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Everything posted by marktheshark

  1. Ama thymomoun kiolas... Pantws se ena magazi me mnhmes sth Stournarh th brhka se arketa xamhloterh timh (xwris na thymamai akrivws). Opoios endiaferetai as parei ena thl. sto 210-3303445 (Photo Agora - Digital Services). Exw sxolh twra kai den mporw na parw o idios. :)
  2. Profanws, alla opws exei eipwthei, gia na xrhsimopoihseis ta mobile PhoneTools prepei na afaireseis thn karta mnhmhs. Foberh euresitexneia kai poly boliko dedomenou oti h karta brisketai katw apo thn mpataria. Brhka T-flash 128mb sto service ths Motorola sto Marousi. Still waiting for 512mb...
  3. R372_G_0E.20.59R De mou exei symbei pote. Oxi... Ap'oti mou eipe o texnikos auto den ginetai sthn ellhnikh ekdosh. Kalo e! Mporei na ginei mesw PC? Oute auto de mou exei symbei pote...
  4. Phra pisw to kinhto apo to service me anabathmismeno firmware kai twra osa den doulevan doulevoun (pros to paron), ara ola kala!
  5. @haki: eithe na sou bgei aksiopisto. Shmera tha paw na parw pisw to E398 mou me neo firmware. Elpizw na doulevoun ola twra... Einai idea mou h' to usb cable exei poly kakh efarmogh? Prepei na to kounaw pera dwthe gia na syndethei swsta! Btw, sta mobile PhoneToools ta sms den mporeis na ta apothhkeuseis oloklhra. Poly xrhsimo!
  6. Nomizw sthn TIM kati prepei na exoun. Tha se pw molis paw.
  7. Kyriws o taxyteros epeksergasths (200Mhz enanti 132), h megalyterh mnhmh kai fysika to meiwmeno megethos.
  8. Emena pantws den tha me xalousan katholou 512mb T-flash. Oso gia plastikh thhkh, phra mia xthes alla htan toso efarmosth pou meta den ebgaine me tipota! Paw na parw kamia dermatinh...
  9. Mallon tha tou flasharoun neo firmware. Gia na doume ti tha doume...
  10. Epapse na mou doulevei kai to ksypnhthri... Auth einai h trith epilogh pou exei axrhsteutei. Exw arxisei na ekneurizomai!
  11. @Matrix: Kai paraponiesai? Emena sta kala kathoumena epiloges pavoun na leitourgoun. P.x, oi rythmiseis hxwn den doulevoun pia... Toulaxiston eimai poly euxaristhmenos apo tis fwtogafies.
  12. Ki egw to K700 tha epairna ama dexotan kartes mnhmhs, alla den pairnei, ara den to phra.
  13. @NickNT: Eisai apla atyxos, yparxoun alloi me E398 pou den exoun ta idia problhmata. @antonis_wrx: H anafora paradoshs SMS einai apenergopoihmenh. Prepei na thn epilegeis se kathe SMS. Ma kala, den mporousan na to baloun ws epilogh sta SMS options? TI m******* einai autes! BTW, anakalypsa oti paizei kai wav.
  14. Paidia, mnhmes T-flash tha broume sthn Ellada pote?
  15. Emena mou exei krasarei 3 fores enw epairna photos...
  16. Nomizw pws den exei T-9, alla i-Tap me T9 emulation. Apla mia leptomereia...
  17. It's not a bug, it's a feature! Emena pantws de mou to'xei kanei pote auto. BTW, exei brei kaneis Trans Flash mnhmes sthn Ellada?
  18. Apo th stigmh pou yparxei metaksy twn etaireiwn symfwnia gia to pou tha bgalei kathe mia to kinhto sto onoma ths den yparxei antipalothta. To oti einai ksexwristes etaireies de synepagetai oti einai antagwnistries, apo th stigmh pou h mia den kerdoforei se baros ths allhs.
  19. Thanks, alla an ta rhythm lights einai gia ekswterikous hxous, ta fwtorytmika gia ti einai? Eixa thn entypwsh pws einai gia otan paizeis mousikh kai paixnidakia...
  20. Einai to idio kinhto me allo souloupi, joystick kai me lymena ta problhmata sto GAPI pou exei to c500/Typhoon/8010. Ola ta alla features einai akrivws ta idia. Den einai antipalh etaireia. Oi etaireies Qtek, HTC, Orange, i-mate bgazoun to idio kinhto ypo allo onoma se diaforetikes agores. Den antagwnizontai h mia thn allh.
  21. Paidia, exei kataferei kaneis sas na kanei ta rythm lights na doulepsoun? Ebala ena motivo sto Rythmiseis->Diamorfwsh->Rythm Lights alla an balw ena mp3 na paiksei den ginetai tipota to idiaitero. Kanena fws... Ti prepei na kanw? Epishs, ena apo ta themes pou eixe mesa h syskevh, to "Neon" exei eksafanistei... Exw meinei me to "Moto" kai to "Graffiti"... Ti na kanw?
  22. @ctsourd: To E398 paizei mono video (mp4) kai den trabaei. H camera exei analysh 640x480 (0.3 Mpixel), exei rythmish fwteinothtas kai 1x/2x/4x pshfiako zoom. To flash einai ligo apath. Sthn ousia prokeitai gia LEDaki. Mporei na apothkeusei polla SMS. Pros to paron exw mesa kamia 40aria, omws den kserw posa xwraei akoma sth syskevh. Oso gia to an mporoun na diabastoun sto PC den to exw psaksei. H othonh einai megalh kai aksioprephs tha elega, xwris na eimai eidhmwn. Mou th dinei ligo pou anagastika brwmizei eukola kai thelei syxno katharisma. Oi photos mou fainontai kapws psofies apo xrwmata kai eukrineia otan tis koitaw sto kinhto. Rgarding thn ikanothta anaparagwghs mp3, to E398 paizei arxeia mexri 192 kbps (dokimasa 256kbps kai 320kbps alla proekypse sfalma systhmatos). H poiothta anaparagwghs xwris akoustika einai efamillh radiofwnou, enw me ta akoustika pou perilambanontai sth syskevasia h empeiria einai antistoixh me discman. Prepei bebaia na promhtheuteis mia megalyterh T-flash card an thes polla tragoudia. Exe ypopsh sou pws h anaparagwgh mp3 trwei pollh bataria (mporei na sou adeiasei se 1-2 meres an akous pollh mousikh) kai epibradynei kata poly tis ypoloipes leitourgies tou kinhtou. Den einai kinhto gia multitasking. Ena spastiko shmeio einai h mh proepilegmenh anafora paradoshs SMS. Toulaxiston einai eukolh h allagh, alla prepei na to allazeis gia kathe mhnyma pou stelneis. Telos, mou exei kollhsei mia fora mesa sthn 1 bdomada pou to exw, kata th lhpsh mias photo, kai mia allh fora den anagnwrize thn karta mnhmhs (th thewrouse aformaristh). Kai ta dyo lythhkan me sbhsimo kai anamma. An eksaireseis ta elattwmata(kia) pou anafera parapanw, to E398 einai mia kalh epilogh. Einai pio omorfo (kat'eme) h' pio praktiko apo alles syskeves ths idias kathgorias (Nokia 6230, Sony Ericsson K700i, Siemens SX1), gi' auto allwste kai to dialeksa.
  23. @stxio: thanx, to post sou htan poly xrhsimo! Ok, to phra shmera to Moto, epomenws tha ta dw ola apo prwto xeri. Sto Plaisio mou ta prhksane mexri na mou to dwsoune, taxytath eksyphrethsh sou lew! Eutyxws pou einai dynath h metafora arxeiwn sto kinhto me thn karta mesa, giati alliws tha htan megalo spasimo! Oso gia tis leitourgies pou den einai efiktes me thn karta mesa, ti na pw... Prepei na yparxoun kapoia poly "praktika" myala ekei sth Motorola! BTW, auth h mnhmh T-flash einai apisteuta mikrh!
  24. Osoi exete E398, pws metaferete arxeia se auto? Btw, metaksy E398 kai Panasonic X700 poio sas fainetai kalyterh epilogh?
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