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MTN - Κύπρος (Πρώην Areeba)


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chryant piga simera sta grafia tis areeba ke mou ipan pos den ginete akomi gia pay as you talk, ise sigouros pos ginete?

oxi parexigisi.................. Akoma dn prosferete stis PAUT mono gia PMTH sindrommites

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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tha se skotoso giriza 20 lepta mexri na to vro :p xeris pote tha ine available gia PAUT?

Koitaxe auto dn o xeroun oute oi texnikoi tis areeba gennika paramelithike poli to thema tou 3g. Vasika iparxoun texnika empodia opws oi kartes sim gia pay as you talk oi opoies einai 32k kai den einai simvates me to 3g diktio tis areeba. To mono sigouro einai oti tha to dwsoun gia pay as you talk ligo prin i ligo meta apo ti stigmi p tha to dwsei i cyta (tha einai simvato kai me tis soeasy sindromes). Isws giauto paramelithike to 3g epidi dn niothoun akoma piesi apo tin antipali eteria. Pantws xerw oti ektos apo to thema twn pay as you talk ekkremei k to thema tis mobile tv k allwn multimedia iipiresiw oi opies vriskonte se beta stadio akoma.........

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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ma ine ilithio afto pou kanoun!!! i neolaia i opia tha xrisimopioi aftes tis ipiresies exi pay as you talk, an den mporun na exoun afti aftes tis ipiresies tote sigoura den tha exi epitixia!!! to astio ine pos tous ipa simera pos sigoura ginete mias ke i piges m ine axiopistes :p
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ma ine ilithio afto pou kanoun!!! i neolaia i opia tha xrisimopioi aftes tis ipiresies exi pay as you talk, an den mporun na exoun afti aftes tis ipiresies tote sigoura den tha exi epitixia!!! to astio ine pos tous ipa simera pos sigoura ginete mias ke i piges m ine axiopistes :p

Koita ginete apla einai mono gia texnikous pros to paron vasika i diadikasia p tha ginete thaa einai i idia me tis pay monthly, pisteuw oti to vasiko prvlima tous einai to bandwidth tou diktiou alla kirios oi sim cards pou einai 32 k

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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Oi kartes 32k mporei....to bandwirdth diafwnw...posous sundromites exei i Areeba kai thaxei provlima me bandwidth??!! Kai kakos sxediasmos na egine me ta default settings 64k ta piannei gia video!! Tha pontara omws oti to provlima einai sto billing platform kai oxi stis kartes...duskolo na diaxwriseis ta proionta se prepaid, postpaid 3G, GSM ktl...
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Oi kartes 32k mporei....to bandwirdth diafwnw...posous sundromites exei i Areeba kai thaxei provlima me bandwidth??!! Kai kakos sxediasmos na egine me ta default settings 64k ta piannei gia video!! Tha pontara omws oti to provlima einai sto billing platform kai oxi stis kartes...duskolo na diaxwriseis ta proionta se prepaid, postpaid 3G, GSM ktl...

Tha ipaxei provlima me to bandwidth an oloi oi 2g pay as you talk xrisimopoioun to 3g gia apla voice calls k sms( to 3g diktio exei idi 1000 sidromites simfwna me tin areeba). Oi 64k sim dn leitourgoun panw se 3g tilefwna (dokimasmeno se 6680 k n70)

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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pedia molis vrika xana apo pou mporite na girisete to site tis areeba sta ellinika, ine mia selida pou exoun xexasi na aferesoun tin diefthinsi gia ta ellinika ke na tin aferesoun tora afou exo kani bookmark tin dieftinisi mporo na sas tin stilo me pm opios tin theli.


elpizo na vrethi kapia lisi gia to 3g se pay as you talk giati ine krima na exoume tin siskevi ke na min mporoume na to xrisimopioume

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Tha ipaxei provlima me to bandwidth an oloi oi 2g pay as you talk xrisimopoioun to 3g gia apla voice calls k sms( to 3g diktio exei idi 1000 sidromites simfwna me tin areeba). Oi 64k sim dn leitourgoun panw se 3g tilefwna (dokimasmeno se 6680 k n70)


Kapou sugxistikes nomizw...gia na xrisimopoioun oi GSM users to 3G gia voice calls prepei na tous kanoun force handover oi "texnikoi" tis Areeba (eisagwgika giati ta paidia einai mixanikoi kai oxi texnikoi!!). Auto ginete mono an uparxei congestion sto GSM pou me 9% tis agoras den nomizw na gemisan oi grammes apo twra.

Opote mathima prwto: allo 3G allo 2G. Allo bandwidth 3G allo 2G. Ta sms xrisimoipoioun signalling channel opote ti bandwidth kai istories mou les? Kai to simantikotero : TA GSM TILEFONA DEN LEITOURGOUN STO 3G DIKTUO!! Opote posoi pay as you go exoun 3G tilefona kai tha metaferthoun kai sto diktuo 3G??!!

Sunexizw me to exsis: Kathe cell 3G (kai genikotera mia suxnotita 3G) mporei na "travisei" peripou 50-60 voice users tautoxrona. Me 1000 xristes diaspartous se olo to diktuo pws na uparxei congestion (provlima bandwidth opws to onomazeis!!) ??! Sun to oti an gemisei to 3G kanei handover sto GSM by default....Nomizw imoun poli sugkekrimenos kai apolutos sto thema. Apolutos giati eipame na leme tin apopsi mas alla oxi na amolame oti skeftoume apla gia na dimiourgoume entupwseis!!

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Kapou sugxistikes nomizw...gia na xrisimopoioun oi GSM users to 3G gia voice calls prepei na tous kanoun force handover oi "texnikoi" tis Areeba (eisagwgika giati ta paidia einai mixanikoi kai oxi texnikoi!!). Auto ginete mono an uparxei congestion sto GSM pou me 9% tis agoras den nomizw na gemisan oi grammes apo twra.

Opote mathima prwto: allo 3G allo 2G. Allo bandwidth 3G allo 2G. Ta sms xrisimoipoioun signalling channel opote ti bandwidth kai istories mou les? Kai to simantikotero : TA GSM TILEFONA DEN LEITOURGOUN STO 3G DIKTUO!! Opote posoi pay as you go exoun 3G tilefona kai tha metaferthoun kai sto diktuo 3G??!!

Sunexizw me to exsis: Kathe cell 3G (kai genikotera mia suxnotita 3G) mporei na "travisei" peripou 50-60 voice users tautoxrona. Me 1000 xristes diaspartous se olo to diktuo pws na uparxei congestion (provlima bandwidth opws to onomazeis!!) ??! Sun to oti an gemisei to 3G kanei handover sto GSM by default....Nomizw imoun poli sugkekrimenos kai apolutos sto thema. Apolutos giati eipame na leme tin apopsi mas alla oxi na amolame oti skeftoume apla gia na dimiourgoume entupwseis!!

Ta 3g kinita proteimoun to 3g duktio para to gsm. Anyway......dn exigoumaste asto loipon na dwthei i ipiresia k Gia pay as u talk k tote tha doume k tha miloume me arithmous.

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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xaxxaxa...meta apo 500 lexseis pou egrapsa me epixierimata apodedeigmena to sumperasma itan oti ta 3G kinita "protimoun" to 3G diktuo??!! Kai oti den exsigoumaste??!!


Swpaaaaa!!! Egw mia xara katalava ti eipa...proteinw esi na prosexeis ti grafeis gia na min ektithese kathe fora...kai den uparxoun arithmoi agapite...idi tous proanafera panw..i UMTS texnologia toso "trava"!! Opote asto to thema...se parakalw!!

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xaxxaxa...meta apo 500 lexseis pou egrapsa me epixierimata apodedeigmena to sumperasma itan oti ta 3G kinita "protimoun" to 3G diktuo??!! Kai oti den exsigoumaste??!!


Swpaaaaa!!! Egw mia xara katalava ti eipa...proteinw esi na prosexeis ti grafeis gia na min ektithese kathe fora...kai den uparxoun arithmoi agapite...idi tous proanafera panw..i UMTS texnologia toso "trava"!! Opote asto to thema...se parakalw!!

eipa to afinw prosorina mono k mono gia na perimenoume na dwthei i ipiresia dioti isws xreiastei na epanelthoume

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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pedia molis vrika xana apo pou mporite na girisete to site tis areeba sta ellinika, ine mia selida pou exoun xexasi na aferesoun tin diefthinsi gia ta ellinika ke na tin aferesoun tora afou exo kani bookmark tin dieftinisi mporo na sas tin stilo me pm opios tin theli.


elpizo na vrethi kapia lisi gia to 3g se pay as you talk giati ine krima na exoume tin siskevi ke na min mporoume na to xrisimopioume

vasika tha aferethei sintoma mallon tora p to dimosieuses epidi to siggekrimeno thread parakolouthite apo diforous ipeuthinous tis areeba

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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vasika tha aferethei sintoma mallon tora p to dimosieuses epidi to siggekrimeno thread parakolouthite apo diforous ipeuthinous tis areeba

E yparxoun kai eusiniditoi pelates pou pernoun sixna tilefwno stin Areeba kai anafernoun tetia themata oso afora tin selida tis Areeba. Den xriazetai na diavazei kapoios ypeuthinos to thread!

Pantws auto einai pou onomazoume SWSTO testing tis selidas tous. Na vriskoume ena lathos kai na pernoume tilefwno na tous to leme!

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vasika tha aferethei sintoma mallon tora p to dimosieuses epidi to siggekrimeno thread parakolouthite apo diforous ipeuthinous tis areeba





Η διαφήμιση για το 11811 μπορεί να αποσυρθεί παρακαλώ?

Είναι τόσο, μα τόσο ηλίθια.

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xxaxaxax...smile!!! Big Brother is watching you ktl??!!! An upirxe parakolouthisi arketa pragmata pou eginan den pisteuw na epanalamvanontan...px apoluseis proswpikou kai intrikes livanezwn - kupriwn stin etairia...kapoios tha elege mesa stin etairia "re paidia mas krazoun se olo to pazari as kratisoume xamila tous tonous"....px den tha apoluan ton sales + marketing manager me ena purovolismo!! Company image ktl einai apla lexseis giautous....opote ti parakolouthiseis ktl mou lete??!!!
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Η διαφήμιση για το 11811 μπορεί να αποσυρθεί παρακαλώ?

Είναι τόσο, μα τόσο ηλίθια.


Simfono...ekana ton stavro m molis tin ida!:X

Follow me on Instagram : el.rapha_
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Η διαφήμιση για το 11811 μπορεί να αποσυρθεί παρακαλώ?

Είναι τόσο, μα τόσο ηλίθια.

Koita dn tha tin apokalousa diafimisi diti an itan diafimisi tote dn eprepe na miloume oute gia to 3g tis areeba oute gennika gia tin areeba. Enimerwsi sxetika me nea ipiresia mporeis na tin peis

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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Koita dn tha tin apokalousa diafimisi diti an itan diafimisi tote dn eprepe na miloume oute gia to 3g tis areeba oute gennika gia tin areeba. Enimerwsi sxetika me nea ipiresia mporeis na tin peis

...ante geia! gia allo lene ta paidia!

milane gia tin diafimisi GENIKA pou kykloforei sta media

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...ante geia! gia allo lene ta paidia!

milane gia tin diafimisi GENIKA pou kykloforei sta media

A sorry lathos tote parexigisi. Dn etixe na tin dw. Ti akrivws paizei ?

Maybe you were right

But baby I was lonely

I don't want to fight

I'm tired of being sorry ...:shifty:

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Γεια σας παιδια!


Ενεργοποίησα την υπηρεσία της Areeba για το mundial και έχω πρόβλημα να κάνω download τα video. Μου στέλνει το SMS μόλις μπαίνει γκολ και μετά πιάνω και άλλο ένα που μου λέει να το ακολουθήσω για να κατεβάσω βίντεο με το στγμιότυπο. Το έκανε ο κολλητός μου και η ποιότητα είναι τρομερή! Αλλά σε μένα λέει "could not connect". Έχει κανένας καμία ιδέα?

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