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Paidia prospa8w na kanw scan ne ta windows mou, exw windows XP Pro kai otan ksekinane ta windows pou paei na kanei to scan mou leei the drive is locked, cannot access the drive. Den mporw na katalabw giati to bgazei auto! Otan kanw scandisk apo to command promt mou leei oti exei kapoia errors o skliros alla apo ekei den douleuei i entolh chkdsk/f gia na dior8wsei kai ta la8h. Sas parakalw peite kamia idea gia to pws na to ftiaksw glutwnontas apo idees tupou format
Microsoft..SIT WELL!!!! xixix:p
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Πως πας να κάνεις το scan; :rolleyes:


Για δοκίμασε

My Computer -> C: δεξί κλίκ,properties -> Tools -> Error-checking

Always have the feeling that something's missing or left behind...[/b]

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Nai etsi paw na to kanw kano diplo klik sto my computer k meta sto c: deksi klik properties k apo ekei paw na kanw to scan disk k meta kanw restart alla den ginetai tpt! Prin ligo proseksa kiolas oti otan paw na to ksekinise se safe mode se kapoia fash kollaei kai den proxwraei
Microsoft..SIT WELL!!!! xixix:p
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Μπορει να ειναι ελλατωματικός αν ειναι ολοκαίνουργιος.

Καμοια φορά δίνεται και αυτό

Ειπε ο Εβραιος να παει στο παζαρι και ηταν ημερα...............Σαββατο!!
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Ξέχασα να σου προτείνω να μπεις me to installation CD των win και κάνε boot απο το Recovery Console και προσπάθησε να κανεις Chkdsk απο εκει.
Ειπε ο Εβραιος να παει στο παζαρι και ηταν ημερα...............Σαββατο!!
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chrini to ekana auto me to recovery console kai leei oti o skliros appears to be se kalh katastash k an ontws 8elw na dior8wsw sfalmata na kanw tin entolh chkdsk/p alla auth thn entolh den thn upostirizei to recvery console. Ti mperdema k auto den mporw na katalabw ti epa8e
Microsoft..SIT WELL!!!! xixix:p
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  • 2 weeks later...
O skliros einai se laptop tis toshiba to satellite P10-554 kai einai 60gb kai einai tis idias tis toshiba. Ekana format ebala pali ta winxp pro kai pali ta idia. Skeftomai mipws einai to eksis, to laptop eixe panw ta XP home edition ekana stin arxh format kai ebala ta XP pro original apo ena allo laptop enos filou pou tou eixan dwsei XP pro mipws lete na ftaiei auto kai na kleidwnei? Format tou ekana, anasugkrotiseis, check gia bad sectors se ola bgike entaksei o skliros kai sta 4 partitions pou tou exw kanei. Sta 3 partitions pou exw ektos to c mou pou einai ta XP kanei kanonika chkdsk mono sto c den kanei leei den mporei na ton anoiksei, alla windows kai ola ta sxetika douleuoun kanonika
Microsoft..SIT WELL!!!! xixix:p
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eixa kai egw peripou to idio problhma...

me thn monh diafora oti se mena ksekinage kai kollage sthn prwth o8onh kai mou elege "master hard disk fail", alla mou edine thn epilogh an pathsw F1 na sunexisw. patontas F1 sunexiza kai fortwne ta windows kanonika, an eksaireseis kapoia kollhmata...

"check" disk den me afhne na kanw mexri pou etreksa: ad-aware, RegScrubXP, Spybot - Search & Destroy kai Spy Sweeper.


polla alla ekana douleia... twra einai mia xara :D

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To idio pro-blhma(isws) eixa k egw

toso sto laptop mou oso meta apo ligo kairo k ston sta8ero....


To problhma gennh8hke k "megalwse" xwris na to katalabw,

meta thn egkatastash enhmerwmenwn driver gia ton IDE Controller tou mainboard.

Ta windows exontas filesecurity on k gia kapoio anexhghto logo

(mallon epeidh oi drivers htan un$$$igned by Micro$oFT)

kathrghsan merika apo ta arxeia pou epikalypse o driver

k epaneferan ta microsoft proprietary(!)

Etsi loipon otan kapoia stigmh kollhse o ypologisths mou

k etrexe normally to scandisk mou dhlwse kathgorhmatika

pws to drive einai locked by another operation/program

ekane exit apo to chkdsk

k synexise to boot... #@%$#^%#$

Dokimasa na kanw defag me to diskeeper

alla prwta na kanei chkdsk...

Oute to diskeeper ekkinhse, oute to chkdsk

Panta to idio mnm!

Etsi afou elegxa ti ekana install kai ti ap-egkatesthsa eftasa se afth thn apanthsh( to my self and I)...

k den bghka la8os(?!)

Afou apegatesthsa tous drivers ola epanhl8an ws prwta :)


Ston megalo omws ypologisth sto spiti DEN synebh to idio

mias k eixe paei ena bhma pio pera (don't ask)

h mallon ask, to diskeeper emene monima active

lockare to disko mhn afhnontas etsi kapoio allo disktool

na kanei douleia... !@#%#$&%^&@#$@!

egw se krish panikou (400GB kremontan apo mia klwsth)

Exontas *mono* NTFS (DuH!) k mh mporontas na kanw tpt

ekana to pio aplo...

Reinstall ta winblows se allo directory

k EPITELOUS epanhl8e!


amesws meta frontisa na kanw resize tous diskous,

na kanw apo ena partition ston ka8ena 4GBG

O Proteuwn windows

o Deytereywn Xtra Program Files kai Swap

kai monima disabled to fileprotection.

...oi diskoi 4GB+4GB einai se FAT32 etsi wste an pa8w k pali kati

na me swsei to DOS


Scandisk c: /autofix /nosave


Scandisk c: /autofix /nosave

Deltree c:\windows /y

Deltree c:\progra~1 /y

Deltree c:\docume~1 /y

cd i386___c:\i386>setup<-/

::LiNK RaMoNe


Hey, Ho!

Let's Go!



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Μην πανικοβάλλεστε με το παραμικρό, και ακούω διάφορες θεωρίες συνομωσίας, οτι τα πανούργα ΧP Home "Κλείδωσαν" το σκληρό δίσκο και άλλα παρόμοια σενάρια! Απλά, διαβάστε τα manuals :)






όσο για το πρόβλημά σου, φταίει το σύστημα αρχείων. Κάντο NTFS χρησιμοποιώντας αυτό και λογικά δεν θα έχεις κανένα πρόβλημα.


Επίσης δες αυτό για ένα παρόμοιο με το δικό σου πρόβλημα και τη λύση του.

Ότι αρχίζει, πάντα πρέπει να τελειώνει. Είναι φυσικός νόμος...:yinyang:
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Jheremias ola auta ta exw diabasei kai tin selida authn thn exw dei k egw kai o diskos mou einai idi se ntfs wstoso to problima den lu8ike kai ta windows ebala se allo partition kai douleue kanonika to chkdsk mono sto c den douleuei
Microsoft..SIT WELL!!!! xixix:p
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