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Αφού υπάρχουν πολλοί που την ψάχνουν με τα themesτσεκάρετε κι αυτό... Πιστεύω οτι αξίζει τον κόπο...Απ' ότι καταλαβαίνω υπάρχουν πολλοί themers ανάμεσά μας...
1 mbpx έχει και το 7610 και όσο για την ποιότητα της φωτογραφίας εγώ πιστεύω οτι είναι αρκετά καλή...Έχω εκτυπώσει φωτογραφίες και είναι αρκετά καλές...
φιλαράκο μου πιστεύω οτι είναι ανάλογα με τα γούστα. Εμένα δεν μου αρέσουν τα κινητά με πορτάκι...
[S60 1st, 2nd Edition] Series 60 just got a virus
georgekotsos replied to asymvivastos's topic in S60 Platform
asymvivaste, αυτό είναι το άρθρο...είναι στο site της symbian.. November 19th 2004, Symbian press release Information about suspected “Extended Theme” malware Symbian takes security issues very seriously and works closely with the security community to develop and integrate the most advanced security features for Symbian OS. Through its co-operation with the security community, Symbian has been made aware of a malware that has been distributed through one or more shareware sites. It is Symbian’s understanding that the malware is no longer being distributed. The malware is targeted at the Nokia 7610 but may affect some other phones using the Series 60 User Interface. Symbian OS phones using the UIQ user interface platform (Sony Ericsson, Motorola, BenQ, Arima) or the NTT DoCoMo FOMA platform (Fujitsu) are believed to be unaffected by this malware. The malware was distributed in an application installation file, (Extended Theme.sis or similarly named), that purports to create new themes (background picture, icons etc) for the Nokia 7610. The trojan has been reported as being distributed as a zipped file called 7610.extended.theme.manager.zip. To be affected by the malware requires a phone user to deliberately install it as an application onto their phone. The malware cannot be installed without repeated user intervention, including ignoring a security warning. The malware does not appear to have the ability to distribute itself to other phones. The malware, once installed, replaces the standard application icons with icons that look like skulls and locks the phone's menu so as to restrict the phone to receiving and making calls. Symbian and Nokia are investigating this matter further and Symbian will update the information below as soon as possible. click here for more information Extended Theme”malware The malware, a trojan, is hidden in an application installation file, Extended Theme.sis, that purports to create new themes for the Nokia 7610. The trojan has been recorded as being distributed as a zipped file called 7610.extended.theme.manager.zip. The malware requires a phone user to install it as an application onto their phone. The malware cannot be installed without repeated user intervention and does not appear to be able to distribute itself. Summary information and advice The malware is believed to target the Nokia 7610 and only affect phones using the Series 60 User Interface platform. Phones that use the UIQ user interface platform (Sony Ericsson, Motorola, BenQ, Arima) or the NTT DoCoMo FOMA platform (Fujitsu) are believed to be unaffected by this malware. The only way a phone can be affected by this malware is by the user downloading the malware file, believed to called “extended theme.sis” or “extended theme manager.sis” and installing it on their phone. To install the file the user has to ignore two security warnings. If the user successfully installs the malware, the phone’s functionality may be restricted to the phone receiving and making calls with other. Symbian's view on malware Symbian takes security issues extremely seriously and works constantly to develop and integrate the most advanced security features for Symbian OS. Symbian believes that mobile security is the responsibility of the entire industry. It requires co-operation and trust – values the Symbian OS open approach encourages. Symbian is working closely with handset manufacturers and network operators to educate users on how to avoid installing malware and guide them towards downloading applications from trusted sources only. Symbian also provides the required infrastructure for security and works with partners, licensees, network operators and standards bodies to further ensure security needs of the market are met. No system for security can be guaranteed 100%. However, Symbian has measures in place to minimise the potential for a widespread attack focused on Symbian OS phones. Symbian has led an industry-wide initiative to develop the Symbian Signed program under which software applications designed for Symbian OS are signed with a tamper-proof digital certificate that validates the identity of the application's developer, thus discouraging the installation of unsigned applications. Symbian anticipates that adoption of Symbian Signed will be widespread and will represent a significant barrier to the distribution of malware. Questions and Answers about the extended theme manager trojan and Symbian OS security Q – What is a trojan? A – A trojan is malware hidden inside other – apparently innocent – software. Q – How do I know if my phone is affected by this trojan? A – If you have downloaded the Extended Theme sis file and have installed it on your Series 60 phone, your phone is at risk. Q – How can I avoid my phone being affected by this trojan? A – Your phone can only be affected if you have downloaded and installed the .sis file onto your Series 60 phone. Q – How can I protect my phone from other types of malware? A – Mobile phone users can protect their phone from harmful applications by following the simple measures: Only download applications and content – preferably Symbian Signed – from trusted sources such as network operator or handset manufacturer web portals If your device gives a security warning during installation it means that the content is not Symbian Signed. If this is the case you should consider carefully whether the application or content has been created by a trustworthy source, particularly if you have received the application or content from another phone via infra-red or Bluetooth® wireless technology. Q – How is Symbian OS protected from malware? A – Symbian OS provides a number of elements that make it secure. This includes protection from malware through signature checks and features that enable virus scanners from leading anti-virus vendors. Q – Open phones means open to viruses, aren't Symbian OS phones susceptible to viruses? A – An open programming environment can attract both benevolent and (the very small minority of) malicious developers. Symbian OS minimizes the risk of attack by advanced security within the OS itself and the use of application signing schemes (Symbian’s or those of network operators and licensees) and through the use of virus scanners (produced by partners). Q – What is Symbian doing to prevent viruses or trojans in the future? A – Symbian takes security issues very seriously and works constantly to develop and integrate the most advanced security features for Symbian OS. Symbian believes that mobile security is the responsibility of the entire industry. It requires co-operation and trust – values the Symbian OS open approach encourages. Symbian provides the required infrastructure for security and works with partners, licensees, network operators and standards bodies to further ensure security needs of the market are met. No system for security can be guaranteed 100%. However, Symbian has measures in place to minimize the chance of a widespread attack focused on Symbian OS devices. Symbian OS provides the following elements in security for protection from malware (viruses, trojans, worms, etc): Symbian provides an infrastructure which allows network operators and manufacturers to use application signing (and revocation) for applications which are used on their Symbian devices. This allows the creation of application signing programs which can be used to verify the integrity of applications before allowing their use on the handsets Symbian has led an industry-wide initiative to develop the Symbian Signed program under which software applications designed for Symbian OS are signed with a tamper-proof digital certificate that validates the identity of the application's developer, thus discouraging the installation of unsigned applications. Symbian anticipates that adoption of Symbian Signed will be widespread and will represent a significant barrier to the distribution of malware Virus scanners through enabling partners – Symantec, F-Secure, McAfee and other major anti-virus technology vendors. sorry για το μέγεθος του post... -
μετέφερα το post στο series 60 just got a virus....
Διάβασα για ένα νέο malware σε μορφή .zip και επιρεάζει τα 7610 Κάντε κλικ εδώ για περισσότερες πληροφορίες
cocu εγώ την πήρα 37 ευρώ με ΦΠΑ από το Πλαίσιο.Επίσης μου είπε οτι θα φέρουν και την 512 αργότερα.Την είχα πάρει τον Αύγουστο.Τώρα θα έχει σίγουρα πιό φθηνα...
Ανακαλύψανε και νέο ιό για τα Series 60...Διαβάστε παρακάτω... 'Metal Gear' Symbian OS trojan disables anti-virus software By Larry Garfield, Tuesday 21 December 2004 A new trojan found for Series 60 smartphones masquerades as a port of a PC game, but actually infects the phone and others around it, anti-virus software or no. Security experts at anti-virus company Symworks have discovered a new trojan horse program for Series 60 smartphones that they've dubbed "METAL Gear.a" that uses a two-pronged attack to infect both the local phone and nearby phones via Bluetooth. METAL Gear.a purports to be a Symbian OS-port of the PC and console game title "Metal Gear Solid" with an installation file named METAL Gear.sis. When installed, however, the trojan immediately disables specified anti-virus software on the phone, as well as all file explorers and various other applications. It then installs a variant of Cabir.c, the previously reported "Skulls" trojan. Cabir.c will then start scanning for nearby phones via Bluetooth and, if it finds one, send the other phone an installation file called SEXXXY.sis. If the receiver accepts SEXXY.sis, that portion of the trojan will disable the "select" button on the targeted unit. Symworks has already released an updated version of its own anti-virus program to detect and block METAL Gear.a, and other anti-virus companies are likely to follow suit. So far, Symworks has not released any removal instructions for users who are infected.
Φίλε meres είχα κι εγώ αυτό το πρόβλημα με το opman αλλά και με άλλες εφαρμογές όπως παιχνίδια και smart movie...Αυτό που έκανα έιναι να τα διαγράψω όλα και να τα ξαναπεράσω.
Κάντε κλικ εδώ για να κατεβάσετε ένα theme για το myPhone.gr
Παίδες πήγα και εγώ σήμερα και έκανα την αναβάθμιση...Το τηλέφωνο πετάει... Ήταν που ήταν καλό το κινητό, τώρα έγινε τέλειο.Πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να την κάνουν όσοι δεν την έχουν κάνει ακόμα.
Μπείτε στο παρακάτω και θα βρείτε και νέα themes και παλιά,...αλλά και μερικά που δεν υπάρχουν πουθενά αλλού...
Mπορείτε να στέλνετε τις επιθυμίες σας για themes για series 60 κινητά και εγώ να τις κάνω πραγματικότητα... Στείλτε μου μία φωτογραφία με το θέμα που θέλετε για theme και θα σας το στέλνω σε περίπου 3 μέρες. ΑΡΧΕΙΟ: *.jpg, 72 dpi. Στείλτε μου τα αρχεία ΕΔΩ
sequent_c σου είμαι υπόχρεος.......:D:up: MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU...
Tο έκανα και copy/paste και download αλλά τίποτα... "Τhe mobile phone rejected the operation" μου βγάζει και πάλι...Μάλλον κάτι γίνεται με το τηλέφωνο.΄Προσπαθώ να βρώ κάποιο setting και δεν βρίσκω κάτι. Λές και είναι κλειδωμένο το τηλέφωνο....:cry::angry:
Σήμερα προσπάθησα να στείλω ένα midi αρχείο σε ένα SONY ERICSSON T 610 και δεν μπόρεσα...Μου έλεγε συνέχεια "αποστολή απέτυχε". Επίσης προσπάθησα να κάνω download ένα βιντεάκι στο PC μέσω PC SUITE και μου λέει οτι το τηλέφωνο δεν επιτρέπει αυτή την λειτουργία. Help plz...Έχει συμβεί σε κανέναν αυτό??Ξέρει κανείς το λόγο...
Μήπως υπάρχει κανένα serial για το RESCO VIEWER ή κάποιο άλλο τέτοιο προγραμματάκι free...Είναι καλό γιατί κάνει και ζούμ στις φωτο του 7610... thanks anyway...
asymvivaste εγώ όταν έκανα αναβάθμιση στο PANASONIC Χ70 δεν έχασα απολύτως τίποτα. Δεν ξέρω για τα NOKIA...Αλλά δεν νομίζω...Πάντως ο τηλεφωνικός κατάλογος δεν θα χαθεί...(νομίζω τουλάχιστον)
Marily μπές στα παρακάτω... http://www.mobile9.com (free) http://www.zedge.no (free) http://www.imserba.com (register) http://www.allaboutsymbian.com και έχει και άλλα... enjoy that masterpiece which called NOKIA 7610... god bless nokia...
Η αναβάθμιση του 7610 είναι δωρεάν για συσκευές εντός εγγύησης κοστίζει 20 ευρώ για συσκευές εκτός εγγύησης. Η αναβάθμιση γίνεται μόνο στα κεντρικά στη Συγγρού 220 και θέλει μία εργάσιμη ενώ άμα το πάς σε τοπικό ΝΟΚΙΑ SHOP θέλει 4 εργάσιμες γιατί κι αυτοί θα το στείλουν στα κεντρικά. Άυριο έφυγα κιόλας... :D :D
bergyr thanks a lot...Παίζει σφαιράτα.:D
bergyr είσαι άπαιχτος. Στο έστειλα σε pm.
Πείτε κάποιος που μπορώ να βρώ το smart movie *****αρισμένο, εκτός από το irc...Ψάχνω από το πρωί και δεν μπορώ να βρώ τίποτα...HELP MEEE......
Σας έπριξα σήμερα αλλά είναι το τελευταίο που ρωτάω...(θα πέσω για ύπνο σε λιγό...;)).Που θα βρώ το smartmovie *****ed? Tα λέμε άυριο... GOD BLESS NOKIA....