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Everything posted by tp

  1. tp

    Sony PSP

    paidia egw pali kai stin 2h lista pou leei o filos oti ta exei me sound/videos ta blepw kai pali mikra ta games egw ayta pou katebasa apo net exoun ws eksis... hot_shots_golf_open_tee_usa_psp-noneedpdx 438MB Gripshift_USA_PSP-ARTiSAN 789MB dynasty_warriors_usa_psp-noneedpdx 153MB Ape_Academy_EUR_MULTi5_PSP-MUPSPS 373MB world_series_of_poker-moose 329MB VIRTUA_TENNIS-WRX 370MB Smart.Bomb.USA.Working.PSP-PaL 114MB Untold.Legends.Brotherhood.Of.The.Blade.USA.PSP-PaL 356MB rengoku_the_tower_of_purgatory_usa_psp-temp 170MB Puzzle_Bobble_JAP_PSP-DEV 17MB Namco_Museum_Battle_Collection_USA_PSP-MOoSE 166MB Mercury 273MB
  2. tp

    Sony PSP

    hahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahaha gelasa!!! eeee plaka kanw! egw kala pou eixa mia sony HS duo 512 apo psifiaki photo kai epeksa kana 5 games alios pikra kai edw!!! loipon file mou!! bale ton fastloader kai katebase to game Puzzle Bobble JAP tis TAITO einai 17MB mono kai leei polla!!!! einai to monodiko game apo UMD pou einai toso mikro. meta apo progs kai games pane edw http://www.pspupdates.com/ tha breis polla kaloudia!!
  3. tp

    Sony PSP

    egw pali phga na ta kanw rip apo ta umd, to toca 2 einai 13452557472 bytes kai to medievil einai 1454571520 bytes. apo umd an thes na ta kaneis rip gia na ta exeis thes 2GB duo :/ meta apo umd pali to nba street showdown einai 1181679616 bytes kai to mercury einai 289,931,264 bytes. opoios parei ta parapanw game gia ta kanei rip na kserei apo xwro pou thelei sto duo.
  4. tp

    Sony PSP

    egw pantos to phra apo kotsovolo eixe kanonika odhgies sta ellhnika genikos ta panta sta ellhnika mexri kai to kokkino xartaki pou elege sta ellhnika prosoxh na baloume to demo disc protou anapsoume gia prwth fora to psp gia na sou balei tin 2.00 apo 1.52 pou exei. ayta pou exei aytos den prepei na einai paraisagoghs.
  5. tp

    Sony PSP

    kai se emena to idio ekane kai apo akousa se irc sta 1004 euro psp to idio akribws kanei se sxedon ola, kanei egkatastash tin 1.50 kanonika kai sto telos (99% epanw pou einai na paei 100%) bgazei lathos giati ta psp 1004 euro eixan tin 1.52 (euro ver) kai den yparxei 1.50(euro) mono 1.50 usa kai jap ypaxei, alla den exei kaneis kanena problhma, mporei na blepei ta region sto telos kai gia ayto bgazei to lathos (leme) alla den tipota.
  6. tp

    Sony PSP

    paidia molis ekana MPH Downgrader apo 2.00 se 1.50!!!!!!!! yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pate edw katebaste MPH Downgrader kai tin 1.50! ante kalo Downgrader !!! (a sto 99% MOU EBGALE ENA ERROR ME KRATAS GIA 15 SEC NA KANEIS OFF TO PSP SOU META TO KANEIS ON, SOU LEEI KATI SBHNEI TO KSANA ANABEIS KAI OLA 100% OK SE 1.50) paw paw na dw ta games pou exw katebasnena!
  7. tp

    Sony PSP

    gia pane ksana http://files.pspupdates.qj.net/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,21,1390 ebalan akoma 2 kaloudia gia tin 2.0 to ena einai Firmware Dumper kai to allo Flash Backup!! egw ekana flash backup kai phgan ola mia xara to backup tou psp mou htan 23MB! are ti exoume na doume!
  8. tp

    Sony PSP

    lete na egine to prwto bhma gia to psp 2.0??? gia diabaste to parakatw! http://www.psp-hacks.com/2005/09/23/possible-20-exploit/
  9. tp

    Sony PSP

    den to exw peiratiko! :)
  10. tp

    Sony PSP

    1)PSP US Version 2.0 Already Decrypted. Let the Homebrews Begin! http://digg.com/gaming/PSP_US_Version_2.0_Already_Decrypted._Let_the_Homebrews_Begin_ 2) kai ena tropos na kaneis Version 6.66 to psp (trexei ta panta) (pantos makria gia to kalo tou psp sou!!!) 3)apo apateones wab mhn perimene tipota gia na pate 1.50.... gia to meta mono kanena aplo prog.... 4) PSP Parts-axriasta na einai alla yparxoun! (kai pote den ksereis) http://www.xboxrepairguide.com/repair-parts-sony-c-22_54.html?osCsid=fbbf0f7ca73ec6f7d73b4a8b6d98d8b5 ante kai polu suntoma tha paizoume apo MSD ta Games!
  11. tp

    Sony PSP

    ok! phga shmera kai eida ena allo psp 1001 (se magazi) htan nomizw usa kai ok idia, aplos einai left right ligo diaforetika apo oti katalala opws einai kai sta akoustika. meta auto to psp 1001 eixe tin 1.51 kai tous lew to poulate ayto to komati na to parw mou lene a ayto einai pou stelnei h sony gia ekthesh kai meta ta zhta phsw!!, a malista!!! eixa kai to diko psp mazi me ta akoystika tou tous lew ksana mporw na dokimasw ta akoustika ta dika mou me ta dika sas tou psp, mou lene nai kane oti thes freeeee ok lew egw (kala tha eipan katholou paraksenos aytos!!!! la la la) paidia ta akoystika tou psp tou 1001 terma epezan ta dika mou tou psp 1004 isa isa pou akouges tin mousikh, (kai edw twra sugoura tha paw kolash nomizw?!?!!) bazw ta dika mou akoustika sto psp tous kai dika tous sto diko (mono to skoystika oxi to kontrol mou exei mazi) ok tous lew ta ida oriste ta dika sas....... etsi kai alios se ligous mhnes tha ta parei pisw h sony! hihihihi!!! (to xarika) kai etsi apo max 90dB eimai max sta 108dB...ayta!
  12. tp

    Sony PSP

    loipon paratirisa kati sta hxeia kai san psiras pou eimai kai thelw na dw an einai se ola ta psp etsi, an kai den einai tipota sobaro. balte ena game ena video h ena mousiko komati, kleiste me to daktylo to aristero hxeio pou einai sto katw meros tis konsola oxi ayto pou einai sto katw apo mprosta den einai hxeio, kai meta kleiste kai to deksi.... giati to deksi einai ligo pio xamhlo apo to aristero, h se mena einai etsi..... ?
  13. tp

    Sony PSP

    molis enas pou einai sto irc sto channel #wab mou etseile to parakatw!!! :( <Luth3r> wab is dead! <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «@Yoshihiro» but me <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «@Yoshihiro» like a moron <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «@Yoshihiro» I messed everything up (not "messed up my work") <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «@Yoshihiro» but not my brain <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «nak» lol <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «davex» yesterday there's this idiot that flooded the channel with his personal info. he might not of taken it well and simulated a bust (not "YEsterday, in the channel, we have another moron say that is a fake. You got your work , i presum") <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «@Yoshihiro» all is here <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «SNKorea» loooooooooool Yoshihiro <Luth3r> (11 . 25) «Polop» ah and you erase the code? <Luth3r> (11 . 26) «@Yoshihiro» Yes i format my Hard Drive using spontex <Luth3r> so the work of the downgrader is ereased! <Luth3r> they are all little liers! <tp!> oh no!!! <Luth3r> :-/ <Luth3r> many people spend money for them <Luth3r> big fault!!! <tp!> YES!!! an einai alhtheia kai tone piasan leei oti esbhse ton kwdika, an den mas exei sto doulema pou den mporei na ta kataferei! molis ebalan kainourgio message sto stite wab 10-09-2005 : AloneTrio is Back Home To avoid ****in rumours here is some little details: 1- Thanx to my Bro to make the news to let you know i was arrested ( in case if it was psp related). 2- It was not psp related or hacking related, little personal affair. 3- It's was not fake to justify that downgrader wont be release ( it will, watch out the news Hi rez video !! shitty talkers can now shut their mouth...)Here or Here 4- It was not fake to ask more donnation, ppl that want to make donnation can using the link in the menu, those who doesn't want do it, doesn't do it ! 5- Stop saying bullshit about downgrader fake, about yoshihiro, about wab at all... We roxx this is a fact and thx all for your support...
  14. tp

    Sony PSP

    patos me ta legomena kapiou sto net yparxei na kaneis anbathmish se 1.52 se 1.50 an kapios exei tin 1.52 kai exei to toca 2 sto umd exei tin 1.50 mesa bazeis to diskaki tou demo pou exei tin 2.00 ksekinas anabathmish snhnei to psp anabei kai sou leei oi prepei na to exeis sto reuma kata tin diarkeia tis anabathmishs tote bgazeis to diskaki tou demo kai bazeis tou toca 2 pou exei tin 1.50 kai patas start sou perna tin 1.50 anti tin 2.00. twra gia na mhn katalabei to psp oti kaneis open to umd drive otan allazeis ta umd bazeis zelotape opws leei stin photo. http://www.wab.com/newspic/umd_switch.jpg basika egw ekana anabathish 2.00 kai meta phra to toca 2 pou eixe tin 1.50 mesa :/ alios tha to ekana egw kai tha sas elega 100% an einai swsto. basika aytos eixe psp europe 1.52 kai se ena umd eixe tin 1.51 kai leei oti me ayton ton tropo ta katafere kai perase tin 1.51 kai se kana 2 filous tou.
  15. tp

    Sony PSP

    etsi kai alios tha spasoun soon kai tin 2.00 kai tha mporoume na paiksoume polla games giati 50-60 euro gia ena game einai polla kai liga atoma mporoun na ta dwsoun. apo wab egw pia den perimenw tipota apath einai ta atoma, logia tou aera gia kati pou den mporoun na kataferoun. den lew bgalan merika kala prog gia 1.00 kai 1.50 alla mexri ekei einai gia pio panw den mporoun. ante kai na spasoun tin 2.00 giati meta apo medievil kai toca 2 den me blepw na blepw tipota allo apo games sto psp mou! :/
  16. den exei soft normal kai hard format exei to *#7370# kai an den mporeis na kaneis open to thlefwno sou gia na to kaneis me *#7370# tote kaneis me 3*{answer key} format. kai ta 2 kanoun akribos to idio format!
  17. tp

    Sony PSP

    nai einai poly kalo an kai den mou aresoun ta race kai polu telika efaga megalo kolima me to toca! grafika hxos gameplay para polu kala, alla einai duskolo to atimo! :) to kalo einai oti bazeis osa cd thes sto MS duo me ena prog pou sou dinei h codemaster apo to site (ta kanei arxeio.toc kati san mp3 as poume) kai otan ksekinas to game kaneis epilogh to cd pou thes na akous otan paizeis to game kai meta patas pause kai allazeis kommatia kata tin diarkia tou game. exei 12 players wireless taytoxrona (ante na breis tosa atoma me toca mazi (leme twra)). meta exei 15 types of motosports---- gt, ice racing, supertrucks, street racing, classics klp. 51 international race traks. 33 incredible championships. an trakaris feugoun portes kathreftakia profilaktires gialokatharistes spane tzamia anoigoun portes kai polla alla pou to kanoun poio best to game!! kai polla alla poly kalo game gia to psp.
  18. tp

    Sony PSP

    giati den mporw na to katebasw einai swsto to site? :/
  19. tp

    Sony PSP

    paidia exei dei h brei kaneis pouthena tipota cheats gia toca driver 2 pouthena na ksekleidwsoume ola ta autokinhta kai pistes. efaga ta site kai gia psp den brhka tipota!
  20. tp

    Sony PSP

    paidia me pio prog antigrafoun ta games apo ta umd sto pc einai gnwsta ta/to prog?
  21. an den kaneis plaka esu pas 100% gia allagma othonhs.... kaneis na kanei ena edit na balei 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, kai 7 na eimaste mesa! les kaneis na pei egw exw 8? :X
  22. 0 kai edw alla... otan phga na to parw eiksera kai tous eipa gia na to parw den prepei na exei kanena... anoigoume to.... 1o psp paketo eixe 1 2o psp paketo eixe 2 3o psp paketo eixe 1 4o psp paketo 0!!! kai to phra ta perisotera pantos exoun kai 1 pixel pou einai kameno!
  23. tp

    Sony PSP

    loipon pate katebase SonicStage Version 3.2 http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/SonicStage/SS32.asp?l=en gia na balete eukola ta mp3 kai atrac3 kai atrac3plus (ola ta lefta) sto psp gia osous exoun sony Network WALKMAN kseroun apo atrac3plus! ;) kai na pw gia osous den kseroun apo atrac3plus px sta 64kbps atrac3plus = 128kbps se mp3!!! eukola metatrepei kai pernaei sto psp ta mp3 se atrac3 kai plus h se mp3 (best prog). balte se mia seira ta mp3 h atrac3 sto psp!
  24. tp

    Sony PSP

    nai gia ayto sta umd video exei na baleis parapanw +1 h +2 volume an thes, gia atrac3plus kai mp3 den to exei :/ pantos thelei na paroume kala akoustika... sta games me ta hxeia einai ok!
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