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Apo tin proth mera(To kokkalomodem se nees peripeteies)


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To polyagaphmeno kokkalomodem ekane pali to thavma tou kai se mena...Den ksero an einai thema ISP...Loipon shkwnw 2h grammh ki edw ksekinane ta koufa: Shkwnei tin mia stin arxh (logiko) kai molis parathrhsei forto shkwnei kai tin defteri...Alla molis fygei o fortos, tis katevazei kai tis 2(!)...To Apotelesma? Ta windows einai kanonika syndedemena alla to modem pera vrexei...
Watch When You Stray My Friend...
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Wirelessly posted (Nokia6600/1.0 (3.42.1) SymbianOS/7.0s Series60/2.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Αρχικό Μήνυμα από cmaniac

To polyagaphmeno kokkalomodem ekane pali to thavma tou kai se mena...Den ksero an einai thema ISP...Loipon shkwnw 2h grammh ki edw ksekinane ta koufa: Shkwnei tin mia stin arxh (logiko) kai molis parathrhsei forto shkwnei kai tin defteri...Alla molis fygei o fortos, tis katevazei kai tis 2(!)...To Apotelesma? Ta windows einai kanonika syndedemena alla to modem pera vrexei...


To sindeeis me usb i seiriaka? Se kathe periptosi pantos kane ta exis: 1) katevase apo to http://netmod.intracom.gr tous teleftaious drivers gia tin usb ekdosi tou netmod analoga me to leitourgiko sou. Meta: A) apo tin epilogi "Modem" tou pinaka elenhou katargise to netmod B) perase sto pc sou tous drivers simfona me tis odigies tis intracom C) kane epanekkinisi to pc.Tha vrei aftomata to netmod os modem D) svise tin sindesi gia ton isp kai xanaftiahtin / 2) apo to idio site katevase to teleftaio firmware. MEGALI PROSOHI SE AFTO TO VIMA :!: :!: akolouthise KATA GRAMMA tis odigies pou dinei i intracom oste na deis tin ekdosi tou netmod sou kai na katevaseis to sosto firmware. Meta akolouthise tis odigies gia na anavathmiseis to firmware. An vreis oti eheis idi tin teleftaia ekdosi xanaperase tin, den iparhei provlima. / 3) patise to koumpi gia to reset sto netmod, kane allo ena restart kai dokimase na deis an xanakanei to idio provlima. An to xanakanei steile edo minima na to psaxoume ligo parapano!

Επισκεφθείτε το site μου για τις αστικές συγκοινωνίες της Αθήνας: http://www.leoforeia.gr/
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Mia mia oi apanthseis 1) USB(kati mou leei oti afto einai to provlima) Sindesi 2) Einai h telftaia paralavh pou egine apo ton ote(perasmenh paraskevh)(harware .50), dhl apo mama 3.80 Firmware kai teleftaious drivers (3.02 plhroforiaka)..Oso gia tin egktatastasi exei ginei opws leei to egxeiridio (nai, gia prwth fora enas ellinas anoikse to vivliaraki)...Alla den xanw tpt na ksanadokimasw...kai kati pou parathrhsa twra einai oti sthn katastash ths syndesis ekei pou leei errors(sfalmata) leei 1 i 3 otan to pathainei afto...
Watch When You Stray My Friend...
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Lythike(en merh). Oi capi drivers ths usb den htan oi teleftaioi...eixa thn 2.31 kai i telftaioi einai oi 2.36..twra den tis katevazei kai tis 2 panta...
Watch When You Stray My Friend...
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