://www.needrom.com/download/twrp-3-0-0-2/ Σε .zip για εγκατάσταση μέσω recovery https://mega.nz/#!J5NjSbiZ!l60LT25x8TnE10xM4rc5i8VsSk9eaTscsAlWkbnKhMQ Και σε .img για flasify https://mega.nz/#!Ek8RWLJY!JFKBJkjaUq3Jq2QO4RlwYXPzNjjj86hfGxPvqmuFF7w
https://cloud.mail.ru/public/M6GP/3LFdAMAf4 Fixed a script installation; Sewn Ruth and gappsy; Fixed wireless; Fixed file downloader; Fixed crash hours to row the region; The developer menu embedded engineering menu to unlock the sound profiles; Sewn item "Shumopodalenie" System Applications - Calls; Sewn Smart Lock item in Settings-> Security; Returned home e-mail. It is recommended to install a complete wipe Μέχρι στιγμής όλα ΟΚ. Εβαλα και xposed-v80-sdk23-arm64 .
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5oTMOqjH0_TcHhQcjdSb054ZkE&usp=drive_web#list Δοκιμάζω την 1608MM. Εχει ιδιοτροπίες. Τα Gapps που είναι συμβατά είναι περίεργα http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=65184225&postcount=2800 ΔΕΝ έχω google contacts ... Νεώτερα με τα gapps, http://forum.xda-developers.com/k3-note/general/organized-thread-lenovo-k3-note-k50-t3158522/page306 Και με τα νεώτερα Gapps ΔΕΝ έρχονται τα google contacts. Την ξήλωσα και προχωρώ με την έκδοση 1608 των Rώσων VDT.
https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24411628330025175 Σε ένα zip αρχείο για εγκατάσταση μέσω recovery. Viper4AndroidFX και Dolby Atmos και Sony Music player ΤΖΙΖ Νομίζω οτι μετά απο την εγκατάσταση του αρχείου έχασα τους ήχους κλήσεων ... Η ζημιά έγινε σε μένα με ROM Cyanogen 12.1 στις άλλες ΜΠΟΡΕΙ να παίζει σωστά.... BACKUP πρίν απο κάθε δοκιμή ....
Εάν έχεις πολλές εφαρμογές τότε η λύση είναι Titanium Backup. Μέσω αυτού κάνεις backup όλες τις εφαρμογές σου και μετά με το ίδιο πάλι δημιουργείς ένα update.zip αρχείο. Κάνεις clean install τη νέα ROM μέ όλα τα προβλεπόμενα wipes και μετά πάλι μέσω recovery κάνεις install το update.zip και θα έρθουν όλες οι εφαρμογές σου.
http://www.needrom.com/download/stable-cyanogenmod-12-1-multilingual/ Το menu της Παρασκευής έχει νέα έκδοση cyanogenmod-12.1 Το πιάτο συμπληρώθηκε με BETA-SuperSU-v2.52, open_gapps-arm64-5.1-pico-20160212.zip και xposed-v80-sdk22-arm64.zip Stable CyanogenMod 12.1 multilingual 1. Fixed ussd on both SIM cards 2. Fixed a bug with MTP during the transition "charge only" 3. Fixed value for the size of the battery 4. The default size is 420 DPI 5. Kernel version 3.10.65 Firmware is suitable for daily use Does not work FM radio
http://www.needrom.com/download/vibe-1606-st/ Φρέσκο αλλά αδοκίμαστο ... Κάποιες προσπάθειες http://forum.xda-developers.com/k3-note/general/organized-thread-lenovo-k3-note-k50-t3158522/page293
Εχω 5 ημέρες με αυτή την έκδοση. Είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένος. Απαραίτητη προυπόθεση για την εγκατάσταση να έχεις ενημερωμένη έκδοση TWRP. Εγω είμαι με την TWRP_2.8.7.4_v1.0-LeiShui. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfnRGY2VSSHJJTVppbjJjYUZuaDNXbmxSdXlHOEoxcjRQWk9KMnNSYkJXN1k/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfmVyOWZCZjR6OUZBcTlsaFhVVDF2MlFMQ0Fjc0FQMTlfeUtpRGVFZlgycU0/0B5oTMOqjH0_TflI0Y2hMbFlCNC1HZGY4UVlLN1JmeE5jMk40WFhEcEU3M0N2dndWbEZLdFk?sort=13&direction=a
Και η εκδοχή των VDT για την 1606DEV MM 6.0 https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8GuG/CVwYNQA57 Δείχνει πιό καλή απο του Ιταλού. Για να ενισχύσω τον ήχο έκανα freeze το MaxAudio και έκανα install μέσω recovery DolbyAtmos. Είναι root έχει GApps , ΔΕΝ έχει Ελληνικά.
Το adaway δεν στήνεται στην έκδοση 1605 ΜΜ6 του Cuoco γιατί το έχει βάλει ο ίδιος. Settings - More networks settings - Spam blocker - AdAway. Επίσεις στο more network settings θα βρείτε Reboot settings, Battery calibration, change system font, engineering settings, system app uninstaller
https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AJFivZ5QV-Wx1XM&cid=5805A761F163842B&id=5805A761F163842B!1236&parId=5805A761F163842B!1235&action=locate http://www.needrom.com/download/vibe-ui-3-5-1605-cuocco/ - Rooted - Working gapps - Working FM Radio - Multilanguage - VIBEUI 3.5 Credit : cuocco92 VIBEUI_V3.5_1605_LTT_LEMONADE ANDROID 6.0 MM (31/01/2016) http://www.mediafire.com/download/o4l67fwicw2bdcf/VIBEUI_V3.5_1605_LEMONADE.zip SuperSU by Chainfire gapps 6.0 & arm64 by Google Busybox Lspeed 1.2 AdFree by BigTinCan ES file explorer Dolby Atmos & Xposed Xposed Framework v79 installer by rovo89 App Music without Chinese FM App no Chinese
Εχεις 2 επιλογές, ή κατεβάζεις twrp recovery που το κάνεις install απο το υπάρχον recovery από https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfnRGY2VSSHJJTVppbjJjYUZuaDNXbmxSdXlHOEoxcjRQWk9KMnNSYkJXN1k/0B5oTMOqjH0_TfmVyOWZCZjR6OUZBcTlsaFhVVDF2MlFMQ0Fjc0FQMTlfeUtpRGVFZlgycU0/0B5oTMOqjH0_TflI0Y2hMbFlCNC1HZGY4UVlLN1JmeE5jMk40WFhEcEU3M0N2dndWbEZLdFk?sort=13&direction=a τελευταία έκδοση ή κάνεις εγκατάσταση το flashify (εαν είσαι root) απο το market και μέσω αυτού μπορείς να εγκαταστήσεις recovery σε μορφή .img https://yadi.sk/d/S-P8nTq6mporY/recovery-twrp-
https://cloud.mail.ru/public/GCPv/GUjpKPSnm https://yadi.sk/d/yF9rNxMHnSxdF Υπάρχει κάποιος να δοκιμάσει πρώτος Android 6? http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=659110&st=14060 I managed to install VIBE 3.1 Android 6 Everything is very wet, so clean climb. Recipe Setup I put on the DEV 1604 from VDT without vapov; Open Firmware zip and go along the path META-INF \ com \ google \ android; Open the file updater-script through Notepad ++; Find the line getprop ("ro.product.model") == " Lenovo K50-t5 "|| abort ("This package is for \" Lenovo K50-t5 \ "devices; this is a \" "+ getprop (" ro.product.model ") +" \ "."); and delete it, save files proshviku throws the stick (or internal memory) and sews through TWRP rekaveri without wipe, ready). PS Select the SD card can not be the default, the Running applications run left-rather than central, do not install applications; menu off only one item; We see a new animation, new icons, some notifications curtain; Screenshots: https: // yadi. sk / d / yF9rNxMHnSxdF
https://cloud.mail.ru/public/7q6K/wUKLydTij 1. Russified all that was possible on the basis of developments on the Rusiko A5.1_v1.1.7; 2. Vycheschena kitayschina; 3. Replaced launcher to version 7.3; 4. The modem is replaced by the version of 1544dev; 5. Chinese browser replaced by Google Chrome; 6. Added video player on s121 (updated to the new version); 7. Ruth and preinstalled franca; 8. Chinese FM Radio zavirusovanoe replaced by normal; 9. Added LenovoMusic; 10. Replaced setup menu calls a version of 1535dev to return harvested manufacturer options; 11. Added base APN settings for operators; 12. Corrected the name and loksrinov; 13. Substitutions all Chinese fonts in the Fonts from the team; 14. Country dialing now in Russian, it is not necessary to turn off location; 15. File host left the original; 16. Upgraded franca; 17. Updated gps.conf (should better find satellites); 18. Unlock the item "Profile" in the sound settings, 19. In Settings / System Applications / Call item was added at the bottom of the "Advanced Settings" where there is a noise reduction settings, and other settings; 20. Fixed Build.prop (will not write in play market that the application is not suitable for the device); 21. We tried a little row for lovers of the region, made clocks active in stock and cut out junk select "Print" settings; 22. Updated to version shareit of Market; 23. For lovers of smart bracelets settings / Security added item SmartLock; 24. Working weather launcher; 25. In the Shutdown menu item added reboot rekaveri; 26. To view some of the widgets added styles (do not take the launcher widget and weather widget); 27. Deleted Mail and Game Center, vshili Gmail; 28. Support init.d and busybox; 29. Working in T9 dialer; 30. The developers have added the menu item "Menu Engineering"; 31. They returned and moved home office; 32. We fixed the loader file (no write error document); 33. They cut out in the office. desktop shortcut "Feedback"; 34. Added revival screen volume rocker (disabled by default in build.prop in a row change ro.wake.volume 0 changing to 1; 35. Sew our OTA (Chinese deleted); 36. Returned big picture during the call (written with 0, Auto store Smart and response work); 37. Updated APN base operators; 38. Fixed dialer display in rooms 7 and 8, 39. The installation script is removed clearing the launcher cache and weather; 40. Now, some applications in the firmware can be removed without Root Exploer (If you do not put 1602_V2 DEV to wipe davlika and cache, then do it on this version, otherwise the application may not appear). The firmware throttling is not disabled, disable themselves !!! Who needs to control the frequencies put themselves APC ® No -frills CPU Control installation script cleans cache launcher, dialers and storage of contacts, remove the old weather (if you have it installed), be careful !!
https://yadi.sk/d/S-P8nTq6mporY/ http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=659110&st=13760 18.01.2016 * Updated source twrp c github 16.01.2016 * Fixed translation 15.01.2016 * Updated source twrp c github (now a full-fledged terminal rekaveri appeared! Cm. Screenshot) 11.01.2016 * Fixed problem with bakap (permission denied) 10.01.2016 happy new year! * Updated source twrp c github (many changes) * Fixed problems with the transfer list (setup topics timezone, etc.) * Updated Russian translation * Fixed mount exfat + Sewn full SuperSU (no cap)
https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B5JFX1KT2nauQ0Y2VWladWtrNGs&export=download Για να δούμε .... Μπήκε με Slim_zero_gapps.BETA.5.1.build.0.x-20160115 και BETA-SuperSU-v2.66 Δέν άλλαξα το modem. Βγαίνει το R στη πρώτη SIM αλλά δεν βλέπω να με ενοχλέι κάπου. Οι κινεζιές γίνονται εύκολα disable στον App Manager.
phonedl.ota.lenovomm.com/dls/v6/VIBEUI_V3.0_1603_7.416.1_DEV_K50-T5_WCB43A66EA.zip Και ετοιμαστείτε .. http://att.ydss.cn/attachments/forum/201601/14/162520ncxia86sk3s88ci8.jpeg
Αμα βασίζεται στην official DEV δεν έχει Ελληνικά. Eχει CN/ENG/RU
https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Dbgh/Zj7cAjinR 1. Russified all that was possible on the basis of developments on the Rusiko A5.1_v1.1.4; 2. Vycheschena kitayschina; 3. Replace the launcher to version 7.3; 4. The modem is replaced by a version of 1544dev; 5. China is replaced by the browser Google Chrome; 6. Added video player on s121 (updated to the new version); 7. Ruth and preinstalled franca; 8. Chinese zavirusovanoe FM Radio replaced the normal; 9. Added LenovoMusic; 10. Replace the setup menu calls a version of 1535dev to return harvested manufacturer options; 11. Add the base APN settings for operators; 12. Fixed the name and loksrinov; 13. Replace all Chinese fonts in the Fonts from the team + added 2 new font; 14. Countries dialing now in Russian, it is not necessary to turn off location; 15. The Management Board of host file to block advertising; 16. Upgraded SuperSu, franca; 17. Updated gps.conf (should better find satellites); 18. unlocked item "Profile" option in the sound; 19. In the Settings / System Applications / Call item was added at the bottom of the "Advanced Settings" where there is a noise reduction settings, and other settings; 20. Fixed Build.prop (will not write in play market that the application is not suitable for the device); 21. We have tried a little row for fans in the region, have made active watches in stock and cut out junk select "Print" settings; 22. Updated to version shareit of Market; 23. For lovers of smart bracelets settings / Security added item SmartLock; 24. The Working weather launcher; 25. In the Shutdown menu item added reboot rekaveri; 26. In order to display some widgets are added styles (do not take the launcher widget and weather widget) 27. Updated host file to block advertising; 28. Support init.d and busybox; 29. The T9 dialer; 30. The developer added menu item "Menu Engineering"; 31 returned and moved home office; 32. We fixed the loader file (no write error document); 33. Cut out in the office. desktop shortcut "Feedback"; 34. Added revival screen volume rocker (disabled by default in build.prop in a row change ro.wake.volume 0 changing to 1; The firmware throttling is not disabled, disable themselves !!! Who should control the frequencies put themselves APC ® No-frills CPU Control The installation script cleans cache launcher, dialers and storage of contacts, remove the old weather (if you have it installed), be careful !!!