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SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone Release Imminent? Wi-Fi only?


MacRumors has heard that Sling Media's long awaited SlingPlayer Mobile may finally appear on the App Store tonight.


In addition to full support of current Slingboxes (PRO-HD and SOLO), legacy Slingboxes, which include the Classic, AV, and TUNER, will work with the application but will not be officially supported. However, the application will supposedly be limited to streaming only over Wi-Fi connections. Previous demonstrations of the application by Sling Media had promised EDGE and 3G support, however it appears as though this will not be the case.


Pricing is said to be set at $29.99.



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Apple blocks religious parody app as ‘offensive’


Apple has rejected yet another iPhone and iPod touch application, Me So Holy, citing “objectionable content.” Similar to the developer Lil’ Shark’s prior photo manipulation app Animalizer, Me So Holy allows users to replace the face of a religious figure with any face from the iPhone’s camera or photo library, optionally adding text. On the product’s blog, the company writes, “Our question is, is religion really to be placed in the same category as these violent apps? Sex, urine and defecation don’t seem to be off-limits, yet a totally non-violent, religion-based app is. We feel that Apple is being too sensitive to its perceived user group and are disappointed that this otherwise creative, freethinking company would reject such a positive and fun application.”



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Apple, AT&T sued over ties to Shazam music ID service


Apple, AT&T and several others have been named in a new patent infringement lawsuit, presumably for their connection to Shazam, a maker of music identification software distributed under the same name for the iPhone and several other mobile devices.



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iPhone speculation heats up around mysterious Best Buy entries


With Apple-related news grinding to a halt near week's end, some are scraping the bottom of the barrel and pointing to some unusual entries in Best Buy's inventory system as potential placeholders for Apple's next-gen iPhones.



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Apple's future iPods rumored to get cameras like iPhone


Apple may be planning to add camera functionality to a couple of its next-generation iPod models, according to a new report, which also claims that upcoming iPhones will retain the handsets' existing form factor.



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Repeat: AT&T may introduce $20 limited iPhone data plan


With next-generation iPhone hardware and software around the corner, a new report is adding to claims that AT&T is mulling changes to its iPhone monthly service and data plans that could reduce the cost of owning an iPhone and help Apple grow its share of the smartphone market.



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Nike+ Support for iPhones Discovered?


iPhone support for Nike+ may have been found in iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 and iTunes 8.2 by iSpazio user Sfreddo Marco.


It seems as though an error in installation resulted in the discovery of Nike+ capabilities for the iPhone. iTunes 8.2 enables the creation of a Nike+ account and displays the last session and history of all previous sessions. A new menu option entitled "Sensor" is also revealed which may mean you can connect to other external sensors by selecting them from the dropdown.


Its thought that all developers with iTunes 8.2 can enable this feature simply by changing some plist files; however, this work is ongoing.



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Πηγές αποκαλύπτουν τα χαρακτηριστικά και την ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας του νέου iPhone


Ένα ενδιαφέρον δημοσίευμα του appleiphoneapps.com αποκαλύπτει τα νέα χαρακτηριστικά του iPhone καθώς και την ημερομηνία διάθεσης του στην αγορά.




H πηγή του δημοσιεύματος θεωρείται αξιόπιστη, ωστόσο τίποτα δεν μπορεί να ειπωθεί με 100% σιγουριά.



Τα χαρακτηριστικά που ανέφερε η πηγή είναι τα εξής:



• 32GB and 16GB to replace current capacities

• $199 and $299 price-points to be maintained

• 3.2 Megapixel camera

• Video recording & editing capabilities

• Ability to send a picture & video via MMS

• Discontinuation of the metal band surrounding the edge of the device

• OLED screen

• 1.5X The battery life

• Double the RAM and processing power

• Built-in FM transmitter

• Apple logo on the back to light up

• Rubber-tread backing

• Sleeker design

• Built-in compass

• Revolutionary combination of the camera, GPS, compass, and Google maps to identify photo and inform about photo locations.

• Turn by turn directions

• July 17th, 2009 release date



Κάποια από τα χαρακτηριστικά αυτά συνάδουν με τις κατά καιρούς φήμες που έχουν δημοσιευτεί σε διάφορα site όπως το δημοσίευμα του HardMac και την αναφορά σε κινέζικο φόρουμ.



Πηγή: appleiphoneapps.com

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H Yahoo! επικεντρώνεται αποκλειστικά στο iPhone


http://www.isepsis.com/images/stories/Blog_News/219097.png H Yahoo ανακοίνωσε ότι θα εγκαταλείψει την ανάπτυξη των εφαρμογών της για την πλατφόρμα των Blackberry στις 20 Μαϊου.




Η εταιρεία σκοπεύει να αφοσιωθεί πλήρως στην ανάπτυξη των εφαρμογών της για το iPhone, Υahoo! και Yahoo! Messenger, σύμφωνα με την TechCrunch. Το Υahoo mobile έλαβε την τελευταία του αναβάθμιση τον Απρίλη, συνδιάζοντας χαρακτηριστικά όπως e-mail, αναζήτηση, IM, social messaging streams και περιεχόμενο Yahoo κομμένο στα μέτρα σας όπως ειδήσεις, σπορτ, μετοχές και RSS Feeds.



Η ΤechCruch υποστηρίζει ότι η απόφαση της Yahoo! έχει λογική και βγάζει νόημα. Παρόλα αυτά, η Yahoo δήλωσε ότι θα αναπτύξει εφαρμογές για άλλες πλατφόρμες όταν η ζήτηση για αυτές θα είναι υψηλότερη.


Οι λόγοι για την διακοπή της ανάπτυξης εφαρμογών θα μπορούσαν να είναι, σύμφωνα με τον Adam Taggart επικεφαλή του product marketing της Yahoo Mobile ότι πάντα μπορείς να κάνεις περισσότερα με μια εφαρμογή στο τηλέφωνό σου. Υποστηρίζει ακόμα ότι οι Blackberry και άλλες εφαρμογές για smartphones έχουν δημιουργηθεί για τους καταναλωτές που "ζηλεύουν το iPhone"


Πηγή: MacNN

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Ένδειξη για υποστηρίξη Nike+ στην iPhone OS 3.0 beta5


http://www.isepsis.com/images/stories/Blog_News/nike_logo.jpg Ένδειξη για υποστήριξη του Nike+ βρέθηκε στην iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 και το iTunes 8.2.


Την ανακάλυψη έκανε ο χρήστης Sfreddo Marco του iSpazio όταν μετά από λάθος σε μια εγκατάσταση εμφανίστηκε το μενού στο iTunes που φαίνεται και στο παρακάτω screenshot. To iTunes 8.2 επιτρέπει τη δημιουργία ενός Nike+ λογαριασμού και εμφανίζει το τελευταίο session και history όλων των προηγούμενων sessions. Ένα νέο μενού με την ονομασία ''Sensor'' ανακαλύφθηκε επίσης κάτι το οποίο υποδεικνύει ότι μπορεί να επιτραπεί η σύνδεση με έναν εξωτερικό αισθητήρα επιλέγοντας τον από το μενού.



Πιστεύεται ότι αυτό το μενού μπορεί να ενεργοποιηθεί στο iTunes 8.2 με την αλλαγή κάποιων .plist αρχείων. Ωστόσο, καμία εξέλιξη ακόμα


Fullsize image: Screenshot

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Japanese school to give students free iPhones


Aoyama Gakuin University, located in Tokyo, Japan, is providing all staff and students with free iPhone 3G units as part of an attendance tracking system. According to the Mainichi Daily News, the school will leverage the iPhone 3G’s GPS to determine if students are at school or not, with the system scheduled to go live in the fall. In addition, the school plans to expand the use of the iPhone to include simple testing, questionnaires, homework submission, and educational video review. Aoyama Gakuin plans to pay all basic charges for the phones itself, and recently entered into a partnership with Japanese iPhone carrier SoftBank on “Mobile & Net Society Education and Training.” [via MDN]



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Το θέμα Πηγές αποκαλύπτουν τα χαρακτηριστικά και την ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας του νέου iPhone αναδημοσιεύτηκε στην κεντρική σελίδα του Apple για όσους θέλουν να κάνουν κάποιο σχόλιο.


Τα σχόλια που είχαν γίνει εδώ μετακινήθηκαν στο αντίστοιχο θέμα ;)

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iPhone 3.0 rumored for 17th July (?)


Ένα post στο twitter της Alpha Acid, μιας εταιρείας που αναπτύσει εφαρμογές για το iPhone OS 3.0, υποδεικνύει ως πιθανή ημερομηνία διάθεσης του iPhone OS 3.0 την 11η Ιουλίου!





Note: Στις 17 εννοούσαν τλκ, κάνανε λάθος την ημερομηνία





Η Alpha Acid ετοιμάζει το Αdaptune. Μια εφαρμογή για το iPhone OS 3.0 με την οποία όταν ακούτε μουσική και κινείστε με μεγάλη ταχύτητα, και συνεπώς ο εξωτερικός θόρυβος είναι αρκετά μεγάλος, η εφαρμογή θα αναλάβει να αυξήσει την ένταση του ήχου ώστε να ακούτε πιο δυνατά τη μουσική



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Apple Job Listing Reveals More Powerful ARM Processors and Video Processing for iPhone


A recent Apple job listing that we just discovered reveals that Apple is looking for a low level iPhone programmer with detailed knowledge of the ARM processor including its NEON vector unit.


another job listing reveals that Apple is also hiring for someone to deliver "cutting edge embedded video processing".



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Apple Tablet Coming in 2010?


Silicon Alley Insider reports on a note from Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster claiming that Apple's rumored "media pad" or tablet computer will not arrive until sometime in the first half of 2010. Munster also claims that the device will be more dramatically different from the iPhone and competing netbooks than most analysts and investors are expecting. The complexity of the operating system, reported to be a hybrid between the iPhone OS and full-blown Mac OS X, is apparently the primary factor holding up release of the device.





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  pperiklis said:
Apple Tablet Coming in 2010?


Silicon Alley Insider reports on a note from Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster claiming that Apple's rumored "media pad" or tablet computer will not arrive until sometime in the first half of 2010. Munster also claims that the device will be more dramatically different from the iPhone and competing netbooks than most analysts and investors are expecting. The complexity of the operating system, reported to be a hybrid between the iPhone OS and full-blown Mac OS X, is apparently the primary factor holding up release of the device.





Aλλο ενα καλοδουλεμενο photoshop edition ενος φανταστικου project...:S



Notice to mods!: Γραφω με greeklish MONO οταν ειμαι σε PC χωρις ελληνικα ή για καποιο αλλο σοβαρο λογο. Ευχαριστω!

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Apple rejects book reader Eucalyptus over content


Apple has rejected yet another iPhone reading application over “explicit content,” despite the fact that the same content is offered in other currently-available apps, as well as online.



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iPhone rumored to get wireless movie, TV downloads


A new rumor, complete with supposed screenshots, maintains that Apple is on the verge of allowing movie and TV show downloads directly from an iPhone or iPod touch.


http://images.appleinsider.com/iphoneitunesvideo-1.jpg http://images.appleinsider.com/iphoneitunesvideo-4.jpg



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Το γερμανικό τμήμα της T-Mobile ενημέρωσε τους εταίρους και υπαλλήλους της ότι οι καλοκαιρινές τους διακοπές θα διακοπούν στις 15 Ιουνίου λόγο της κυκλοφορίας μίας νέας συσκευής!



Φαίνεται πως το νέο iPhone θα κυκλοφορήσει νωρίτερα από τις αρχικές εκτιμήσεις…


[Via iphonefreakz]


source: iphonehellas.gr



Notice to mods!: Γραφω με greeklish MONO οταν ειμαι σε PC χωρις ελληνικα ή για καποιο αλλο σοβαρο λογο. Ευχαριστω!

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Σύμφωνα με το iLounge στην WWDC’09 θα έχουμε την ταυτόχρονη παρουσίαση 6 νέων εκδόσεων του iPhone:


- iPhone 3G (Black/White)

- iPhone 3.5G/3.75G (Black/White)

- “ChinaBrick” iPhone for China (Black/White) [No Wifi - No 3G]


“…we’ve been told that the next-generation iPhone will come in six versions: two storage capacities each for 3G, enhanced 3G (”3.5G/3.75G”), and mainland China versions of the phone, which will have the same size and general design of the current model, but with a less scratchable matte plastic body.


Each of the three versions has been made to match the telecom systems of specific countries, so users in one country shouldn’t expect to have the option between a “slow iPhone” and “fast iPhone.” As before, you’ll get capacity options and different colors”


source: iphonehellas.gr



Notice to mods!: Γραφω με greeklish MONO οταν ειμαι σε PC χωρις ελληνικα ή για καποιο αλλο σοβαρο λογο. Ευχαριστω!

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μαλλον το τιμημενο μου EDGE παει για αποσυρση....


την τιμη να χαμηλωσουν λιγο...


XS Max 512gb.

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The Imagined War between Apple and Palm: Pre vs. iPhone


The ridiculous fringe of punditry is working hard to invent a bitter, angry rivalry between Apple and Palm in order to suggest that the iPhone is at some potential risk of being overshadowed and that Apple has become an abusive monopolist seeking to beat up underdogs. They’re wrong, here’s why.




Palm’s investors keep repeating this idea that the Palm Pre can do everything the iPhone can and more, just like the Archos and Zen can do more than the iPod. The problem is that tech products don’t sell based on feature checklists. Compatibility with the mainstream, price, and usability have always been far more important. Apple’s Macintosh struck out on the first two, enabling DOS PCs to overshadow what was clearly a superior product. More recently, the Zune offers an example of striking out on all three factors, while its radio and WiFi gimmick features did nothing to help it.


The Palm Pre has some nice graphics, but the big problem is that it doesn’t offer compatibility with anything, it’s not really any cheaper, and doesn’t do anything novel enough to make up for it. Instead, it not only lacks the ability to run a significant assortment of desirable mobile apps compatible to the iPhone, but it offers no way to ever catch up because it doesn’t run apps at all; it only runs web applets that are limited to the kinds of things you can do in Facebook or Dashboard. No real games, no real apps, just mini widgets that are automatically upgraded as Palm sees fit on the server side. Palm Pre users won’t even have control of their own software.




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Το wwdc θα ειναι 8-12 ιουνιου...ποτε θα εμφανιστει επισημα η καινουρια εκδοση κ το καινουριο iphone?ξερουμε?
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