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Everything posted by Destinyg133

  1. I miui 8 from X_s, only problems would be ota updates that installs chinesse crap, and for some reason push notifications arent working correctly, i did set up all settings required for them to work His latest version is actually really fast and lag free
  2. Can you use twitch with your rom? On previous veraions with MM and LP problems would be or green video or just sound comming and pictire would be freezed
  3. For now ill still stay with miui from X_s, but when i get some free time or should i say i stop being lazy i will install rom, Keep doing good work and keep us informed how are things going with rom :D
  4. Ουάου, bug με 2g / 3g διακόπτη ήταν πραγματικά σταθερό, είχα λίγες ελπίδες, που είναι πολύ ωραίο να ακούσω Και πώς αισθάνεται ο Ρομ; Τυχόν σφάλματα; Λυπάμαι αν υπάρχει τυπογραφικό λάθος ή κάτι τέτοιο, χρησιμοποιώ google translation, οπότε δεν χρειάζεται να γράφω στα αγγλικά
  5. I did use it long time ago, but i was on miui 7 when there werent miui 8, i did not know that he is porting miui 8 now. Will try it out, and what about chinnese aps?
  6. Dealing with cache would fix that issue To be honest i always had problems with LP and MM roms, they run fine for a month and after that everytime something breaks, currently have that issue l, when i want to call someone or recieve a call and when i answer i get message "cellular network not available", now i need new rom, but was thinking of going to miui again since i have used it a lot, litterally i did tried everything, but nah, new rom would fix that, since this is not first time i am having issues with LP roms after few weeks
  7. I know that, they tend to brake after some time because of our old kernel, But it doesnt matter since i love KK, its simple and awesome
  8. I did try a lot of roms, but i preffer miui roms and KK, lollipop is okay, but it cant compare to KK, and i dont like MM
  9. Well, thanks for the answer, i will do that I know he is busy lately cause of testing MM purenexus i think
  10. Hi guys. I've joined this forum cause i saw that its still very active, since modaco died kinda, I hope you dont mind if i speak on english or should i use google translate to use greek language? Does anyone of you have experience with porting roms, I would like to port redmi note's miui version, but i dont have experience with it I know your previous porter is jpower, but currently he is testing MM rom
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