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Everything posted by lebe

  1. Paides kserei kaneis to tragoudi pou akougetai sth diafhmish tou citroen C2 me ton typo pou ton katadiwkei to elikoptero?
  2. Egw pantws kata ena megalo pososto me kovw,na th diakoptw thn otenet kai na phgainw se allon paroxea.
  3. Yparxoune static ip syndeseis edw sthn ellada kai an nai poies einai?
  4. Ontws kapou ekei prepei na einai to xroniko orio.Alla emeis ti mporoume na kanoume.Gia paradeigma giati den ginetai to idio me thn Forthnet?
  5. Ayth th selida afhnw Alla kai pali tipota.Oti kai na exw kanei mou kanei disconnect meta pao 2 to poly 3 meres.Symvainei se kanenan allo?
  6. Paides exei vrei kanenas xrhsths pou na exie Otenet-On-DSL paketo,tropo wste na mhn ginetai disconnect kathe 2-3 hmeres.Vazw na katevazw arxeia apo p2p programmata kai feygw ap'to spiti.Gyrnaw kai to vriskw na exei kanei disconnect.Xreiazomai opwsdhpote mia lysh
  7. Re paides pws tha ginei na mhn mou kanei disconnect h dsl.Kathe 2 me 3 meres mou aposyndeetai.Ti mporw na kanw?(Ektos apo allagh modem)
  8. Paides exw ena provlhma me to dc.Prospathw sta connection settings ta valw th no-ip mou dieythynsh kai pote den ginetai Mporei na mou pei kapoios vhma pros vhma ti prepei na kanw. Mh me parapempsetai sto site tou aggelou giati etsi kanw ta vhmata kai de mou petyxainei Thnx prokatavolika
  9. Kai ti mporw kanw gia na mhn mou kanei disconnect?
  10. To Sagem exw ki egw Lete na ftaiei ayto? Pantws eimai synexeia sto dc++ Anyway ean ftaiei ayto ti na kanw?
  11. Paides sas kanei esas pote disconnect h dsl apo monh ths? Egw exw Otenet-OnDSL kai exw parathrhsei oti polles fores meta apo 2-3 meres mou kanei disconnect Exei kaneis kamia idea giati mporei na ginetai ayto?
  12. Paides kserei kaneis to tragoudi pou akougetai sth diafhmish tou noxzema?
  13. Kati epanw sthn erwthsh pou ekane o Bomber 21 gia to ondsl kit.Tha erxetai logariasmos spiti kai an nai poso tha einai kathe mhna?Mporei kapoios an thelei na kanei 6mhnh syndesh?
  14. Paides paw na katevasw kati merikes fores ap'to dc kai mou kanei connecting me ton xrhsth apo ton opoio thelw na katevasw kai den ginetai tipota(meta apo ligo mporei na mou vgalei connection timeout).Giati symvainei ayto?
  15. Paides na rwthsw kati.Exw parei to ondsl kai 19 augoustou teleiwnei h syndesh mou. Ti kanw meta? Synexizetai apo monh ths h syndesh kai kathe mhna mou erxetai logariamos? H prepei na tous eidopoihsw kai na thn ananewsw? Ean thn ananewsw mporw na parw paketo 3mhnh syndesh? Thnx
  16. Paides eida ena videoclip sto MAD me enan typo pou vazei kati gyalia kai opoion kai na dei tigyrw tou ,ton vlepei san mia gynaika me magio.Kai leei kati I will love you till....Mhpws kserei kaneis ton titlo?
  17. lebe

    Periergo mynhma

    Paides ola OK to vrhka to arxeio.Thnx
  18. lebe

    Periergo mynhma

    To exw katevasei 3 fores kai synexeia mou vgazei to idio mynhma Mporeis na mou peis akrivws ta vimata ena pros ena
  19. lebe

    Periergo mynhma

    Ti mporei na ftaiei?
  20. lebe

    Periergo mynhma

    Paides katevas apo to dc ane arxeio rar pou exei mesa `winks gia to MSN. Exei mesa ena programmataki to winks and moods adder. Ksekinaw na to trekswkai mou vgainei ena parathyro pou leei: C;\WINDOWS\SYSTEM 32\AUTOEXEC.NT.The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.Choose close to terminate the application Milhsa me ta paidia pou to katevasa kai se aytous trexei kanonika Ti mporei na ftaiei?
  21. Paides: 1.Kserei kaneis ton titlo apo ena palio techno tragoudi pou elege xtacy xtano? 2.Pali palio techno tragoudi pou elege james brown is dead 3.Exei kaneis th mad version apo to tragoudi tou Aloupogiannh;An h anoiksh ayth de mas ferei kalokairi? Thnx
  22. Pws ta kaneis import pou einai h epilogh?
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