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Everything posted by katsj

  1. Auto pou periegrapses kathos kai alla polla trella mou ta ekane to Compact mou apo tin ora pou ebala to SPB Pocket Plus 2.2 opote kai xtes apofasisa na tou rikso ena hard reset kai na balo kai pali tin ekdosi 2.1 opote kai isixasa apo ola auta ta problimatakia! ;)
  2. Gia to phone plus den mporo na katalabo otan les "να μπει μια επιλογή ώστε αν δε θυμάσαι το τηλέφωνο του οποίου θες να στείλεις μύνημα να μπορείς να το βρεις είτε από τις επαφές της sim είτε από τις επαφές που έχεις προσθέσει στο πρόγραμμα" ti ennoeis? Otan theleis na breis ena onoma patas ta prota grammata eite tou mikrou tou onomatos eite tou epithetou tou kai meta ton dialegeis apo deksia kai se paei sta noumera tou sigkekrimenou atomou! An meta theleis na ton pareis tilefono xtipas sta antistoixa eikonidia aristera i an theleis na tou steileis sms patas sta antistoixa eikonidia deksia! Oso gia tis epafes tis SIM eilikrina to theoro entelos askopo pleon stin epoxi ton smartphones kapoios na eksakolouthei na xrisimopoiei tis mnimes tis SIM. Einai san na exeis to Age of Empires se CD kai na zitas na to trekseis me disketes! :p :D
  3. To Resco Keyboard Pro einai to kalytero pliktrologio gia to Toshiba e800! Ego tha elega na kaneis ena hard reset giati olo kai kapoio programmataki allo tha ftaei! Kai sto leo giati sto diko mou e800 douleuei apsoga
  4. Apla antegrapse to mp3 pou goustareis anepanorthota sto \Windows\Rings ;) :D
  5. Na kai enas neos sto thread me xioumor! Euge file mou! :D
  6. Ksanadiatipose tin erotisi sou eimai sigouros oti kai esy an tin diabaseis den tha katalabeis ti rotises! :D
  7. Re sy kplr exases to xioumor sou? Tis :p den tis eides dipla apo ta sxolia! Gia onoma tou theou to paidi den to toufekisame akoma mono ston toixo to stisame! :D Pera apo tin plaka den nomizo to service tis Teleservice na einai kalytero apo kapoio antistoixo tis expansys i tis nowicom to thema tou na to steileis kai na sto ksanasteiloun isos einai ligo problima alla edo i Nokia ithele 3 mines gia na sou episkeuasei kinito kai apo ekso na to epernes kai na to estelnes na sto ftiaksoun pali ligotero tha ekane! ;) Oso gia tin ACE Hellas kala kanei kai kanei oti kanei! Emporoi einai oi anthropoi kai oxi kollimenoi san emas! Ante na einai kollimenos o talaiporos o murdof pou ton exoume trellanei ton anthropo alla kai autos lakise tora teleutaia! :-) Murdof kali xronia re si! :whistle: :lol:
  8. Apo pote douleueis stin Ace Hellas? Eisai kainourgios ekei? :p Erotisi 1) Pocket Plus 2.2 i kalitera 2.1 Erotisi 2) To infrared tou S100 den einai CIR opote kai na ebriskes simbato me to S100 programma gia remote control tha eprepe na eisai sta 10 ektosta apo tin tileorasi gia na allaksei? Ma kala ti soi ekpaideusi sas kanei i Ace Hellas! :p :D
  9. Aparaitita SD mias kai oi MMC einai POLY pio arges! oso gia tin taxitita oso megaliteri toso kalyteri! San marka sou sinisto anepifilakta tis Lexar mias kai apodeixtikan oi kaluteres toso se aksiopistia oso kai se themata anabathmisis tis ROM meso tis SD!
  10. To exoume analysei polles fores alla tha to ksanapo akoma mia! Sto elliniko pliktrologio exei aristera apo to space bar ena pliktro pou grafei AU to patas kai pas sto eidiko pliktrologio gia ellinika SMS. Auta ta ellinika einai gia sms MONON! Stis epafes kalo einai na grafeis me to pliktrologio to elliniko xoris to AU patimeno! To pliktrologio ton SMS einai latinikoi kai ellinikoi xaraktires mazi etsi oste na exeis tous 160 xaraktires alla an grafeis epafes me auto tha tis mperdepseis oson afora tin alfabitiki seira. An pali den katalabes paikse ligo kai tha to katalabeis!
  11. Mpak eimai anamesa stin teleutaia tis imate kai tin aggliki tis t-mobile! Ofeilo na omologiso oti i aggliki tis t-mobile an kai einai i pio palia apo oles einai i moni pou den xreiastike na kano OYTE ENA reset! Elpizo i anamenomeni nea ekdosi tis iMate na einai to idio statheri na exei eksalipsei kai ta teleutaia bugs! Pantos tin elliniki tis ACE den tha tin ebaza oute me sfaires to mono pou tha paro apo autin einai to t9 kai to elliniko intellipad kai intellidialer kai an ginetai kai tin routina pou metafrazei ta ellinika stous sostous xaraktires gia sms 160 xaraktiron an kai ola auta den einai kati simantiko kai tous 160 xaraktires tous exoume toso me to Resco Keyboard oso kai me to phoneplus!
  12. Edo tha breite mia lista me links apo oles tis diathesimes ROM gia to JAM "Generic WWE, Arabic, Italian and UK" tora gia to pos mporeitai na tis flasharete an kapoios to epithimei tha mporeso argotera an mou zitithei na grapso enan mikro odigo! Pantos einai poly eukoli diadikasia! To thema einai oti oloi oi "providers" plin tis komplexikis ACE Hellas diathetoun tis ROM tous xoris kleidoma me basi to IMEI tis siskeuis sas. Kai nai murdof tha mou peis oti kanate douleia gia ton eksellinismo alla kai oi Italoi pou kanan antistixi douleia den tin kleidosan me basi to IMEI. Pantos prosopika mia elliniki ROM den exei na mou prosferei tipota parapano. Ase pou panta einai mia ekdosi pio piso apo tis ROM tis iMate. Me to RESCO Keyboard PRO mporei o kathenas na grapsei ellinika SMS ton 160 xaraktiron opos kai me to Phone Plus me to extra lng arxeio pou exo dimosieusei sto antistoixo thread opote ta ellinika den prosferoun tipota perissotero apo mia megali elafrinsi stin tsepi mas. An thimosa ton Murdof kanena problima alloste deixnoun ikanoi stin ACE Hellas na briskoun koroida pou plironoun ta 200euro parapano gia mia siskeui pou mporoun na paroun me ta 2/3 tis timis. Ena elliniko T9 pistepste me se ena pocketpc xoris kanoniko pliktrologio einai peritto! :alien:
  13. To S100 exei makran tin pio entyposiaki autonomia apo smartphones! Krataei perissotero apo to P800 pou eixa kai akoma perissotero apo to 8080 to opoio ontos itan tragiko! Pantos apo tin stigmi pou oti kai na tou kaneis sou bgazei tin mera den theoro problima na to afiso to brady ston fortisti tou.
  14. Mporeis na to fortiseis apla sindeontas to sto USB tou PC sou tha kanei pio polles ores alla einai kalytera mias kai i pio argi fortisi einai oti kalitero!
  15. Ta neotera meta apo sinomilia me tin imate tin opoia kai paratheto: Fadi> Welcome to Club i-mate. My name is Fadi and I am a Club Advisor. What can I help you with? Fadi> Hello.. George> Hi Fadi Fadi> yes please, how may i assist you? Fadi> hi George> I wanna tell you about the sound quality issues of the jam George> Is the problem known to you already? George> I had a friend's Jam on my hands yesterday with the problems described at the forum Fadi> ok.. have you installed any software into your jam? George> He was so despirate that he opened his JAM and what we found is that the speakers contact legs were not contacting the motherboard firmly enough George> He bend them so the force is bigger and guess what the sound was perfect again! Fadi> what is the ROM version on your device? Fadi> start > settings > system > device information George> So its a production problem! Can you say that in the production department? George> wait so I see it George> 1.03.00 WWE Fadi> and the EXT ROM version? George> 1.01.124WWE George> Its not a ROM issue! Did you read what I wrote George> That is my JAM! My friend's JAM has the same ROM George> And the problem solved just by fixing the speaker! George> You have to check that with the production line! Fadi> ok.. can i have your contact number so i can call youback ... or your email address? George> You are loosing customers just for a silly contact problem of the speaker George> *****@****.*** George> My jam works perfectly George> And my friends JAM too after that small sergery George> I only wanted you to know! Cause JAM is an excellent phone George> Please get that to the designers of the JAM Fadi> sure George> The quality of JAM is by far the best I ever saw except the speaker mounting! :) George> Its a pity that cause of a silly speaker the image of the best phone I ever had gets spoiled Fadi> well.. Fadi> we are working on upgrades that has the fix of the faced issue Fadi> ill be released soon George> You mean software upgrades? Fadi> yes George> That is a hardware problem that I described! George> What will you have new on the software upgrade? George> The phone has the best reception I ever had George> You need a better mounting of the speaker on the motherboard of the phone make sure you fix this first George> Improving the sound quality is another issue but the coming and go of the sound its a hardware issue since his BT hands free always had good sound George> Are you still there Fadi? Fadi> yes George> Will you please forward our discussion to the designers of the phone? Do you believe what I say? Fadi> please make sure that i'll email you personally and write the solution Fadi> faced issue Fadi> sure i will George> My friend's phone is fixed now and works like a dream! Fadi> :-) George> So it is a hardware issue since he didn't change his ROM Fadi> ok.. i suggest you now to Hard reset your JAM Fadi> but.. Fadi> please do note that this will erase any personal data in your device, so .. George> He hard reset it many times he even tried the T-Mobile's ROM but no cure till we fixed the speaker Fadi> please make backup up the data George> Can I ask you one more thing? George> I am using sprite backup so don't worry George> I ordered a sandisk wifi+256MB sd card! is that working ok with JAM? Fadi> sure Fadi> ok.. George> Thank you for your help Fadi! Fadi> Regarding the SanDisk's 256MB + Wi-Fi SD Card query; there are some known issues regarding compatibility between the SanDisk Wi-Fi + storage and the i-mate JAM, our technical engineers are working towards fixing this issue. Fadi> you are most welcome... i'll be glad to assist you any time.. George> Will the new upgrade have the compatibility with that card sorted out? Fadi> yes George> GOOD! Thats excellent news!!!!!!! George> I hope you make a 128MB RAM version of jam available soon! :-) Fadi> :-) George> So see you Fadi! Have a happy new year! Fadi> we are working on that George> Someone already upgrading JAMs with 128MB for 199dollars! Way too expensive isn't it? :-)
  16. Yparxei kai poio eukolos tropos pleon me tin allagi tou country code tis kanonikis anabathmisis pou tha bgainei oste na mporei na perastei opoia ROM thelete! Molis bgei kapoia kainourgia tha bgalo neo odigo!
  17. Edo einai o protos odigos pou eftiaksa gia tin anabathmisi tou germanikou MDA Compact se aggliko! An thelete erotiseis ekei kai na to sinexisoume! http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51274
  18. Einai aplo re sy http://www.qtek.gr pigaine sto S100 kai des tis rithmiseis gia GPRS kai MMS ti allo odigo theleis? Oso gia to internet meso activesync apla sta connection settings tsekare to RAS kai tha exeis internet apo to PC sou. Oso gia to pos anabathmizoume to JAM exo idi dimosieusei olokliro odigo kai tha ton breite edo sto forum an psaksete kai peran tis protis selidas!
  19. Oraia na kai i Extended ROM tou 02 XDA mini ftp://xda:xda@ftp.xda-developers.com/Magician/Extended-roms/Extended-rom-xdaII-mini/ExtRom.zip
  20. Oso aksiopista einai ta perissotera e-shops! Den prokeitai na eggiitho ego gia kanena! Pantos o filos mou pou to agorase apo ekei to pire kai grigora kai stin timi pou anefera! So....... Its up to you my friend! ;)
  21. Panare tin diki mou siskeui tin anabathmisa me tin teleutaia ROM tis opoias to link mas edoses parapano an kai i extended einai Arabiki me to gnosto kolpo kai to backup pou eixa me to sprite backup epanefera to Compact mou me ta arxeia tis agglikis T-Mobile extended ROM. To thema einai oti anabathmisa toso tin Radio ROM pou einai pleon i 1.01.00 kai tin G ROM pou einai pleon i 1337.38 kai fisika i OS ROM pou einai pleon i 1.03.00WWE Gia to problima tou country code kapoios frontise na to lysei sto XDA Forum opote an xreiasteis leptomereies pes mou na sou steilo ta 2 mikra arxeiakia pou diorthonoun to country code kai etsi na flashareis kai to diko sou. Kati pou paratirisa kai to opoio to iksera alla to eixa ksexasei einai oti gia na anabathmiseis to kinito prepei na to sindeseis kateutheian sto USB tou PC sou kai oxi se kapoio USB-HUB mias kai me to HUB 2 fores apetyxe i anabathmisi kai molis to sindesa sto apeutheias perase me tin proti!
  22. Gia to poia siskeui einai kaliteri den nomizo oti exei sxesi me to ti tha pareis alla poia ROM tha tis "foreseis". Oso gia to penaki den exo dei kai kapoio allo pera tou asimeniou! Akoma kai sto kouti mou tis T-Mobile pou apekso deixnei ena mauro plastiko penaki mesa eixe 2 asimenia metalika penakia! ;) Poio ftini apo to eksoteriko to eipa parapano pou tha tin breite Poio ftini apo to esoteriko mallon tha prepei na perimenete ligo akoma na pesoun oi times mias kai molis ekane to depouto tis stin elliniki agora!
  23. An to pas etsi emena mou stoixise 429 euro to kinitouli! Kai me to deutero pou mou esteile i nowicom doro logo tou odigou gia tin anabathmisi tou sta agglika mou bgike tzampa! Ara kai 200 dollariakia na doso mia xara tha eimai! :)
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