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Wirelessly posted (Sony Ericsson T610: SonyEricssonT610/R301 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Ki o allos mporei na thelei na valei ''o mamias ths manas sou'' Mporoun les oi mods na kathontai na elegxoun ton kathena ti tha vazei ekei?

Vasika apanthse prin o TN97. Opws ta avatars tha alloiwnan ton xarakthra tou forum, etsi tha ton alloiwsei ki auto. Ta perissotera forums etsi einai kai malista polla apo auta exoun polu eksupnes onomasies twn rank.

Pisteuw pws h upografh arkei gia na dwsei ena pio proswpiko stigma ston kathen.

Opws eipe ki o johner thn eikona tou kathena th ftiaxnoun ta posts tou ;)


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Kata th tapeinh mou gnwmh

Einai anousio na baloume xtra keimeno/allo keimeno katw apo to avatar


Exoume Signature Feature me VB-Code

k mporoume na baloume ekei o,ti 8eloume

(panta se eypreph oria k oria pou symfwnoun

me thn euba (end user bulletin agreement) pou apodexthkame otan kaname signup)

::LiNK RaMoNe


Hey, Ho!

Let's Go!



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