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Everything posted by Henry__P900

  1. To epomeno kinhto tha einai to SonyEricsson P1000! :D Oi fhmes orgiazoun oti tous epomenous mhnes tha einai etoimo!
  2. Emena ta kinhta pou exoun perasei apo ta xeria mou einai: Ericsson GH628[to kalytero sthn epoxh tou] Nokia 3210 [Metaniwsa pou to phra] Sony Ericsson T68i [To kalytero kinhto ever] Sony Ericsson P800 [To kalytero me diafora sthn epoxh tou] Sony Ericsson P900 [To kalytero akoma k twra] Sony Ericsson P1000 [Coming Soon...] :) Epeishs gia merikous mhnes perasan apo ta xeria mou ta:SE Z600 k T630...
  3. O megalyteros logargiasmos mou einai 615 euro.Akoma thymamai tis fwnes tou patera mou sta aftia mou!!! Exw to etairiko B best me 250 lepta dwrean xrono.
  4. Ouffff...Mou efyge ena varos...Mou anoiksate ta matia. Eixa pathei katathlipsh toso kairo! Thanks!!!
  5. Egw paidia xwrisa me thn kopela mou prin 1 xrono. :( Thn agapw akoma omws. Xtes apofasisa na ths steilw mhnyma gia to an tha ksanaekane tpt mazi mou. Mou apanthse '' Den tha eixa provlhma na ksanakaname kati mazi...!alla einai kalytera na ta poume apo konta...!'' Ti lete einai kalo shmadi auto?
  6. H tainia pou me ekane na fygw apo thn aithousa me thn kopelia mou htan h ekdikhsh ths ksanthias! Tsampa ta lefta!
  7. ExetE akousei an tha vgei to Terminator 4????
  8. Egw exw enan skylo k ena kanarinaki! Ta latreyw afantasta!!!!! :o
  9. Egw exw parei 3 synexomenes fores ta Nike Millenium. Einai fovera!
  10. Kathos hmoun sto date me ena paidi k milagame gia kinhta thlephona mou eipe na mpw sto myphone! Apo ekeinh thn mera kathe mera edw eimai!
  11. File sta katasthmata den nomizw na yparxoun. Emena to DSS 20 pou eixe to P900 sthn syskeyasia eixe provlhma k to phga sta service ths SE k mou dwsan kainourgio! Den pas na deis mhpws poulane ekei? Epishs kane ena thlephwnhma sthn SE gia perissoteres plhrofories. ;) 2108991919.
  12. Egw mia mera to poly...mhn sou pw k merikes wres... :) To PC kai to P900 mou einai oi agapes mou! :o
  13. Epish tromero desing gia mena exoun ta Siemens CX65 K S65...! Einai poly omorfa!
  14. Nai file ginetai 100% :) .Eixa paei to T630 tou patera mou gia allagh prosopshs k evala mayrh telika! ;)
  15. Egw pisteyw oti to kalytero desing eixe to [T68] poly epivlitiko! meta mou aresei poly to p900, exei tromero sxhma!
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