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Everything posted by OratIos
Vasika ,peripou.... Topalikari pou exei to prototupe kai to dokimazei grafei: I can tell you that the P990 has undergone several firmware upgrades since I first got them... but no PC software for me yet... Genikotera eixe pei oti to tilefonaki einai pleon sxedon ok...(ektos apo kapoies psiloleptomeries) alla leipei to PCSuite...Kai xaraktiristika ,otan ton rotisan pote perimenei na einai ola ok kai na diatethei sthn agora apantise oti mesa Flevari me teli ,mallon tha einai ola ok...
Mpaaaaa.....??Prin apo 2-3 selidees to eixa postarei auto to link!!To Phone tote DEN itan pre-order ,sthn idia timi!Esteila ena mail shn etairia kai zitousa na mou steiloun kapoies photoz apo to modelo ,thn suskeuasia klp ,klp.Me apefuge diplomatika legontas mou oti apla "file mou den stelnoume ellada".Tora itan moufa i oli fasi (vlepe kai http://mobileworld-inc.net/sonyericssonp990.html),den itan..............??I ousia einai i idia......:) :)
Kai logo tou 3GSM Congress in Barcelona 13-16 Febrouariou.......... UIQ Technology will be showcasing the new UIQ 3 platform in a developer track at the Wireless Developer Forum, as part of the 3GSM World Congress.
Homebrew on All PSP’s! ESPASE KAI I 2.6.......................... Fanjita and Ditlew have done it again! Now with use of the latest eLoader you’re able to boot a selection of standard homebrew games/apps on your PSP running firmware version 2.0, 2.01, 2.50 and 2.60! You’ll of course require the GTA:LCS UMD, so head over to Lik-sang and pick up a copy! You can find a list of working/not working homebrew here, courtesy of Fanjita. HERE
Super MiniMario Alpha For 2.01/2.5/2.6 Released! Super MiniMario has just been released by the creator of MiniMario and PSP 3D forum member, Arguru. If ya haven't already checked out MiniMario for 2.01+, definitely check Super MiniMario out. This is by far the most polished homebrew game I have seen that was specifically made for 2.0+, and if anything, the best homebrew game I have seen period. This is not a port, it's a purely hand-coded version of Super Mario. And most probably the greatest thing about this game is that it is fully customizable and modable. You can make your own levels, change character looks, everything. Loads of fun. And plus it works on 2.6 too, so since this doesn't use the EBOOT loading method, we can all enjoy Super MiniMario! Here's some of the outstanding features this game offers: - Full level map modding (using a simple text editor). - Levels can be grouped to make a pack/game (smm_level_001.txt, smm_level_002.txt, etc). <- All the details about this are in smm_level_001.txt file included. - Maps can be up to 1024x64 tiles (a psp game-screen is 30x16). - Up to 128 enemies per level. - 4 way scroll, breakable bricks, etc. Super Mario
Ta PANTA sthn 2.5 Trexoun Meso toy GTA..............:( :( :(
kai omws paidia vgike!!!:p :p :p :p An kai nomizo oti einai mono gia America .............................. BUY P990 aaaaaaaa Kai prepei na exete MONO 1300 Dollars!!!Einai o protos pou to poulaei pagosmiows opote...........;) ;) ;) ;) ,logiko!!
Mini-Mario Bros 'Demo' For 2.01/2.5/2.6 Released! Pali Homebrew meso tou GTA.Dil prepei na exeis to paixnidi gia na paixei....Apla pernas ta arxeia sthn memory stick akrivws ekei pou sou grefei to readme.txt!!Vazeis mesa to GTA kai thn ora pou paei na arxisei to paixnidi sou trexei to homebrew pou exeis valei..... oriste kai to link: MarioBros EU Version
Pantos simera eida to proto proion ,an kai prerelease me hmerominia pou vgike gia to p990!!!Logika mesa flevari tha to doume ,opws eipame kai apo to site tou uiq.com http://www.expansys.com.gr/product.asp?code=127986
kai edo ,arketes photoz.... http://www.newmobile.nl/eur/nl/photos.php?phone_id=159eb23
Kai ......epitelous vgeike kai Homebrew gia version 2.01 ,2.5 kai 2.5 meso tou GTA...!!! PSP 3D 2.01/2.5/2.6 Homebrew Pack v1.0 Released! Oriste kai to Link : Click Here for EU version. Click Here for US version.
Kala ,min orkizesai kiolas!!makari vevaia....Einai kainourgio Leitourgiko kai kathe kainourgio se mamaei ligo!To mono kalo einai oti tha erthei Ellada meta apo kana mina kukloforias ,opote ta prota update tha exoun idi vgei...
Loipon padakia ,sumfona me xtesini anakoinosi kai epeidi variemai na e3igo sas paratheto ta akoloutha ,ta sumperasmata dika sas...... From February 15, 2006, Motricity, a leading global provider of mobile content services and solutions, will power the Sony Ericsson Application Shop web store front. An over-the-air download service directly from the phone will also be ready for the launch of the new P990 smartphone. The Sony Ericsson Application Shop offers end-users a wide range of Symbian OS-based applications for Sony Ericsson smartphones, including the P800, P900, P910 and soon-to-be-available P990. The Sony Ericsson Application Shop is a valuable go-to-market channel available to any third-party application developer having passed Symbian Signed application testing. Ara logika to perimenoun Konta stis 15 Fevrouariaou kai profanws oi efarmoges tote tha anevoun sto site gia na uposthri3oun to modelo!!Den nomizo na anevoun oi efarmoges 15/2 kai to modelo na skasei ton IOUNIO.....:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: .Vevaia pote den xereis..... aaaaaa oriste kai to link!! http://developer.sonyericsson.com/site/global/newsandevents/latestnews/newsjan06/p_motricity_power_appshop.jsp
Etsi ,etsi Vedouza....!!!!:) :) Min nomizeis oti ta thumamai.....Paei kairos!!Paizei na exoun kleisei hdh!Kane ena search sto google "P990 release i P990 buy" eeee kai an einai tha skasoun myth!!!Tooooso duskolo einai na ta vroune an theloun diladi???
Mpaaaaaa ,Den eipame oti auto einai MOUFA???Yparxoun alla 2-3 idia tetoia site pou to dinoun ,me pseutika diakritika asfaleias kai ola apo New Zealand kai to gamato magazaki dexetai OLES tis pisstotikes kai stelnei se olo ton Kosmo (mexri kai Zimbabwe ,pou pas kai den 3eroun ti tha pei kinito ekei!!) kai malista sto stelnoun kai me free shiping....(kai sta duo to ena doro se ligo)!!!!!Opote PROSOXI ;) ;) ;)
Ποια ειναι αυτη η SONY ERICSSON ρε παιδια....???Καλο μωρο??Ξερει και απο κινητα βλεπω.....
http://www.sonypsp.gr/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24_22&products_id=162 Sony 2GB memory stick ----> 149Eyro.
http://star-techcentral.com/tech/story.asp?file=/2005/12/22/prodit/12883316&sec=prodit Kai kati diavzo gia release to Q2 2006 sthn teleytaia seira toy review!!
Logiak to vlepeis full screen ,opws kai sto P900..... http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/av/docs/20060105/ces04_23.jpg I opoia apo oti vlepo einai photo apo videaki to opoio paizei sto p990.....!!
ela ena donate sta paidia.................240 euro kanei!!!:) :)
erotisi : To patchaki pou th avgei gia to ps2 ,tha kanei kai gia to psp??
Pano apo 5 kammena pixel pas kai sou allazoun olo to psp!!!Dystixos me ena den tha ginei tpt!!!!Tora exeis mono 15.999.999 pixels...... :) :) Ego exo 3 kammena :(
Mporeis na mas doseis ta link gia ayta ta duo???Giati epsaxa kai vrika kati palikarakia ,pou o enas to amfisitei ayto kai o allos emathe oti telika tha vgei to Q2...........
Ena oraio site me odhgies gia downgrade se 1.5 http://www.psphacks.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11896
Vasika ayto pou les ,prepei na exeis thn 1.5 version!!To programma ayto to trexeis kai emfanizei EIKONIKA oti to psp soy exei thn 2.0 v kai etsi ta games den soy zitan update.... :O :O