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Everything posted by soul_x2x
ego euxome pws i areeba tha to vgalei prosfora me sindesi mazi me tin enarxi tou 3g diktiou
590 euro paei kai erkete.... alla 590 lires apokliete erotisa sti telefone kai ipan mou panw 300 kai katw pou 350 kai oti ena to feroun tin alli evdomada
pou to ivres 590
xerei kaneis tpt gia to nokia 6630....? kapoia timi, an vgike kai pou.
sti selida tis nokia to efigan apo ta coming soon http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,8764,73,00.html
Stin kipro ena filos mou eide to 6630 mesa se ena diafimistiko enos katastimatos kai o ipallilos tou ipe pos tha to feroun se kamia 10 meres kai pos tha kostizei giro stis 310-330 lires (515-550 euro.. peripou)
ένα αρθρο που βρήκα σχετικά για το BT 1.2 http://www.thefeature.com/article?articleid=100198
an prosexeis kala sto manua tou tilefonou. sti selida 42 kato kato leei gia ton real player: with real player you can play video clips, sound clips and play lists, or stream media files over the air. A streaming link can be activated when yor browsing web pages, or it can be stored in the phone memory or memory card. real player support files with the extensions such acc, awb, mid, mp3 and wav. however doeas not necessarly support all file formats or all the.....
areeba... erxomaste
mprei kapios na mou pei kapia timi giato 7610
re paidia ti diafora exoun autes oi kenourgies sim card 128kb apo tis pallies? mipos exei sxesi me ti xoritikotita twn onomatwn pou mporeis na apothikeuseis?
paidia i areeba ti egine kairo exei na akoustei
tpt eginete. den anaferasein tpt akoma.
kanena neo giato 7610
kai mena me paraxenepse to gegonos auto gia uto kai to anafera. pou akouses gia sinergasia areeba kai orange?
otan antilifthika oti to kinito mou den eixe sima, dokimasa apo ta settings tou kinitou mou na kano manual selection gia diktio kai kathos ekane search gia diktio mou evgale dio diktia CYTAGSM kai ORANGE. mporei kapoios na mou pei ti ginete? dokimasa kai ta dio diktia alla den eixa prosvasi meta apo ligi ora xana ekana search kai vrika mono to cyta gsm
i deuteri fora pou simvenei auto to mina. i cytamobile-vodafone paei apo to kako sto xirotero. nomizo pos prepei na perimenoume kai xeirotera
O xronos tha dixei
Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Peripeze. Peripeze. Ego lalo sou oti apokliete na minei i timi tou pano pou 400 gIati apoti xereis kai esi i nokia etimazete na vgalei allo 5 nomizo symbian kinita apo to septevri kai meta
Apokliete auti na einai i teliki timi. ta komatia pou efere o ailiotis prepei na einai paraeisagogi kai gia uto einai kai akriva otan tha vgei episima apo ti nokia i timi tou elpizo na einai logiki.
μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει; έχω ξεχάσει τον κοδικό ασφαλειας του κινιτού μου. υπάρχει καποιος τρόπος να τον βρω.
apoti xero metaonomastike se cytamobile-vodafone.
apo lemeso eimai. eisai sigouros pos einai peripou 15 lires. xerei kaneis pia ekdosi exoun
mporei kaneis na mou stilei to mms_it sto nearxos_@hotmail.com giati apo to aiva den katevenei
den einai mesa stin egkiisi xerei kaneis poso kostizei