Xmm na synxwresete ta greeklish mou,
Dyskolo topic etheses file mou alloi tha poun PC alloi Mac kai paei legontas forever, egw exw kai ta dyo kai mporw na pw oti to Mac me exei afhsh ekplikto me thn aplothta ths leitourgikotitas tou eksaisio stathero leitourgiko xoris kolimata, to Pc me exei trelanei apo afti tin apopsi.
Ta Mac exoun stathero leitourgiko den exoun provlima me ious einai taxytera,den xreiazontai anavathmisei opws ta PC kai megali metapolitikh aksia akoma kai meta apo xronia.
Epishs exoun kakh yposthrhksh einai akrivotera kata poli (edw sthn Ellada ayto alla den to anavathmizeis opote sta idia erxesai meta apo ligo)
Apo thn allh to PC exei plithora apo paixnidia kai hardware (to deftero den simainei kati omows giati kalytera ligotero kai kalitero para polla kai mapa)
parousiazei syxna provlimata eite sto leitourgiko kolimata ktl i asimvatothta me allo software kai hardware (mia matia sta provlimata pou anaferoun poloi tha se peisei)xanei thn aksia tou se mikro xroniko diastima kai epishs xreiazetai anavathmisei kathe treis kai ligo gia na sikwsei ta nea paixnidia kai programata ;) = erxetai sta idia lefta stin telikh me ena mac.
Oops san polla arnitika mazefthkan sto PC mallon gi afto pira kai Mac kai iremhsa :lol:
Ksexasa na sou po mporeis na pareis Mac kai ftinotero apo ton G5Powermac pou edw kostizei 3000 euro yparxei kai o neos Imac G5 pou einai aristourghma kai sthn emfanisei pali . :)
Telos pantwn ta gousta kai i protimhseis tou kathe ena einai diaforetikes kai alloi tha symfonhsoun me mena kai alloi oxi to thema gia mena einai na poune thn apopsi tous atoma pou xreishmopoioun kai ta dyo systhmata tote tha exoume kalyterh apopsi h poromeni PCakides kai Macakides mia zoh tha trogontai :whistle:
Sthn telikh dokimase to mhxanhma esy o idios kai tote pes mas kai mas .