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manos the greek

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Everything posted by manos the greek

  1. Review: http://www.mobile-review.com/review/nokia-6290.shtml Παιδιά πότε έρχεται το κουκλί; :D :p
  2. Comparative review : HTC S650 (HTC Cavalier) versus Samsung i600: http://msmobiles.com/news.php/5889.html
  3. Άσε φίλε μου, μεγαλύτερη μ@λακία δεν έχω ξαναδεί, να σου βγάζει την κόκκινη μπαταριούλα και να προλαβάινεις να τραβάς 3 φωτογραφίες με φλας.... Απορώ ποιος το σκέφτηκε... :(
  4. http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/9066/2006122511044612xn7.th.jpg Άντε είπα στη γιορτή μου να φτιάξω νέα αλλα δεν μου άρεσε καμία χριστουγεννιάτικη και βρήκα αυτή. :lol: :D
  5. Live Photos: http://www.mrpalm.com/getcontent3.php?tid=398
  6. Review: http://www.mrpalm.com/list3.php?cont_id=504 Φωτογραφίες δλδ :p
  7. Παιδιά τίποτα από το χθεσινό singles? Thanks! :)
  8. Ναι πράγματι υπάρχει στο Πλαίσιο: http://www.plaisio.gr/product.aspx?catalog=10&category=69975716&product=902152 :)
  9. Καλό, αλλά δεν ασχολούμαι με ομάπες φτάνει... :(
  10. Υπάρχει ήδη θέμα για το AnexTEK moboDA 3380: http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=134151&highlight=AnexTEK :)
  11. HTC Arthena spec unveiled! http://www.boygeniusreport.com/uploads/Image/HTCArthena.jpg source:http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2006/12/14/htc-arthena-unveiled/
  12. Παιδιά ψάχνω ένα ντουέτο ψάχνωπου ο άντρας τραγουδάει στα ισπανικά και κάποια στιγμή πετάει κάτι για κορασόν τρεμπουσκέ και η γυναίκα τραγουδάει στα αγγλικά. Ευχαριστώ, Μάνος :)
  13. Των Pet Shop Boys - It's a Sin? Δεν έχει καμία σχέση με το επικίνδυνα σε θέλω...
  14. Ευχαριστώ πολύ anarxaki! You are my Hero :D ΥΣ: Δεν αντέχω άλλη αναμονή μέχρι τις 22... :(
  15. Το ηχείο πως είναι; Ευχαριστώ, Μάνος
  16. Review: http://www.pdagold.com/articles/detail.asp?a=292 http://www.pdagold.com/articles/detail.asp?a=293
  17. Reviews: http://www.bengalboy.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=799&forum=8&post_id=5379#forumpost5379 http://www.modaco.com/Paul-Reviews-The-HTC-P4350-t250337.html
  18. http://www.pbase.com/bengalboy/image/71649072.jpg An upgrade to the HTC Excaliber the upcoming Cavalier with All World 3G support just like the TyTn, Quad-Band with EDGE,,, the S630, looks basically the same cosmetically. However, under the hood it is now sporting a SamSung 300mHz processor, the same one I raved about in the HTC MeTor.... and a 2.0 Mega Pixel camera as found in the current TyTn, Artemis, Trinity and my most recent HTC Herald. The current ExCaliber is my Weapon of Choice as a Road Warrior and the reason I've pronounced the Pocket PC a dead device in my "Road Warriors" comparison review. Idiots like Dave Evans still hold to the Pocket PC out as a superior device, but the HTC S630 will do everything almost that a TyTn will do and will do it in a much smaller and pocketable form factor. http://www.bengalboy.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=815&forum=8&post_id=5369
  19. http://www.pbase.com/bengalboy/image/71642694.jpg http://www.pbase.com/bengalboy/image/71642694.jpg http://www.pbase.com/bengalboy/image/71642693.jpg http://www.pbase.com/bengalboy/image/71642692.jpg HTC Athena specifications. (Subject to Change) • Microsoft Windows Mobile 5 PPC PE • 3.5 inch, QVGA TFT LCD, touch screen • Memory: ROM 256 MB/ RAM 64 MB • AP: Samsung, 400 MHz • Wireless WAN o GSM/GPRS tri-band 900/1800/1900 MHz • Bluetooth • Wireless LAN 802.11 b/g • Camera: 2 mega pixels with macro lens • MiniUSB, USB 1.1 • Expansion: SDIO/MMC The Athena uses a large 3.5 inch QVGA screen for display duties... Thats the "video cam" at top right (Top of the Device) with phone "Call/End" on the middle left "Bottom" of the device. One thing I'm missing ,,,, and would have bet money would be there ,,,,,, is the "Mouse" from the HTC 3600 (Artemis) that seems such a natural piece of hardware for this device. Is the "camera like" hole at the top left (bottom of device) a mouse??? And a detatchable QWERTY board for a better=larger keys (more laptop like) data entry option. While using the same processor found in the current HTC TyTn and offering the same basic hardware found in the current HTC Universal, the Athena, although still very much a Pocket PC OS device,,,,, is clear evidence of the migration from the traditional Pocket PC devices to a larger UMPC form factor. As technology in battery/processor performance improves, watch as this first generation evolves hardware into the upcoming form factor. Soon,,,,,with the SmartPhone edition devices running Windows Mobile, you will see a 2 device household http://www.bengalboy.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=815&forum=8&post_id=5369
  20. Ναι Χριστίνα μου αυτό! Θένκς! Το άλλο του Ηλία; Και ακόμα τα τραγούδια από αυτά το βιντεάκια: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heXPxK1NjLY&mode=related&search= Ευχαριστώ πολύ! :)
  21. Παιδιά πως λένε το τραγούδι που παίζει στη διαφήμιση του Skoda roomster? Thanks! :)
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