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Everything posted by lebe

  1. Paides skeftomai na parw to Ipod pou paizei kai video.Hthela na rwthsw an to exei kaneis kai gnwrizei ti format video paizei?Kai akoma an einai ikanopoihmenos me thn eikona twn video
  2. Paides gnwrizei kaneis to tragoudi pou akougetai sthn kainouria diafhmish twn Goodys me ton Nino?
  3. lebe

    Dialer & DSL

    OK.Thnx guys :D
  4. lebe

    Dialer & DSL

    Koita ki egw auth thn entypwsh exw.Apla mia epivevaiwsh den kanei kako :)
  5. lebe

    Dialer & DSL

    Paides yparxei periptwsh na mpei programma dialer kai na mpei se leitourgia ean yparxei syndesh DSL?
  6. Paides gnwrizei kaneis ena tragoudi pou leei:Fifh Thes Tsixlitsa? To psaxnw edw kai poly kairo alla den to vriskw me tipota. An to kserei kaneis h akoma kalytera an to exei as mou to pei:)
  7. Paides to tragoudi pou paizetai auth thn evdomada sto diafhmistiko tou Poly Thn Kyriakh kai leei Tempation gnwrizei kaneis poio einai?
  8. Dhladh an den to kanw amesws den yparxei lysh na vrw to incomplete arxeio e?
  9. Pws?Pou mporw na vrw to icomplete arxeio?
  10. Paides kserei kaneis ean mporw na synexisw ena download me ton Internet Explorer.Px katevaza kati kai kata lathos to ekleisa.Mporw na to synexisw???:cry:
  11. Paides pws mporw na valw demo ths forthnet?:)
  12. Vasika egw den exw router ena modem exw.Opote???
  13. Paides thelw na rwthsw 3 pragmata panw se torrent: 1.Exw to azureus kai to μtorrent.Evala xtes san random port sto μtorrent 6881 pou einai kai to port tou azureus. Apo ekeinh thn wra ou vgazei synexeia errors to azureus.Par'olo pou ksanallaksa to port sto μtorrent.Yp'opshn den ta doulevw mazi kai ta 2. Exei kaneis idea ti na kanw wste na doulepsei kanonika to azureus? 2.Mporw na synexisw en arxeio pou exw ksekinhsei na katevazw ap'to azureus sto μtorrent kai to antistrofo? 3.Giati to μtorrent de mou pianei pote panw apo 20 kb/s taxythta parolo pou ta arxeia pou katevazw exoun pollous seeders? :rolleyes:
  14. Sto kinhto mou vgazei auto to minima:Sfalma asfaleias sthn egkatastashKai sto Pc Suite: Please Finish the installation on the phone user interfaceOk to vrhka pws ginetai
  15. Paides exw valei to pc suite anoigw to install aplications kai prospathw na steilw ena thema alla den mporei na stalthei.Kserei kaneis ti prepei na kanw?
  16. Kserei kaneis poso exoun oi thikes gia n70 kai pou mporw na vrw?
  17. File mou to idio akrivws provlima eixa ki egw apodeixthke oti htan provlima ths grammhs.Apla pare ena thlefwno katarxhn sto tmhma eksyphrethshs pelatwn ths Otenet.Kai meta stis vlaves tou Ote.To mono kako einai oti emena to provlhma ftaxthke meta apo 4 meres.
  18. Telika to provlhma opws thn eixa psiliastei htan apo ton Ote. Ola kal twra:)
  19. Paides apo thn pempth exw to ekshs provlhma. Prospathw na syndethw sto internet me thn dsl syndesh pou exw(Otenet, modem exw to Sagem) kai mou vgazei to eksis minima: Opening port:Error 680 There was no dial tone Kai mou anoigei kai ena parathyro pou leei:Prosoxh aneparkes USB bandwindth. Kapoies efarmoges den epitrepoun to apaitoumeno USB Bandwindth. To pio pithano kat'eme einai na exei provlima h grammh(Tous exw prhksei sta thlefwna kai thn Otenet kai ton Ote alla akoma perimenw) Mhpws exei kaneis kamia idea ti allo mporei na ftaiei?:(
  20. Paides apo proxtes to vrady den mporw na mpw sto internet me thn Dsl syndesh pou exw(Otenet). Mou vgazei: Error 680 There was no dial tone. Kai epishs mou vgazei ena minima gia provlima sto USB bandwindth.To koufo einai oti den exw kamia alli syskeyh syndedemenh para mono to modem(Sagem) Epikoinwnhsa me to tmhma eksyphrethshs pelatwn kai mou eipan oti apo deutera tha doun ti tha ginei me to provlima epeidh endexetai na exei provlima h grammi. Exei symvei se kanenan allo kati paromoio? Mhpws kserete ti mporei na ftaiei?
  21. Re paides exei kaneis yp'opsin tou pote tha to ferei h vodafone th sygkekrimenh syskeyh? Edw kai ena mhna perimenw kai tpt. Gia na katalavete rwtaw mera para mera se 4 vodafone stous ampelokipous. Ean kserei kaneis kanena magazi vodafone pou na exei diathesimh th syskeyh as enhmerwsei ki emena
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