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About fidos

  • Ημ. Γέννησης 21/02/1969

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Mono ta nokia exoun aftomati... To v3x einai ana minima ti fora
  2. File basili55. O monos tropos pou kserw einai o akolouthos: Sto main menu under connections, select usb settings, and set default connection sthn karta. Meta sinthese to tilefono sto pc kai tha sto diavasei san external drive katw apo to my computer. Double click that set your folder options (under tools in the removable disk), under view to show hidden files and folders. Now... under mofile folder find kjava and copy both the .jar and .jad files of the java apps or games. Meta set your phone back to data connection, go under games, install new, and you will see a complete list with all the games/apps you wish to install. Afta... I hope this helps P.S. sorry for the half greek half english but my greek tech lingo is bery limited.
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