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Aκόμα τεστάρουν για το Razr. Καλά Χριστούγεννα.
The ICS upgrade for Motorola XOOM2 3G variant retail owners from United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Czec is now rolling out to select users, and will be available more broadly over the coming weeks.
For the RAZR & RAZR MAXX, full deployment has happened in France for retail and Bouygues Telecom users, as well as in the UK for retail and O2 users. Other countries in Europe, and other specific carriers (like SFR in france or Vodafone in UK) are still under testing phase and we are still expecting full deployment in the coming weeks. We apologise for the delay and appreciate your frustration but we assure you the update is coming!