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Everything posted by druides
gia ri3e mia matia edw: http://www.crazypc.com/ dn 3erw gia aytokollhta, pantws sxetika me ayto pou psaxneis 8a to vreis.. :)
[Off-topic] Mozilla Firefox - The «Ultimate» thread
druides replied to killing_you2's topic in Internet
:offtopic: adware / spybot s&d / ms antispyware..ayta einai ta top :) -
Vodafone HOME Internet & Double Play
druides replied to KostasV's topic in Σταθερή Τηλεφωνία/DSL/Fiber
ta dokimases ola ta thlefwna e3yphrethshs pelatwn(hol/ote)? oso gia ton ote pou sou lei na ta peis sthn hol, h hol 8a sou pei na ta peis ston pOTE, opote afou apantaei enas stous dyo, vrise ayton kai kati 8a ginei;) -
paw sto site, alla mallon exei ena mikro.. connecton limit.. opote 8a koita3w kapoia allh wra.. ayto to "volume boost" akougetai deleastiko.. mexri na koufa8eis.. kai mia offtopic erwthsh: ayto pou logika ay3anei thn entash, me ti akoustika to xrhsimopoieis? giati me ta akoustika ths apple kai xwris booster mou skane ka8e ligo sto full :p
exontas xrhsimopoihsei oti leigourgiko yparxei (sobaro ennow, ektos BeOS :p), dld OLA ta *bsd, solaris, aix(gia merikes wres), 5-6 dianomes linux, windows apo 1.1 mexri vista, kai diafora alla, exoume kai leme: *bsd > linux > mac os x > mac os > windblows :) ka8ara ypokeimenikh gnwmh, alla exw arketous na me yposthri3oun (elpizw :p).. etsi gia na mhn afhnoume kai thn enhmerwsh pisw, oi serious mac users ypo8etw 8a exoun ypopsh tous thn metabash apo ppc cpu's se intel.. diabaste parakatw : :) http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/1905/img53898rv.png http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/1523/img54117ah.png After having my iMac Core Duo for a day I thought I₼d share some of my experiences. I am not going to go through Quicktime/iTunes/whatever speed tests - that has been done to death already. This is written for the casual Mac user who wants to surf the web, play a few games, and mess around. First boot was fast - and that₼s a major understatement. Booting surprises me every time - I hear the booooong noise, look away for a second and when I look back it₼s sitting at the Desktop waiting for me. It₼s that fast, and on a 1.83GHz model. In normal usage this machine screams - everything is quick and snappy™. As has been said elsewhere, Safari renders pages incredibly fast. I haven₼t run into major problems with Rosetta yet because over the past year I₼ve gradually weaned myself from PowerPC-only applications - Photoshop and Transmit are two that I use. Gaming As the iMac has an impressive graphics card (for a Mac) I decided to try out my favourite games to see how they fared. Quake 3 - the old favourite - runs flawlessly on the iMac, and never drops below the 100fps frame cap (it actually is over 400fps if you remove the cap). Unreal Tournament 2004 runs unbelievably well too, with a normal range being 80-100fps and reaching well over 200fps in some maps. I happened to have the original Unreal Tournament so I tried it in Rosetta - runs smooth as silk - constant 60fps at max res and graphics. Doom 3 also was playable under Rosetta, just about (45+fps, drops to twenties with action). WINE One of the first things I tried when I set up the iMac was to install the latest Darwine and try running Windows applications. The results stunned me. Some games like the windows version of Quake 2 could already run using the software renderer (as OpenGL support was not compiled in). I then tried several of my CDs to see if and how things installed and ran. Discs that come with computer magazines mostly run fine, little apps that one might download from the net should work. Some big apps like Photoshop 6 install and run perfectly (although 7 or higher does not at the moment). It is quite exhilarating and terrifying that you can now run Mac software, PowerPC Mac software, and Windows software all on the same machine. The only things missing are Classic apps... End notes The one major thing I noticed as I was furiously testing all this is that the iMac is completely silent. In fact, I have to turn off everything in the room, including my PowerBook, to even attempt to hear it. This is a huge difference from the G5 iMacs and PowerMacs, and a very welcome one. In all, this iMac is the most incredible machine I₼ve ever used: stunning simplicity and beauty married with the elegance and ease of use of Mac OS, with great gaming performance for a Mac and the ability to run Windows applications. Truly, unless you live in Photoshop 24/7 or Apple₼s pro apps (soon to be Intel native), you should seriously consider one of these machines. http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/8397/quake21ys4kh.png Greetings fly out to Grabberslasher for all the info that is posted right above, which was actually copied from his blog after gaining his permission. More info can be found on his personal web page and on his blog, which can be foung at http://grabberslasher.no-ip.com. posted at myphone.gr by StreamKid
ayth h epilogh sou vgainei logika synexeia.. exei omws kai ena check na mhn stn 3anadei3ei kai na kanei efapa3 mono tou update w/out asking.. profanws kai esy to exeis chekarei kai h kopelia pou ths to dwsa :) file mcde.. ta eixa dokimasei ayta.. eipa loipon na koita3w kai sta sites tou idiou tou podzilla.. vrhka loipon ayto: (to opoio doulepse, dn 3erw an 8a leitourgei kai ayrio, alla malon:)) http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/hpcpqdt/us/download/20306.html gia opoious pi8anon antimetwpizoun/soun paromoio problhma, na to xoun ypopsh tous.. boh8aei! :D:D:D emena to eftia3e! :) pou les sto my computer emfanizotan, alla ka8ws eixan psilo******* oi drivers ths flash, thn evlepe mhn pw pws,, kai gi ayto dn mporouse na thn formarei (afou dn h3ere to size ths).. pantws to proggy ths hp to anagnwrizei katey8eian ws ipod kai mesa se secs einai etoimo! tou varesa kai ena ipod updater meta kai etoimos! eidwmen poso krathsei :)
Έχω ένα iPod Nano 4GB. Πρίν λίγες μέρες το έδωσα σε μια φίλη μου, προκειμένου να αντιγράψει τα τραγούδια που έιχα στον υπολογιστή της. Με το που το σύνδεσε, το iTunes άρχισε να βάζει μέσα τα δικά της τραγούδια. Καθώς δεν το ήθελε αυτό, το αποσύνδεσε χωρίς να σταματήσει το iTunes. Από τότε το iTunes δεν βλέπει πια το iPod. Έχω την αίσθηση ότι έχει προκληθεί κάποιο πρόβλημα στους εσωτερικούς (δηλαδή μέσα στο iPod, στο λειτουργικό της Apple) drivers της flash, γιατί: 1) όταν πάω στις ρυθμίσεις του iPod μου λει capacity 244MB και free space 243GB 2) φαίνεται μεν το iPod στο My Computer, αλλά όταν πάω να το κάνω φορματ μέσω του My computer μου βγάζει unknown capacity. Όταν μπαίνω στα iPod diagnostics, και το βάζω να τσεκάρει την flash, μου την βρίσκει οκ. Έχω απελπιστεί. Μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει. ΥΓ.: Έχω εγκατεστημένη και την τελευταία έκδοση PodZilla, αλλά και αύτη ακόμα έχει γίνει corrupted. ΥΓ.: Έχω δοκιμάσει να το προσπελάσω και με άλλα προγραμματάκια για iPod, όπως το SharePod, AnaPod, CopyPod, αλλά ούτε αυτά έχουν κάνει κάτι. ΥΓ.: Όταν πάω να το κάνω restore, μέσω του iPod Updater, μου βγάζει Can't mount iPod, που σημαίνει ότι δεν το βρίσκει.
antre3e sto manual ths mobo sou... ekei anaferei analytika kai "apokwdikopoihmena" ti shmainoun ta beep;)
eida se ena post sthn prohgoumenh selida oti enw akoma dn exoun vgalei ta vista, programmatizoun ta vienna.. etsi gia tis gnwseis: ta whistler eixan programmatistei peripou thn epoxh anamesa se memphis kai neptune(dld peri to 99) ;) oso gia ta vista na maste kai intopic: http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/6793/omega3kh5ew.th.jpg :)
krima.. :( ok nikoskat eyxaristw poly:)
[Επίσημο] Qtek S100 / imate Jam / MDA compact 2
druides replied to Alexkass's topic in HTC Windows Phones
gia to kleidwma ton fakelwn dn 3erw na sou pw, alla gia to wisbar themes kai genikotera idees gia des ayto: [Wisbar advance 2 thread] http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=86964&highlight=wisbar+advance :) -
Vodafone HOME Internet & Double Play
druides replied to KostasV's topic in Σταθερή Τηλεφωνία/DSL/Fiber
oso na nai ena vrisimataki exei kapoia apotelesmata! gia dokimase to, 2-3 fores kai sto telos 8a katalavoun (hlpize). -
:w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t: oso gia to ple3i glas se sovaro epipedo twra, exei karga hlektrismo.. an kai: ta para8yra twn tt ple3iglas dn einai? alla oxi ekei einai makria apo pcb.. opws kai na xei egw 8a to ftia3w kai as kapsw kai deytero p2 :p (o prwtos phge apo allo logo) :)
Αυτοκίνητα που έχετε δει στο δρόμο (Supercars κ.α.)
druides replied to omikrone3's topic in My Cars and Bikes
dn 3erw ti na sas pw.. h m5 einai 7taxyth.. sto pic opws fainetai einai me 6h sta 270.. me 7h pantws dn phgaine parapanw.. stamatage mono tou.. dn nomizw na exei peiragmeno chip, alla 8a ton rwthsw (ton idiokthth) :) -
Cosmote GPRS/3G/HSDPA: Κάλυψη, υπηρεσίες, χρεώσεις, προβλήματα
druides replied to alexkotsis's topic in Cosmote
to elpizw.. dn 3erw mono ti 8a ginei giati phga thn pempth kai twra 8a 3anapaw thn trith, kai epeidh perase kairos mporei na mou poun oti arghsa na to 8ymh8w klp klp.. 8a doume :) -
an kai eimai offtopic, mporw na rwthsw ti e3oplismos einai aytos? :O :X
etoimos Duke145! :)
profanws dn 8a tryphsw egw to gyali! ;) gia plaka tous exoume tous tzamades? :p eipame outws h allos gia figoura.. edw me enoxloun ta led twn fans sto aplo kai synthritiko xaser, to custom me tosa neon 8a mou spaei ta neyra synexeia :p
krima.. dn exw parei akoma kamia apanthsh stis prohgoumenes apories mou.. krima! mallon kaneis dn 8a 3ere! :( dn peirazei, exw kai allh mia erwthsh: yparxei kapoio app wste na mporw na antistoixiso ringtone kai sta sms gia kapoio contact ektos apo otan me kalei? eyxaristo gia thn pi8anh apanthsh :)
Αυτοκίνητα που έχετε δει στο δρόμο (Supercars κ.α.)
druides replied to omikrone3's topic in My Cars and Bikes
loipon.. fwto apo taxymetro m5, sthn paraliakh (gia osous menoun a8hna, katalavainoun.. sthn odo skotwstra): http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/2373/244wa.th.jpg h aristerh belona ta lei ola ypo8etw.. ;) 270km/h... panw stn kofth dld ;) perimenete kai se ligo kairo video apo mesa diadromh kai paromoies taxythses (pali paraliakh logika)... se ligo thn dinoun anyway kai pane se m6, opote perimenete videaki kai apo ekei :D -
mou thn stelneis kai mena mia se prklw poly? streamkid[at]gmail[dot]com... eyxaristw ek twn proterwn :) alla se xwrio tetoio aytokinhto, mallon spaaaanio! :)
Vodafone HOME Internet & Double Play
druides replied to KostasV's topic in Σταθερή Τηλεφωνία/DSL/Fiber
e ayto einai to akrwn awton.. :p sou rxetai na valeis ta klammata tote.. :p symbian_user gt exeis synde8ei sta 322kbps? :o -
[Επίσημο] Qtek S100 / imate Jam / MDA compact 2
druides replied to Alexkass's topic in HTC Windows Phones
Nosferatu egw to kanw mesa apo ton resco file explorer.. de3i klik, open with... ---> :) hackfree otan les xp emulator fantazomai xp gui.. gia dokimase to wisbar pou mporei me ligo kopo na vgalei paromoio gui, alla kai to eXPierence, to opio exei etoimo xp gui(alla sernetai).. :) -
an les gia mena, dn eimai kypro.. eimai a8hna.. aplws 8a paw 5hmerh me to sxoleio kypro.. larnaka.. elpizw na xei *bucks ekei :D
exei anafer8ei kai parapanw, sto etc sto config file tou net.. :) ok s' ayto ta vrhkame :) nai.. mono pou to teleytaio fhmizetai gia thn litothta tou kai gia ta console-sxetika pou prosferei (px mpainoun mazi tou 2-3 extra shells;)).. oso gia to paradeigma, emeina sthn NY 12 wres sto aerodromio giati kapoios gui-based admin (pi8anon) ekane ******* kai katereyse to net ths olympiakhs.. opws kai na xei dn vasizomai sto paradeigma.. apo google pou 3erw, to gui to xoun gia na paizoun games :p nai.. alla sovaro server sta windows (poso mallon sta xp) dn to 8ewrw logiko.. 3exnas oti mexri prin vgoun ta server 2k3 kai enoso yphrxe olo to 2k server family available, OLOI oi servers ths ms (apo microsoft.com, windowsupdate.com an kai einai pointer allou), hotmail kai msn trexan se fbsd?;)) 2on, to shell pou 8a xrhsimopoihsei kapoios gia na sthsei mysql se win, dn einai to cmd.exe dld h console tn windows, alla ena control panel ths mtsql to opoio APLWS BASIZETAI KAI XRHSIMOPOIEI thn console twn windows, kyriws gia na 3ekinhsei :) merikws symfwnoume.. :) na pou dn symfwnoume: mai kai 8i3ame sound studios, yparxei kai cubase/audition/steinberg add ons/reason (ta kat e3oxhn koryfaia apps gia sound editing/creation) gia linux kai dn to 3era? :confused: dn nomizw.. mporei kai na mai la8os.. yparxei photoshop kai corel gia linux kai epishs dn to 3era? :confused: gia video tools dn 3erw alla dn lew.. symfwnoume kai edw :)