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Everything posted by marktheshark

  1. Pantws an einai na parw kapoio Qtek tha einai to 8020 giati to 8010 exei mapa direction pad anti gia joystick kai exei sobara bugs sta paixnidia.
  2. Ara ontws den ginetai syndesh me kalwdio xwris afairesh ths kartas mnhmhs... Ti m*l*kies einai autes? Poio faeino myalo eixe authn thn empneush? Einai na trelainesai me autes tis hlithiothtes, oloi exoun balthei na mas talaipwrhsoun...
  3. Mporei kapoios na epibebaiwsei oti gia na syndeseis to E398 se PC prepei na bgaleis prwta thn karta mnhmhs? An einai etsi tote pws sto kalo prepei na metaferei kaneis dedomena sthn karta mnhmhs? Me Bluetooth?
  4. Yparxei kanena neo gia to pote tha erthei to Qtek 8020 sthn Ellada, kai se ti timh peripou tha kymainetai?
  5. Sxetika me thn anafora sta mhnymata ti isxyei? Kai me ton megisto arithmo mhnymatwn ti ginetai? Auth h patenta pali oti prepei na bgaleis th mnhmh prin to syndeseis me PC... Ti na pei kaneis! Thelw na parw to Qtek 8020 otan erthei sthn Ellada, alla mexri tote xreiazomai proswrino kinhto giati den exw kai skeftomai to Moto.
  6. Oso anafora tis dynatothtes anaparagwghs mp3, to E398 ti bitrates yposthrizei? Giati diabasa se ena site oti paizei mono arxeia me bitrates metaksy 56Kbps kai 128Kbps... Oxi pws ta 128Kbps einai asxhma, alla pou na kanw synexeia transcoding ta mp3 pou exw. Alloi pali lene pws paizei kai 192Kbps. Ti isxyei telika? Mporei na xeiristei 320Kbps kai VBR arxeia? Kati allo, diabasa epishs pws den mporei na apothhkeusei megalo arithmo graptwn mhnymatwn. Alhtheuei? Telos, sxetika me thn anafora paradoshs mhnymatos, prepei na epilegetai kathe fora, h' yparxei rythmish mia ki eksw?
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