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Everything posted by SuRfer

  1. Τελικά, σου απάντησαν στο e-mail? Σε ποια διεύθυνση έστειλες το μήνυμά σου? Access στο cc της Vivodi από το εξωτερικό (USA) έχεις, καλώντας: 011302117503777 Σε περίπτωση που ο carrier σου δεν μπορεί να σε "συνδέσει" με το 211, κάλεσε: 011302108893777
  2. Ναι... ΔΕ ρωτάω που βρίσκεσαι εσύ! :wacko: Ρωτάω το ΤΕΚ του ΟΤΕ που βρίσκεται! ΝΟΜΙΖΩ είναι κάπου εκεί... 28ης Οκτωβρίου & Δελφών - στη Eurobank κοντά? Θυμάσαι?
  3. ΜΗ ΦΩΝΑΖΕΤΕ!!!! ΤΑ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΑ :!: :whistle: :whistle: Θεσσαλονίκη έχει ήδη 2 κόμβους... το Δίκτυο επεκτείνεται... Το κέντρο σου είναι κοντά στη Δελφών και 28ης Οκτωβρίου? Κοντά στη Eurobank??? :confused: Για να δούμε... ;)
  4. μουχαχα! KAMIA ΣΧΕΣΗ! :D ...ΑΦΟΡΑ ΤΗ VIVODI ΚΑΙ ΟΧΙ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΕΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΕΣ... Περισσότερα, αύριο στο myPhone.gr :cool: Το νέο για το οποίο μιλάς θα το βρεις και εδώ: http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?threadid=36274
  5. OK! Nέο Φάληρο είσαι. Το σημείωσα... :)
  6. http://homepages.pathfinder.gr/vodafone/vivodi04.gif Θα στρώσει το ping - Θα στρώσει... ΠΟΛΥ πιο σύντομα από το θέμα με τις οπτικές... ;)
  7. ΕΡΧΕΤΑΙ κατά το Νοέμβρη και ένα νέο exclusive Vodafone live! Sony-Ericsson 3G handset... ενώ και η Motorola ετοιμάζεται! :D
  8. "Let's dance": Vodafone MusicDownloads enable you to download full-length songs onto your mobile phone or PC! :cool: -Download full-length songs in MP3 quality -Goodbye walkman, hello Siemens SX1 mobile phone with stereo headphones for perfect mobile music enjoyment -Store up to 40 of your favourite songs and take them with you wherever you go Düsseldorf: The Walkman and Discman have been replaced by the new trend of mobile phones as mobile music players! Vodafone's new service for the mobile music market, Vodafone MusicDownloads, lets you listen to the top chart hits on your mobile phone. Users can download full-length songs onto their mobile phones in MP3 quality for a one-off charge of EUR 1.99. There are no connection charges for the download. At the same time, they can also download their favourite songs onto a PC and burn them on CD-ROMs. Initially, Vodafone customers will be able to use the mobile "Music Shop" with the first Vodafone music mobile phone, the Siemens SX1. Further music phones will then be added to the range this autumn. ;) Whether you're out jogging, on the beach, on the way to work or in the company of friends: Vodafone MusicDownloads enables music fans to listen to their favourite chart hits without the need for an additional music player. In addition to storing personalised collections of songs on their mobile phones, users can spontaneously check out, download and play the latest hits to their heart's content. The download process is very brief and simple: the Vodafone MusicPlayer starts playing the song after only around 30 seconds, while the data continues downloading in the background. Ten of thousands of songs of all music genres are already available for download - from rock through pop, hiphop, dancefloor and the hits of the 70s, 80s and 90s to the brand new top ten hits or classic film soundtracks. Music is downloaded onto the mobile phone either via the Vodafone live! portal or via the Internet at http://www.vodafone.de/music. If customers choose to download the songs via the mobile phone portal, all they have to do is select "Downloads" in the Vodafone live! menu, and then click on the "MusicDownloads" section. It costs EUR1.99 to download one song and there are no connection charges for the download. In the near future, it will not only be possible to download individual songs, but also to subscribe to a low-cost MusicDownloads service. ;) The songs of the new mobile music service have excellent MP3 sound quality and easily rival that of the Walkman, CD players and Co. They can also be stored in WMA (Windows-Media-Audio) format on PC or laptop. From there, the downloaded songs can be burned once onto a CD-ROM at no additional cost for home or car stereo listening. The Siemens SX1 music all-rounder Vodafone has chosen the Siemens SX1 'music specialist' as the first mobile phone to take advantage of the new service. Like any other portable music player, the Vodafone MusicPlayer can be switched on at the touch of a button. The Vodafone live! portal can be initiated just as quickly to download further new songs. The Siemens SX1 has a stereo headset for interruption-free music enjoyment. The external 32 MB MMC memory card that is supplied with the phone can accommodate up to 40 songs; and, if that's not enough, storage capacity can be extended with an extra memory card to 512 MB.
  9. Επειδή συνεχώς παραπονιέστε - γι' αυτά τα δύο θέματα... έως τέλη Σεπτέμβρη θα έχουν διευθετηθεί! :p
  10. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Kalese 13880 kai dilose endiaferon - DSLnet apo Vivodi! Zita na simiosoun ton til/ko sou arithmo, oste na se enimerosoun otan tha iparxei komvos stin perioxi sou. Osoi, episis, endiafereste kaleste 13880, eno parallila grapste kai edo (sto forum) ta 3 prota psifia tou til/kou sas arithmou... p.x. 210815XXXX na ta vlepo :whistle: & tha sas enimeroso amesa, otan matho kati - komvos stin perioxi sas! ;)
  11. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Thimaste auto to epanastatiko pou tha ferei i Vivodi kai tha kanei patago? Sas eixa pei oti tha erthei meta to peras tou trial? :p Erxetai POLU PIO SINTOMA! KAI modem KAI fthines kliseis sto VoIP KAI... SE 48 ORES EMEINAN, GIA NA DOUME! ;) H Vivodi mas akouei kai ilopoiei! :D Apokleistika & gia proti fora sta dedomena tis statheris til/nias! :p ERXONTAI & alla apo Septemvri! :D Gia na doume... ;) Simera ksekinisan kai oi TV diafimiseis - Vivodi DSLnet!
  12. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Opoios valei adsl meso vivodi (shared 'H full), DE tha xasei! ;) Etoimasteite! ...ERXETAI ekpliksi! KAI dorean moden KAI fthines kliseis meso Voice Over DSL KAI... Se liges meres, tha deite! :D :D Auto to diktio mas akouei! :D To zitisate i Vivodi to ilopoiei gia esas! :p Prota edo, sto myPhone.gr! :D Vivodi DSLnet!
  13. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) distixon afti akrivos ine i sigekrimeni ipiresia... :blink: prepi na xreothi kai o allos gia soy erthi enimerotiko sms gia tin klisi! etsi toulaxiston moy ipe i kopela apo to tmima eksipiretisis pelaton. sixaritiria lipon stin vodafone gia aftin ti telios mala_ia ipiresia pou mas prosferi :down: :down: poy kai kata tin gnomi mou ine kai entelos axristi ... :down: epitelus as ksipnisun meriki eki stin vodafone :zzz: kai na vgalun kamia ipiresia tis prokopis giati tous vlepo sto telos etsi opos pane na aftoktonun apo moni tous!!! Upervoles! Tha to diorthosoun kapoia stigmi! :) Vasika, i ipiresia einai pliris mesa apo to menu tou til/ti. Na poume prota ena mpravo pou parexoun ena (+) se sxesi me tis Cote kai TIM kai meta na fonaksoume na diorthosoun auti tin ateleia! :p OK, den einai ateleia - de mas dieukolinei auto to sistima kai ti Voda den ti simferei vasika, afou den eidopoioume sxetika me tis xamenes kliseis, epomenos I won't call the missed call. Tha perimenoume. :)
  14. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) xixixi! MHN anisixeite! ;) Ta stelexi tis Voda ergazontai me ipeuthinotiata & meraki gia o,ti kalitero! :p DEN exoume dei tpt akoma! To wap2.0 tha parameinei alla to VF live! oi plirofories lene oti tha kanei to thauma tou! :D Gia na doume.. polla akouo & tpt de vlepo. To mono pou me xalaei meta apo osa exo mathei einai to speed tou live! Prepei na vrethei kapoia sosti "methodos" fast browsing through GPRS. OK, to UMTS... Alla pote tha einai Globally etoimes oi "ekplikseis" tou VF live!? :D Mera - Nixta kapou stin Europi :whistle: ergazontai astamatita. Theoritika, den einai toso diskolo... DEN mporo na katalavo! :( Tespa, kano ipomoni! :D Re promethea... exeis kamia sxetiki enimerosi? Ola vainoun kalos? Frontiste, i Ellada na einai mia apo tis protes VF xores pou tha ipodextei to "neo" VF live! An ta mathaino sosta, tespa! :p NA PATHSETE podi & tha exete OK, logo tou Greek i-mode! :D
  15. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Υπομονή :D :D :D :D Natos! Pou eisai re promithea? Mas diavazeis? :) Xathikes! Epitelous, irthes... kai elpizo na meineis sto forum! :) To ksero - kano ipomoni & peripeno! Alla, einai toso protoporiaka pou DEN MPORO NA PERIMENO! :p Oi CosmOTEtzides tha anarotiountai kai tha psaxnontai! :D :D DEN MPORO - DEN MPORO NA PERIMENO! :p :p Opos vlepeis, de leo tpt! :p Tora, an anarotiesai ti mporei na ksero & pos einai dinaton na eftase sta autia mou... einai megali istoria... MHN to psaxneis & min anisixeis :D Otan mou poun, "De tha miliseis"! DE milao! :p Ektimo tin empistosini kapoion Vodafoniton! :p :p ELPIZOUME na PARAMEINEIS STO FORUM! PROMETHEA... ESTO KAI 1% NA LAMVANETAI UPOPSHN SAS APO AUTA POU GRAFOUME EDO MESA, APOTELEI TIMH MAS KAI TO EKTIMOUME. DEN EIMASTE PANTOGNOSTES, DEN EXOUME PANTOTE DIKIO, ALLA THELOUME NA EXOUME ENA KANALI EPIKOINONIAS ME TH VODAFONE - DEN EXOUME KATI NA KERDISOUME! >SuRfer<
  16. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Akoute sti Vodafone? Oraia i diafimisi (ligo pio kathara an milouse o mikros...) alla den tonisate to kostos astikis klisis, anaferetai i xreosi statherou. TONISTE to kostos astikis xreosis statherou. Kanei perissotero "mpam" kai entiposiazei. Gia na sas do... :)
  17. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Ta panta sti Voda einai programmatismena, mines prin to launch! :wacko: To crazy weekend einai mono i arxi! ;) ERXONTAI & alla, APOKLEISTIKA sti Voda! :whistle: Poromenoi Vodafonites, etoimasteite! EEEEERXONTAIAIAIAI kai tha meinoun! Grafoume istoria, sta dedomena tis Ellinikis kinitis til/nias! :D :p Giati, mono i Voda... KSEREI & MPOREI! ;)
  18. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Einai treloi - Einai treloi oi Vodafonites sto Xalandri! :p Ena megalo mpravo se olous osous sinetelesan sti dimiourgia autou tou programmatos! EUGE! Theloume AKOMA PERISSOTERA, meta to kalokairi! ;) Perimenoume kapoia stigmi antistoixes kiniseis sta CU & ta postpaid! Anamenoume! :D Have a crazy weekend! :p MONO sti Voda! ;)
  19. Δεν ξέρω κάτι... εύχομαι να ξέρουν στο Χαλάνδρι... δλδ να αποφασίσουν σύντομα... :confused:
  20. OXI! Νέο Sharp... μετά το GX15! :confused: Kατά τον Οκτώβρη... περισσότερες πληροφορίες! :alien:
  21. Αυτή η υπηρεσία υπάρχει εδώ και 2-3 χρόνια σε πολλές VF χώρες... σκοπό έχει να αυξήσει το SMS traffic! :) Ακούτε στη Voda? Κανένα καλοκαιρινό πακέτο SMS στα καρτοκινητά... θα δούμε? Του τύπου... SMS από Vodafone σε Vodafone unlimited, μόνο με 9 ευρώ! 'Η 100SMS/day -ΔΩΡΕΑΝ- για ένα μήνα... με 9 ευρώ! 'Η τεσπα... κάτι παρόμοιο... κάτι θα σκεφτείτε! :p
  22. http://homepages.pathfinder.gr/vodafone/vod_soon.gif
  23. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Oi times pou exoun protathei mathaino oti einai aparadektes! :mad: AKOUOUOUOUTEE? NTROPH! To neo live! over 3G, pragmati, exei streaming videos & audio! To thema, omos, anaferetai se kati epipleon - plin tou parontos 3G trial live! pou vlepete stin Ellada & de diaferei se kati apo to "GPRS" live! Edo, milame... gia kati entelos neo - tha to provalloun os (+) sto live! Tis proalles eida ena demo! :whistle: Stin Ellada, de "fainetai" akoma. Einai poliploko menu, exei poli douleia! Alla aksizei ton kopo! :D Tha ta vlepoume OLA sto Vodafone live! Den prepei na exoun enimerothei akoma stin Elliniki Voda, giati, distixos to neo menu vrisketai akoma stin arxi tou trial! :( Content providers, xoris oria! To thema einai oti to elliniko periexomeno tha einai arketo & elpizo pio plousio apo to i-mode! Aporo, pos kai den kserei kaneis tpt stin Elliniki Voda & den "apantoun" edo! :blink: Tha doume...
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