kalhmera paidia,
an kai exw kanei ena post me to problhma pou eixa, kai bebaiws phra apanthsh (euxaristw para polu) na kanw hard reset, tipota apolutws den eftia3e!!!!. E3hgoume, x8es ebala to route 66 profanws omws ekana mia blakeia to ekana afairesh alla auto braxos akounhtos den ebgaine... ekana mia deuterh blakeia kai to ebgala apo registry..... apo tote pane ola xalia. Den mporw na kanw format thn mmc, den me afhnei na perasw to route66 apo panw kai epishs exoun alla3ei oi grammatoseires. yparxei kapoios tropos na kanw format thn mmc ektos twn proanafer8entwn. Sugnwmh an sas kourasa alla please help!!!! prin to peta3w
Euxaristw ek twn proterwn