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ρε παιδια οσον αφορα το online εχω το εξης προβλημα.. εδω και δυο μερες μπαινω κανονικα με login (pass κτλ) στους servers και ενω παω να μπω σε loby αυτο ειναι αδυνατον..περιμενω 1-2 λεπτα και βγαζει cant connect ακομη και αν το λομπι εχει 10/100 ατομα μεσα π.χ.. δοκιμασα σε αγλικο και ιταλικο λομπι και τιποτα το ιδιο πραγμα σε ολα θα ειναι.. καμια ιδεα τι μπορει να φταιει γιαυτο?τι πρεπει να κανω για να λυθει? thanx
εδω ας γραφουμε εντυπωσεις σχολια ερωτησεις κλπ σχετικα με το legend of zelda twilight princess για το wii.. βασικα τι να πεις γιαυτο το game..λιγο που ασχοληθηκα σημερα πηγα σε εποχες ocarina of time..ο χειρισμος δειχνει πολυ καλος με το wiimote και γενικα το παιχνιδι ειναι ισως οτι καλυτερο αυτη τη στιγμη.. reviews http://www.gamelife.gr/cPages/reviews.asp?id=242 http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/928519.asp
οχι αυτα νομιζω θα ειναι διαθεσιμα λιγο πριν τα χριστουγεννα..
αυτο το σλογκαν playing is believing ή καπως ετσι πρεπει να ειναι απο τα πιο πετυχημενα στο χωρο του gaming.. πραγματικα πρεπει να παιξεις για να καταλαβεις την αισθηση του wii.. μπραβο στη nintendo που μετα απο καποια χρονια μιζεριας επιστρεφει στην πρωτη θεση(γιατι μαλλον εκπληξη θα ειναι να μη βγει πρωτο το wii..) δινοντας το πιο καινοτομο συστημα τα τελευταια χρονια..;)
Εντυπωσεις απο wii.. με μια λεξη εξαιρετικο.. με δυο λεξεις μοναδικη αισθηση... δεν το περιμενα τοσο καλο..παιζοντας λιγο wii sports ειναι πραγματικα ενυπωσιακο..η αποκριση του wii mote στην οθονη ειναι αψογη και πραγματικα το συστημα ειναι πολλα υποσχομενο...:D
400.000 Wii σε μια μέρα για την Ιαπωνία Δημοσιεύτηκε: 4/12/2006 Platform: Nintendo Wii Ξεπούλημα του συστήματος στην Ανατολή, την Παρασκευή ολοκληρώνεται με την Ευρώπη ο κύκλος του παγκόσμιου λανσαρίσματος Όπως και στην περίπτωση του Playstation 3, το λανσάρισμα του Wii στην Ιαπωνία στις 2 Δεκεμβρίου συγκέντρωσε χιλιάδες πολίτες στους δρόμους για την αγορά της νέας κονσόλας της Nintendo, παρά τα συγκριτικά μεγαλύτερα αποθέματα από το σύστημα της επόμενης γενιάς της Sony. Το δίκτυο Nikkey Interactive ανέφερε χθες πως ολόκληρη η προμήθεια των 400.000 Wii εξαντλήθηκε από την πρώτη ημέρα κυκλοφορίας, με τη Nintendo να είναι έτοιμη να εφοδιάσει σε τακτικά διαστήματα τις εμπορικές αλυσίδες με επιπλέον 600.000 μηχανήματα μέσα στις γιορτές. Σκυτάλη πλέον παίρνει η Ευρώπη, ή οποία θα δει το σύστημα την ερχόμενη Παρασκευή. Οι Έλληνες gamer οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να έρθουν σε επαφή με την νέα κονσόλα πριν ή μετά την κυκλοφορία της θα χαρούν να μάθουν πως μια σειρά από event διοργανώνονται για τις επόμενες ημέρες με συνεργασία της επίσημης αντιπροσωπείας και εμπορικών καταστημάτων, στην Αθήνα, τη Θεσσαλονίκη και το Βόλο. Wii κυριοι..;) :D
wii promotional video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV6hGvAYVAY&eurl= drunk girls playing wii..:lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyhmStPbGDE
κι εγω το ιδιο νιωθω..δεξια επιτιθεμαι πιο ανετα..:lol: :p στο online υπαρχει και competition mode τουρνουα δηλαδη με συγκεκριμενο αριθμο παιχνιδιων και βαθμολογια..
Wii Sells Over 600,000 In Eight Days! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by Fierce_Link - Nov 27th 2006 23:53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A rate of nearly one per second continuously since the Nov. 19 launch. Finally, Nintendo are starting to reveal initial launch figures for the Wii, since its release in America. With sales of over 600,000 in Eight days, the console has been met with huge acclaim. Titles such as Zelda have brought back old gamers to Nintendo, while WiiSports has also enabled new gamers to play this system. REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 27, 2006 - Built on a foundation of pure fun, Nintendo’s new Wii™ video game system sold through to more than 600,000 consumers in the Americas in just its first eight days of availability. That’s a rate of nearly one per second continuously since the Nov. 19 launch. Including just first-party software and accessory sales, Wii instantly has become a $190 million business in the Americas. During the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend, there was plenty of conversation across the nation about the high demand for the Wii system, with the acknowledgment that if you see one, you’d better buy it. “Even with sales already in excess of 600,000 units, demand continues to exceed supply, as it’s clear this is one of the ‘gotta-have’ products for the holiday season,” says Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. “We’ve shipped retailers several times the amount of hardware the other company was able to deliver for its launch around the same time - and we still sold out. Given the inclusive nature of Wii game play, we’re seeing this new form of video gaming is already a huge hit with gamers and newcomers alike. It continues to be a phenomenal launch.” The system also is succeeding in its stated mission of reinvigorating current players, while attracting new ones. Every Wii system includes the five-game Wii Sports™ software, which is the talk of the Internet, featuring countless reports on how previously devout non-gamers have suddenly been converted via the amazing new way games are experienced using the system’s remarkable controller. At the same time, the masterful The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess, a favorite of avid gamers, already has achieved sales of more than 454,000 units in the Americas, representing more than 75 percent of all hardware purchasers. Licensees, pleased not only with the sales performance of the Wii, but also its creative development capabilities, are publicly sharing their comments: “Madden NFL 07 is a great example of how the Wii gives players a whole new experience on their favorite games,” says EA Studio President Paul Lee. “EA’s creative teams are working to build more Wii features into some of our most popular franchises.” “The creativity we’ve been able to unleash on the Wii system with our game Red Steel has been eye-opening for our development teams,” explains Ubisoft President Laurent Detoc. “Having the opportunity to design and develop entirely new game-play experiences using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk is both exciting and rewarding.” Classic games also are proving to be a hit on Wii, which offers downloadable access to 20 years of the best of Nintendo®, Sega Genesis® and TurboGrafx16™ hits via the system’s Virtual Console™ feature.
Μπα το πηρε αποφαση?:lol: λεω και γω πως και εβαλαν τη σειρα τεταρτη ημερα champions league...ηρωικη εξοδος μιλαμε.. και αντε τωρα να διαλεξεις μεταξυ των αγωνων του champions league, δηλαδη ενος απο τα πραγματικα ελαχιστα προγραμματα που αξιζουν na δει κανεις στη δυσμοιρη greek tv και της σειρας του παπακαλια που αν μη τι αλλο ανεβαζει το επιπεδο σε σχεση με κατι αλλες οσον αφορα το ποσο προσεγμενη ειναι απο σκηνοθετικης πλευρας κυριως.. μπα τωρα που το σκεφτομαι κανενα διλλημα σιγα μη χασω το θεαμα του c.l για να φαω στη μαπα τη μουρη του παπακαλιατη..:p :lol: ετσι κι αλλιως τα εκτος εδρας του οσφπ προσφερουν ασυγκριτα πλουσιοτερο θεαμα..:lol: :D οχι σοβαρα τωρα το πολυ μελο εχει κουρασει πολυ ακομα και το σκληροπυρηνικο κοινο του χριστοφορου..καλυτερα να το ριξει στην κωμωδια μπορει να βγαλει αρκετο γελιο..(δεν το λεω ειρωνικα:happy: )
μην το σκεφτεσαι.. δουλευει μια χαρα πλεον και εχει και πολλες επιλογες..
για μενα πλεον θα ειναι εκπληξη αν το wii χασει την πρωτη θεση στην κοντρα με ps3 και xbox360... το hype το ενδιαφερον του κοσμου και τα θετικα σχολια συν την απιστευτη πορεια του ds που βασιστηκε στην ιδια συνταγη με το wii(επαναστατικο gameplay)νομιζω εχουν κρινει τη μαχη υπερ του wii πριν καν αρχισει..αποψη μου βεβαια..μπορει να πεσω τελειως εξω..
Wii In The USA! http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9787 wii already outsell ps3!! PS3 Sales - 251,803 Wii Sales - 326,017 http://nexgenwars.com/ WiiCade To Launch Alongside US Wii http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9785 WiiConnect24 Is Running http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9784 Cool Little Metroid Prime 3 Trailer http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9782
το Zelda twilight princess απ οτι φαινεται ειναι το καλυτερο game ολων των εποχων..συμφωνα τουλαχιστον με τα πρωτα reviews που παιρνει.. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/928519.asp zelda 100% http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=742234 http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=743120 και αλλα reviews απο τα πρωτα wii games.. excite truck http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=743202 trauma center http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=743304 wii sports http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=742845 call of duty 3 http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=743105 marvel ultimate alliance http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=743108 tony hawk http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/launchreview.asp?reviewid=743182
Δεν πηγαινε που δεν πηγαινε καλα το δυο μερες μονο το βαλαν και τεταρτη τωρα.. χειροτερη μερα δε γινοταν..ημερα champions league..ακλαυτο θα παει..:p
Wii Manual-Loads os info!!! http://www.wii-x2.com/index.php?id=340 Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Minisite http://www.atlus.com/tcso/ Bandai Namco On Wii http://www.wii-x2.com/index.php?id=337 Excite Truck - Custom Soundtrack http://www.wii-x2.com/index.php?id=336 Bust-A-Move Bash! - Details http://www.wii-x2.com/index.php?id=335 Zelda-videos!!! http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/vids_1.html call of duty videos http://media.wii.ign.com/media/815/815492/vids_1.html wii game trailers http://media.wii.ign.com/articles/743/743877/vids_1.html Wii Interface Video Clip http://media.wii.ign.com/articles/745/745492/vids_1.html Top 10 Nintendo Wii Games http://wii.ign.com/articles/745/745392p1.html Wii Box Art http://wii.ign.com/articles/735/735577p1.html Wii Commercial Compilation http://media.wii.ign.com/articles/745/745178/vids_1.html Wii roadshow in Dublin http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9760 wii console me dvd dynatothtes http://www.gamelife.gr/cPages/news.asp?id=796 Sega's 2006 Virtual Console Line-Up! http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9755
Βασικα αυτο που εχω καταλαβει για την αμυνα στο 6 ειναι οτι δεν πρεπει να πιεζεις σ ολο το γηπεδο τον αντιπαλο...ειναι τελειωσ ανωφελο γιατι ειδικα αν προκειται για καλο παιχτη θα σε περασει ευκολα και πισω θα εισαι εκτεθιμενος.. οποτε παροτι παραμενει πολυ δυσκολο να αμυνθεις σωστα καλο ειναι να περιμενεις πισω απο τη σεντρα και να αρχισεις το πρεσινγκ απο εκει..ετσι κλεβεις μπαλα και βγαινεις γρηγορα στην επιθεση..:D :p καλυτερο συστημα για μενα το..4-5-1..:D
το 4 νομιζω κι εγω παραμενει το κορυφαιο pes.. ειναι πολυ δυσκολο στο 6 να παιξεις καλη αμυνα..
pes 6 online..poles epiloges kai pleon trexei apsoga
οι servers της κοναμι εχουν φτιαξει και το online παιζει αψογα πλεον...
Διαφημιστικο red steel wii -δειτε το..!! http://www.wii-x2.com/index.php?id=332 Wii To Feature Predictive Text http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9729 Far Cry Wii Trailer http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9725 THQ Have High Hopes For Wii http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=9720
Επισημα οι τιτλοι λανσαρισματος στις 8 δεκεμβριου!!!!! - Wii Sports Bundle (Περιλαμβάνει την κονσόλα Wii και τα Wii Sports - Tennis, Golf, Boxing, Baseball και Bowling) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Wii Play (περιλαμβάνει Wii Remote) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Call of Duty® 3 (Activision) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - MarvelTM: Ultimate AllianceTM (Activision) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Tony Hawk's Downhill JamTM(Activision) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Madden NFL 07 (EA) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Need For SpeedTM Carbon (EA) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Happy FeetTM (Midway Games) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Rampage: Total Destruction (Midway Games) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Super Monkey BallTM: Banana Blitz (Sega) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Gottlieb Pinball Classics (System 3) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Super Fruit Fall (System 3) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Disney/ Pixar Cars (THQ) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Barnyard (THQ) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (THQ) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Blazing Angels Squadrons of WW II (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Far Cry Vengeance (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - GT Pro Series (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Monster 4x4 World Circuit (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Open Season (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Rayman Raving Rabbids (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Red Steel (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent (Ubisoft) 8 ΔΕΚ 2006 - Impossible Mission (System 3) ΔΕΚ 2006 - Leaderboard Golf (System 3) ΔΕΚ 2006 - Tennis Masters (System 3) ΔΕΚ 2006 http://www.nintendo.gr/news/showmediano.asp?arid=806
ειπαμε υπομονη θα σε πεταξει εκτος αγωνα αρκετες φορες..οι servers της κοναμι ειναι σε κακη κατασταση προς το παρον..ολοι γιαυτο μιλανε εκει μεσα.. εγω συνηθως ειμαι στο english pc 2 ή 3 με nick eurochampion.. αν θες να μπεις στο group νομιζω μπορεις και απο το recruitment η καπως ετσι..
Πριν πας να μπεις απο το παιχνιδι κανε user registration..δινεις απλα το σειριακο και ενα pass της επιλογης σου που το βαζεις παντα οταν πας να μπεις απο το παιχνιδι(network).. προσεξε ομως το pass να ειναι οπως το εχεις δηλωσει(αν το δηλωσες με μικρα πρεπει να το γραψεις παλι με μικρα..) και αν εισαι και καλο παιχτακι εχω κανει ενα group(ομαδα μεχρι 30 παιχτες οπυ παιζουμε με αλλα group σε ματς 2vs2 και κερδιζουμε ποντους με σκοπο την πρωτια!!)με τον ονομα the heroes..αν θελεις κανεις join! καλες online κοντρες και υπομονη με τους servers μεχρι να φτιαξουν..
ΔΕΙΤΕ ΤΙΣ ΕΝΤΥΠΩΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΠΟΙΟΥ ΠΟΥ ΕΠΑΙΞΕ Wii!!!! DS-x2 (and thus Wii-x2 too) got invited to Nintendo's to play-test the Wii console. Head inside to read about our findings. Late last week, DS-x2 got invited at Nintendo BeNeLux's (that's Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg) headquarters to try out the upcoming Wii console and five titles from its launch line-up. Of course we couldn't let a chance like that slip away and thus I (Dennis) head off towards my local Nintendo HQ. At Nintendo, I got informed that the taking of video footage and/or photo's of the different games or console was strictly forbidden. So what can I bring you? Hands-on reports on each of the five titles (Wii Sports, Wii Play,Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Elebits and Zelda: Twilight Princess). Gaming from Dennis' point of view Although I've been around the Nintendo gaming scene since the introduction of the NES in Europe, I don't consider myself as a console-fan. With the Super NES, the amount of buttons on the controllers started to scare me. The Nintendo 64 made it worse by adding even more buttons for me to figure out and the GameCube made it insane with two sticks, a D-pad and a handload of buttons over the entire controller. Hence why I've always sticked to the trusty Game Boy (Color), Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. My sole reason to try out the Wii was to find out whether or not Nintendo would succeed bringing gamers like myself a reason to return to their console. Nintendo makes plying the Wii look easy, but is it indeed suited for someone not really comfortable with the latest trends in videogaming? Today we'll start with the first title: Wii Sports. Wii Sports The first title to try out as Wii Sports, the game packed with (at least) the European console. This title includes five different sports to get you familiar with your wiimote. Tennis First up was Tennis. Tennis brings you a 2 vs 2 match on the tennis-court. The Wii will take care of all the running for you, your sole task is to swing the wiimote to hit the ball. Perhaps a bit unneccessary to say, but Tennis does require a load of room. Swinging the wiimote is one thing, but when the Wii also takes your speed of swinging in account, it'll be hard to play this near a wall or another person. Perhaps that was the reason why the Nintendo supervisors warned me about hittng the wall with the wiimote. Apparently my predecessors found out about a new way to open up the wiimote, involving said wall. Tennis played nicely, although it gets boring after a few rounds. Once you and your opponent(s) get the hang of it, rounds can last quite long. When my opponent also found out that by simply twisting the wiimote in the air he could return every ball I hit at him, the game became quite boring actually. Also, due to the fact that the Wii will take care of the running, I was having the feeling I was playing a more intense tabletennis match. Baseball Second sport: Baseball. Now this was more like it. One player pitches, the other hits the ball as far as possible. The pitcher has to use the wiimote as a baseball-ball itself. Hold the wiimote in your hand and make a throwing gesture at the screen. Make sure you always use the handstrap supplied with the wiimote, as you don't want both your television set and wiimote destroyed. By holding either the A or Z button on the wiimote, players can also chose to throw fastballs or curveballs at their opponent. The wii will also measure the speed of your gesture, and determine by that how fast the ball will go on the screen. Although the Wii does not allow you to choose where to throw the ball, the pitcher does get a nice feeling of actually throwing the ball. The batter on the other hand, has a slightly more difficult task. Making a swinging gesture, he can control the bat his Mii is holding. After a few batting rounds, I noticed that I actually started standing like a real baseball-player: bending the legs slightly, standing sideways towards the pitcher on the screen and holding the wiimote with two hands. While it was proven to me that hitting the ball is not that hard one you get the timing right, hitting the ball right proved to be more difficult. Out of the approximately 50 times I tried hitting the ball, I missed three times, hit four homeruns, and threw in about 35 foul balls. Nonetheless a nice game to play. Bowling Next up: Bowling. At the time I was ready to play this game, some colleagues from CubeZone.nl entered the room ad joined the game. Bowling should be a game everyone can play. What's so hard about rolling a ball down a straight line, one might ask. The truth is less nice. The question asked should be: how do people get to roll a ball even slower than when trying to blow the ball forwards? Bowling proved to be a fun game in which players get to make a rolling gesture to throw the ball. By holding down the A-button, the Wii knows you're about to make a rolling gesture. Next up is actually making the rolling gesture where you should pay attention to the speed and curving of your motion, as the Wii will take both in account for determining the speed, direction and spin on your ball. One more small detail is that one must release the A-button when the Mii is supposed to release the ball. Unfortunately this was not something everyone could handle during their first Wii-experience. Nonetheless, Bowling appeared to be a nice party game. Players take turns, which makes the amount of empty space in your living room a bit more appealing. Just like with real-life bowling, the other players will most likely constantly give you advice on how you should roll that bowlingball and tell you exactly what you're doing wrong. Instant party-fun. Golf Golf was fourth. Golf proved to be the hardest of all. As with Bowling, Golf takes both speed and curving of the wiimote in account when calculatig your shot. A the Wii will take care of aiming the ball straight at the hole, it's very important not to put any spin on the ball (although it could come in handy when there's a bunker between you and the flag). Actually hitting the ball right can be very hard. At first you have to hold the A-button on the wiimote to make your character step up to the ball. Remembering to hold that button throughout the entire swing proved to be a bit hard after just playing Bowling, where you had to release the button just before the end of your gesture. The result? Hitting air for about 5 times before you finally hit the ball. And that's it, you hit the ball. Hit it either a gazillion miles further than you expected, see the ball drop 20 inches from the point you started or find out that you made a curve so strong, you can see the ball go straight at the bunker which was left of the hole. Golf was nice to try, but after playing one hole filled with bunkers and chip-ins with twice the strenght they needed, all of the participants decided it was time to move on to the next game... Boxing And finally the fifth Wii Sport: Boxing. Basically, this is the classic game Punch-Out using your own two hands. Blocking, hitting, jabbing, avoiding punches, all is done by using the wiimote and nunchuk controller simultaneous. Boxing was, in my humble opinion, the hardest to follow. It wasn't that clear whether I actually hit my opponent, got hit or whether we were hitting air. You're too much busy trying to follow the movement of your opponent, see you opponent himself hitting air a few feet next to where you're standing (and trying to avoid those real-life punches at the same time) and trying to throw in some punches of yourself too at the same time. Because the game is really intense and keeps you moving constantly, Boxing did prove to be a great workout. Both me and my opponent started sweating within the first round (and no, we're not chubby or geeky gamers who never play any real sports!). Boxing would not be my favorite Wii Sport, but nonetheless I'm happy that the game is included. Overall Wii Sports proves to be a nice demonstration for what the Wii can do with the wiimote. Unfortunately there were a few cons I do want to share. First of all, the wiimote sensitivity did not to prove to be perfect in this title (other titles proved to me that it differs per game). At some points, such as the menu, the wiimote does not exactly follow your moves, is lagging a bit or simply choppy. On the other hand, in the game itself this is hard to notice and does not really stand in the way of your gaming experience. Secondly, Wii Sports requires you to live in a castle. Most of the game can hardly played from your livingroom couch (try playing boxing from the couch) and need you to stand straight just because of the amount of room you need for your gestures. While this will most likely not be the biggest problem when playing a single-player game, playing with three friends will! Unless you're fine with being hit all the time by your opponents, you will need a fair share of room (say, two square meters per person) But enough with the cons. Wii Sports proved to me that the Wii does invite me to play more. My controller problems with the current (and previous) generation of consoles seems to vanish with the wiimote and nunchuk, although I only got to use the nunchuk once (during bowling). Playing Wii Sports triggered my interest for the new gaming experience, as did the Nintendo DS. I can't say I've been more excited about a console before. Questions Of course I can't cover every single issue, but I'm willing to answer every question you may have on the games and/or gaming experience. So if you still have questions, please submit them using our contact-forms and I'll try to answer them a.s.a.p. Next time, I'll try to discuss WarioWare: Smooth Moves.