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Everything posted by greek_aeras

  1. Kai egw to thelw auto pou leei o madhack. Opoios mporei... Thanx.
  2. Anakoinwthike kai edw! http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51111
  3. Ennoeite pws den tha yparxei o idios arithmos ;) .
  4. Kai egw to psilokatalava oti mal@kies elege. An htan 150 m tha katariontousan ta diktya. Me 10 m emveleia pantws stelneis aneta mhnymata mesa se mia taxh ;) . Ante kai exw kataxrewthei :p . Fantasteite kamia 50aria mhnymata mes sthn taxh kathe mera ti logariasmo tha mou (mas :rolleyes: ) feroun :wacko: . Entelws asxeto: To CX62 ths Siemens exei bluetooth?
  5. Mono? to 7610 mou eipan oti exei 150m. Alhtheia htan h moufa?
  6. To fovamai tou nino kaneis? Please send to: kirios1346@yahoo.gr Thanx.
  7. Kanenas den to eide? Kanenas den xerei? Enas mhnas perase hdh... :(
  8. Vriskeis tis epiloges kai allazeis thn glwssa. Nomizw exei agglika, germanika kai ollandika :wacko: . An psaxnete epithetiko? Calaio kai Heinz. Eidika o prwtos se 5 agwnes 11 gkol :wacko: :blink: :blink: :wacko: . Tha mas trelanei :wacko:
  9. Ta mp3 mporw na ta akousw kai xwris akoustika? Akomh to bluetooth se ti aktina pianei? Thanx. (Mporei na ta ksanaexete apanthsei alla kante ksana ton kopo. Pou na psaxnw se 233! selides!).
  10. Koita logika gia ta theoritika prepei na ginetai sigoura :) Gia ta praktika omws :wacko: ? Pantws an matheis pes kai se emena na xerw.... :)
  11. Den hmoun edw persi na to dw :p , alla mou arese h idea sou...
  12. DEN eipame gia ta hambourger h gia oti alla prepei na fagwthei me ta xeria. Gia auta pou oi KANONIKOI ANTHRWPOI ta trwne me ta maxairopirouna. Apo ekei kai pera esy trwge opws theleis. Prwsopikh sou epilogh ;) . (Egw an trws kai me ta podia den exw kanena provlima :cool: )
  13. :blink: Pws ekana tetoia patata? Stous texnologikous provlimatismous hthela na to valw. Parakalw kapoios na to metaferei! Sorry. :)
  14. Sou apanthse plhrws o DENIOR. De nomizw na theleis tipota allo. :whistle: :mad:
  15. Mexri 20-24X einai kala. Apo ekei kai panw lene oti den paizoun se orismena hxosysthmata autokinhtwn. Vevaia den exw dei pote kati tetoio.
  16. Goodys giati oi antrwpoi den trwne me ta xeria ;)
  17. An yphrxe tetoia syskevi tha to hxera giati tha thn eixa parei...
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