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File Explorer??


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Xreiazomai enan file explorer gia Windows XP!!Poios pisteuetai pws einai o kalyteros kai pou mporw na ton brw????
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Ο Total Commander είναι ο καλύτερος και χωρίς τα ηλίθια κολλήματα, bugs και ελλείψεις του windows explorer της M$.



(σου βγάζει μήνυμα για registration αλλά δεν σου περιορίζει τις δυνατότητές του, ούτε έχει χρονικό όριο χρήσης)

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Re c akou ti exw pa8ei kiolas mhpws mporeseis na me boh8hseis ligo... Exw ton dikso apo ton prohgoumeno ypologisth mou o opoios htan master, kai twra ton xrhsimopoiw ws slave!!!Omws sto kainourgio PC pou ton xrhsimopoiw ws slave den mou dinei prosbash ston fakelo ta eggrafa mou pou eixa ws administrator sto prohgoumeno pc mou!!!O diskos exei mesa windows!!!
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Πηγαινε στα properties tou folder kai security kai dwse sto username sou full control! Apo th stigmh pou xrhsimopoieis allh egkatastash leitourgikou apo ayth pou anhkei to username, tou opoiou ta eggrafa einai kleidwmena, nomizw den tha exeis provlhma na ta deis meta.
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2explorer gia mena oti kalitero se file manager

kai einai kai free



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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Ragezer (25 Απρ. 2004 , 15:39)


Re c akou ti exw pa8ei kiolas mhpws mporeseis na me boh8hseis ligo... Exw ton dikso apo ton prohgoumeno ypologisth mou o opoios htan master, kai twra ton xrhsimopoiw ws slave!!!Omws sto kainourgio PC pou ton xrhsimopoiw ws slave den mou dinei prosbash ston fakelo ta eggrafa mou pou eixa ws administrator sto prohgoumeno pc mou!!!O diskos exei mesa windows!!!


Θα βρεις το παλιό My Documents και δεξί κλικ --> Properties --> Security --> Advanced --> Owner και θα διαλέξεις το username που χρησιμοποιείς από την λίστα "Change owner to" (π.χ. administrator).
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Re cs paw Documents and Settings meta paw ston fakelo me to palio mou onoma xrhsth kanw de3i klik idiothtes kai exei treis karteles (genika,koinh xrhsh,prosarmogh) kai apla sthn kartela genika exei gia proxwrhmenous!!!Pou8ena den exei kartela Asfaleia(security) h kati tetoio... :( ti 8a kanw??? ama sbhsw ton fakelo windows yparxei periptwsh na mou dwsei prosbash??? h eipa megalh m@lakia?? Na pw kiolas oti xrhsimopow Home Edition opws kai ston prohgoumeno ypologisth!!
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Ragezer (26 Απρ. 2004 , 22:11)


Re cs paw Documents and Settings meta paw ston fakelo me to palio mou onoma xrhsth kanw de3i klik idiothtes kai exei treis karteles (genika,koinh xrhsh,prosarmogh) kai apla sthn kartela genika exei gia proxwrhmenous!!!Pou8ena den exei kartela Asfaleia(security) h kati tetoio... :( ti 8a kanw??? ama sbhsw ton fakelo windows yparxei periptwsh na mou dwsei prosbash??? h eipa megalh m@lakia?? Na pw kiolas oti xrhsimopow Home Edition opws kai ston prohgoumeno ypologisth!!



Mpes se safe mod (xtypontas F8 kata to bootarisma) kai tha sou vgalei th kartela sto deksi click kai properties ;)

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Mphka me asfalh leitourgia kai phga sto security kai den ebgala poly akrh!!!Mporei kapoios na mou to pei ligo pio analytika???
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Mpaineis se safe mode. phgaineis sto fakelo poy den exeis prosvash, kaneis deksi click kai properties

phgaineis sthn kartela security

ekei pera exei mia lista me username kai groups

px Administrator, users h oti allo exei

patas add kai sou anoigei ena parathiro. sto trito plaisio grafeis to username sou pou exeis sta windows, kai patas check names deksia.

Ama to exeis valei swsta tha sou vgalei sto idio plaisio to ekshs


kapws etsi telos pantwn. patas ok kai epistrefeis sthn kartela security.

se ekeinh th lista pu sou lega prin twra prepei na exei kai to username sou. to epilegeis kai apo katws tickareis to full control sthn sthlh allow.

patas ok kai eisai etoimos


Thn antistoixhsh sta ellhnika den thn thimamai ;o

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