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Everything posted by anipsios1
Καιρός είναι να βολευτούν και τα "δικά μας παιδιά". Είκοσι χρόνια τα "παιδιά των άλλων" βολεύονταν. :lol:
Αυτή που λέει οτι ειναι κορη του ΚοντοLLάζου είναι θύμα κινεζικου προφυλακτικού? :w00t:
:lol: :lol: Κατι προφυλακτικά με το όνομα Trojan τα ξερετε? Αυτα τα φοράς και οταν κάνεις log in στην κοπέλα, αρχίζουν την κατασκοπευτική δράση?
Το παγωτό διοξίνη το ξέρετε? Όλα είναι για την υγεία αστα να πάνε. Προτιμώ κρέμα βανίλια επί το πλειστον
:lol: :lol: Πάντως εγώ πιστεύω ότι οι αβλώσεις οφείλονται στο ότι πολλά από αυτά είναι για τον πούτ*ο.
Το δημογραφικό πρόβλημα δείχνει οτι φοριούνται πολύ την σημερινή εποχή. Γι' αυτο και οι λίγες γεννησεις. Η αύξηση των αμβλώσεων όμως δείχνει το αντίθετο. Αστοχία υλικού? Δεν ξερουμε να τα χρησιμοποιούμε? Δεν τα φοράμε δικαιολογώντας οτι ειμαστε αλλεργικοί στο καουτσουκ? Ελλειψη ευχαριστησης με την χρηση τους? Για καθεναν διαφορετικοι λόγοι Αλλά πως τα ζητάμε?
τις προάλες πήγα Κυψέλη και εκανα να παρκάρω μόνο ένα τέταρτο :yahoo:
Καλοκαίρι και...όλα έξω! (Ντύσιμο και νοοτροπία)
anipsios1 replied to sakaflias's topic in Chat and Fun
Δεν συμφωνώ απόλυτα. To wraio to koitazeis kai to thaumazeis! Thaumazeis tin aisthitiki tou aksia! Einai opws otan pas se ena mouseio kai thaumazeis ta erga! Oi gynaikes koitane ta opisthia ton agalmaton kai oi antres ta opisthia ton gynaikon pou koitazoun ta agalmata. Apla oi gynaikes koitane kati apsyxo eno oi antres kati zontano kai pio ousiodes. me liga logia poios endiaferetai gia t' agalmata an exei tetoio kolo mprosta tou. -
Ποια είναι η καλύτερη ατάκα που έχετε πει/ακούσει ποτέ;
anipsios1 replied to Ilias1908's topic in Chat and Fun
Η νομικη μορφή εταιρείας που σου ταιριάζει είναι η Ε.Π.Ε :cry: -
Ήταν ένας τύπος και ήθελε να πάει στην εφορία. - Ρε Γιάννη, ρωτάει ένα φίλο του, θα πρέπει να ντυθώ καλά ή πιο πρόχειρα για να πάω ; -Το καλύτερο, του απαντάει ο φίλος του, θα ήταν να ντυθείς καλά. Ρωτάει και τον Γιώργο. - Το καλύτερο, του απαντάει ο Γιώργος, θα ήταν να πας πιο πρόχειρα ντυμένος να μην σε περάσουν και για κανένα λεφτά, εφορία είναι αυτή Δεν ξέρεις τι γίνεται. Προβληματισμένος λοιπόν ο τύπος παει στη γιαγιά του και της λεει το πρόβλημα του. - Έχεις το ίδιο πρόβλημα, του απαντάει εκείνη, με την αδελφή σου, που με ρώταγε τι κιλοτάκι να φορέσει πριν το γάμο της. Να φορέσει άσπρο που είναι πιο αγνό ή κανένα μαύρο και κάπως πιο έξαλλο για να φτιάξει τον γαμπρό. Της απάντησα ότι όποιο και να φορέσει το μαμήσι δεν το γλιτώνει...
sto mail System Explorer 1.70 New http://www.handango.com/include/pictures/810725/setopview.gifhttp://www.handango.com/include/pictures/810725/setreeview.gifhttp://www.handango.com/include/pictures/810725/sethexview.gif Having the ability to view system resource information is absolutely essential for building a truly efficient application for mobile clients. Developers need to know an application’s run-time memory consumption, heap and stack sizes, etc to fine tune their applications. However, there are no easy user level utilities for developers to search files and monitor resources. SystemExplorer is a development utility brought to you by a group of Symbian developers who use this utility to fine tune their own applications every day. It has a system resource monitor, file explorer and panic code look-up. This is a developer-to-developer utility for Symbian development community to build better and more efficient applications. This utility surely can be a tool to help developer to better meet Symbian Signed test criteria. sx1upload pass:123456 (yahoo)
οταν σου βγαζει κινεζικα να το κατεβαζεις με download manager p.x. download accelarator
[S60 1st, 2nd Edition] Series 60 just got a virus
anipsios1 replied to asymvivastos's topic in S60 Platform
7/3/2005 Symbian OS anti-virus specialist SimWorks announced today that it has identified the first virus targeting the platform that is capable of spreading itself via MMS messages. Using MMS, the CommWarrior.a virus, as SimWorks have named it, can instantaneously send itself to any MMS compatible mobile phone in the world, yet only infects those based on Symbian OS platforms. Multimedia Message Service (MMS) is a more advanced version of the Short Message Service (SMS) familiar to users of GSM based handsets around the world, and allows rich content such as pictures, sounds, video, and applications to be sent as well as text. Affecting Series 60 smartphones based on Symbian OS 6.1 or newer, such as the Nokia 3650, 6600 and 6630, the virus does not affect devices running on the UIQ platform, such as the Sony Ericsson P900/P910 and Motorola A925/A1000. Scanning the infected phone's address book, CommWarrior periodically sends MMS messages to randomly selected contacts, including a copy of itself and one of several predefined text messages designed to encourage the recipient to install the application. "With MMS messages typically costing between $0.25 and $1.00 CommWarrior could prove expensive to anyone unlucky enough to be infected by it. As the virus runs silently in the background it could be quite some time before the user becomes aware of the potentially hundreds of MMS messages that have been sent," said Aaron Davidson, CEO of SimWorks. Unlike many recent proof-of-concept mobile viruses, SimWorks also said it had received a report of CommWarrior in the wild which it is seeking to confirm. In addition to using MMS, CommWarrior also attempts to infect nearby devices by means of Bluetooth, similar to other recent viruses targeting the Symbian OS platform. According to SimWorks, CommWarrior is the first mobile virus to use such a two-pronged distribution strategy, which the company said may allow much faster and more geographically widespread infection of vulnerable devices. As has been the case with past viruses targeting the Symbian OS platform, however, users are still required to accept the installation of the virus whether receiving it via Bluetooth or MMS, which in conjunction with limited MMS interoperability amongst mobile network operators could contribute to slowing down the spread of the virus. -
[S60 1st, 2nd Edition] Series 60 just got a virus
anipsios1 replied to asymvivastos's topic in S60 Platform
Discovered on: March 07, 2005 SymbOS.Commwarrior.A is a worm that replicates on Series 60 phones. It attempts to spread using Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and Bluetooth as a randomly named .sis file. Also Known As: Commwarrior.A [F-Secure], SymbOS/Commwarrior.a [McAfee], SYMBOS_COMWAR.A [Trend Micro] Type: Worm Systems Affected: EPOC TECHNICAL DETAILS When SymbOS.Commwarrior.A arrives at a target device, it may perform the following actions: Creates the following files on the phone: \system\updates\commwarrior.exe \system\updates\commrec.mdl \system\apps\commwarrior\commwarrior.exe \system\apps\commwarrior\commrec.mdl \system\recogs\commrec.mdl Rebuilds an .sis file from the above files into the following location: \system\updates\commw.sis Searches for Bluetooth-enabled devices and attempts to send a randomly named copy of the .sis file to all devices that it finds. Randomly chooses up to 256 contact numbers from the device's phonebook and sends an MMS message containing the commw.sis file as an attachment. The MIME type of the attachment is application/vnd.symbian.install. The MMS messages have the following characteristics: Subject: Norton AntiVirus Message: Released now for mobile, install it! Subject: 3DGame Message: 3DGame from me. It is FREE ! Subject: 3DNow! Message: 3DNow! mobile emulator for *GAMES*. Subject: Audio driver Message: Live3D driver with polyphonic virtual speakers! Subject: CheckDisk Message: *FREE* CheckDisk for SymbianOS released!MobiComm Subject: Desktop manager Message: Official Symbian desctop manager. Subject: Display driver Message: Real True Color mobile display driver! Subject: Dr.Web Message: New Dr.Web antivirus for Symbian OS. Try it! Subject: Free SEX! Message: Free *SEX* software for you! Subject: Happy Birthday! Message: Happy Birthday! It is present for you! Subject: Internet Accelerator Message: Internet accelerator, SSL security update #7. Subject: Internet *****er Message: It is *EASY* to ******* provider accounts! Subject: MS-DOS Message: MS-DOS emulator for SymbvianOS. Nokia series 60 only. Try it! Subject: MatrixRemover Message: Matrix has you. Remove matrix! Subject: Nokia ringtoner Message: Nokia RingtoneManager for all models. Subject: PocketPCemu Message: PocketPC *REAL* emulator for Symbvian OS! Nokia only. Subject: Porno images Message: Porno images collection with nice viewer! Subject: PowerSave Inspector Message: Save you battery and *MONEY*! Subject: Security update #12 Message: Significant security update. See http://www.symbian.com Subject: Symbian security update Message: See security news at http://www.symbian.com Subject: SymbianOS update Message: OS service pack #1 from Symbian inc. Subject: Virtual SEX Message: Virtual SEX mobile engine from Russian hackers! Subject: WWW *****er Message: Helps to ******* WWW sites like hotmail.com REMOVAL INSTRUCTION To remove SymbOS.Commwarrior.A: 1. Install a file manager program on the phone. 2. Enable the option to view the files in the system directory. 3. Search the drives, A through Y, for the \system\apps\commwarrior directory. 4. Delete the files commwarrior.exe and commrec.mdl. 5. Go to the \system\updates\commwarrior directory. 6. Delete the files commwarrior.exe, commrec.mdl, and commw.sis. 7. Go to the \system\recogs directory. 8. Delete the file commrec.mdl. RECOMENDATION * If Bluetooth is not required, it should be turned off. * If you require the use of Bluetooth, ensure that the device's visibility setting is set to "Hidden" so that it can not be scanned by other Bluetooth devices. * Avoid use of device pairing. If it must be used, ensure that all paired devices are set to "Unauthorized". This requires each connection request to be authorized by the user. * Do not accept unsigned applications (no digital signature) or applications sent from unknown sources. Be absolutely sure of the origin of the application before accepting it -
Nokia Series 40, Games, Applications, Wallpapers
anipsios1 replied to KostasV's topic in Nokia Series 40
sorry Password: 6230.Hosting-Area -
Nokia Series 40, Games, Applications, Wallpapers
anipsios1 replied to KostasV's topic in Nokia Series 40
10.000 wallpapers for 6230 http://usr7.hosting-area.de/backgrounds.rar 76,9 mb -
gia to mediasafe den xreiazetai password.katebase to apo to mail tou yahoo me username : sx1upload kai pass: 123456 kai akoloutha tis odigies parakato. Ekei tha breis kai to stopwatch MediaSafe INSTALLATION NOTES: * Before running MediaSafe for the first time set date to 12/12/2015 or as long as you want * Then run MediaSafe and set your password. * Close MediaSafe & change date back. now MedaSafe will expired on Dec 2015. if someone has unsuccessfully install, try: 1. close MediaSafe 2. set date to 12/12/2015 3. delete file c:\system\data\_83924764.ini also deleted c:\system\apps\media safe\media safe.ini 4. open MediaSafe and set your password 5. close MediaSafe & change date back again don't try to register. it expired on 2015.
me to parapano programma kati tetoio ginetai.den ksero an ginetai me to 6600 na kaneis sychronise me to outlook ,na peraseis tis epafes sto outlook kai meta pali sto kainourio kinito
dokimase kai to Webodrome_1_[1].Backup.Contacts.v1.00.
σε μενα παιζει κανονικα. εχω την 1.0 version
Ρε παιδια το black eagle ποσες πιστες εχει? το εχει τελειώσει κανεις?
[S60 1st, 2nd Edition] Series 60 just got a virus
anipsios1 replied to asymvivastos's topic in S60 Platform
Kaspersky Anti-Virus θα το βρεις στο sx1upload@yahoo.com pass: 123456 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Symbian OS is an anti-virus solution for smartphones based on the Symbian platform. The product provides users with the following functionality: • protect the smartphone in real time • scan the smartphone’s file system on demand or on schedule • update anti-virus databases on demand or on schedule • schedule tasks to be performed by the product • provide the user with built-in help The product has a user-friendly and intuitive user interface. Product Components Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Symbian OS comprises the following components: • On-demand scanner • On-access scanner • Anti-virus database updater • Scheduler • Help System requirements: Smartphones with Symbian OS 6.1 or 7.0, Series 60 The product has been tested on the following hardware configurations: Nokia 3650, 7650, 6600, เอนเกจ, Siemens SX1 Note: the product has two versions: one distribution package for Siemens SX1 and another for all other smartphones. -
Ξερεις τι μου τη σπαει? Εδωσα το pass και παει ο αλλος και το αλλαζει. Για την παρτη μας μονο ρε συ?
Ναι αλλα καποιος εξυπνος μπηκε στο mail και αλλαξε το pass. Στ' αρ*ιδια μου όμως. Εγω τα ξαναεχω. Καρφί δεν μου καιγεται
Card scanner With this cool thing you can scan almost everything that has something with numbers on. Using your camera to scan Σκανάρεις με cam και σου περναει στο κινητο οτι αριθμό υπάρχει Αλλά αν δεν παιζει σε sx1, 6600 και ακομα χειροτερα σε 6630 αστα να πάνε