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Aporia gia UPS


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Xreiazomai ena UPS epeidh sthn perioxh mou poly syxna h tash peftei entelos kai epanerxetai amesos kai oxi gia na mporo na douleuo me tis ores.




Auto pos sas fainetai?

In my dream I was drowning my sorrows

But my sorrows, they learned to swim

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Eξωτερικά ή σαν χαρακτήρας;;;; :p


Μια χαρά φαίνεται!΄

Τη δουλειά σου θα την κάνεις! Έχω ένα παρόμοιο (με τα ίδια χαρακτηριστικά)!

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Pitsi (27 Δεκ. 2003 , 00:28)


Xreiazomai ena UPS epeidh sthn perioxh mou poly syxna h tash peftei entelos kai epanerxetai amesos kai oxi gia na mporo na douleuo me tis ores.




Auto pos sas fainetai?



poli kalo kai poli ftino gia 500

ego ixa ena 300 tis apc kai to eixa 4 xronia ixa tote enan pent3 kai 15" othoni crt, i mpataria vevea kratage to telefteo xrono miso lepto

ala thelo na pw oti to 500 tha sou kanei mia xara

o xronos pou leei apo 10-15 lepta eksartatai apo tin othoni sou poso megali einai,an exeis kamia 19"crt tote peripou 5 lepta na perimeneis

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