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Πόσα... megapixels είναι τα μάτια σου;


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ap' oso exw diabasei ta matakia mas mporoun k anagnwrizoun

mexri 8million colors....



::LiNK RaMoNe


Hey, Ho!

Let's Go!



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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος sugardad (22 Δεκ. 2003 , 19:19)


ap' oso exw diabasei ta matakia mas mporoun k anagnwrizoun

mexri 8million colors....




σιγά τα χρώματα..... :confused: :worry: :wacko: :blink:

Ericsson T28s - Nokia 3330 - Siemens S45 - Siemens S55 - Siemens SL45i - Siemens SX1 - Motorola MPX200 - Siemens SX1 Limited - Siemens CX75 - Qtek 8310 - Nokia N95 - Samsung Omnia i900 - SonyEricsson X10i - Samsung Galaxy S - Samsung Galaxy S2 - Samsung Galaxy Note2 - Samsung Galaxy Note4 - Samsung Galaxy Note9 - Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra



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se mia psifiaki fotografiki mixani oso perisotera einai ta mpixels toso megaliteri se megethos kai analisi fotografia mporoume na ektiposoume an mporousame na traviksoume mia foto me ta matia poso megali tha itan?
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος KATMAN (22 Δεκ. 2003 , 20:00)


se mia psifiaki fotografiki mixani oso perisotera einai ta mpixels toso megaliteri se megethos kai analisi fotografia mporoume na ektiposoume an mporousame na traviksoume mia foto me ta matia poso megali tha itan?



Ericsson T28s - Nokia 3330 - Siemens S45 - Siemens S55 - Siemens SL45i - Siemens SX1 - Motorola MPX200 - Siemens SX1 Limited - Siemens CX75 - Qtek 8310 - Nokia N95 - Samsung Omnia i900 - SonyEricsson X10i - Samsung Galaxy S - Samsung Galaxy S2 - Samsung Galaxy Note2 - Samsung Galaxy Note4 - Samsung Galaxy Note9 - Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra



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Αυτό είναι το φάσμα που μπορούν να δουν τα μάτια μας :




Είναι καλύτερο από οποιοδήποτε monitor , εκτυπωτή , scanner. Οι συσκευές αυτές "βλέπουν" τόσα χρώματα όσα τα μάτια μας αλλά απεικονίζουν λιγότερα.


Παραδείγματα :


2 monitors :






2 εκτυπωτές :



Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος vampyre (22 Δεκ. 2003 , 20:10)


Αυτό είναι το φάσμα που μπορούν να δουν τα μάτια μας :




Είναι καλύτερο από οποιοδήποτε monitor , εκτυπωτή , scanner. Οι συσκευές αυτές "βλέπουν" τόσα χρώματα όσα τα μάτια μας αλλά απεικονίζουν λιγότερα.


Παραδείγματα :


2 monitors :






2 εκτυπωτές :




Δηλαδή οι συσκευές απεικονίζουν ένα μικρό μέρος από το φάσμα του ματιού.

Τώρα τίθεται ένα άλλο ερώτημα:Θα υπάρξουν συσκευές που να βλέπουν και να απεικονίζουν το τέλειο?

Ericsson T28s - Nokia 3330 - Siemens S45 - Siemens S55 - Siemens SL45i - Siemens SX1 - Motorola MPX200 - Siemens SX1 Limited - Siemens CX75 - Qtek 8310 - Nokia N95 - Samsung Omnia i900 - SonyEricsson X10i - Samsung Galaxy S - Samsung Galaxy S2 - Samsung Galaxy Note2 - Samsung Galaxy Note4 - Samsung Galaxy Note9 - Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra



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Το φάσμα των χρωμάτων που έβαλα στην 1η εικόνα είναι 7.000.000 χρώματα. Τόσα μπορούν να δουν τα μάτια μας.


Τώρα αν θα φτιαχτούν εκτυπωτές και monitor να τα δείχνουν/εκτυπώνουν όλα ..είναι άλλη ιστορία. :)

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος vampyre (22 Δεκ. 2003 , 20:15)


Το φάσμα των χρωμάτων που έβαλα στην 1η εικόνα είναι 7.000.000 χρώματα. Τόσα μπορούν να δουν τα μάτια μας.


Τώρα αν θα φτιαχτούν εκτυπωτές και monitor να τα δείχνουν/εκτυπώνουν όλα ..είναι άλλη ιστορία. :)


Θα ψάξω να βρώ καμιά πληροφορία γιατί είναι ενδιαφέρον αυτό....

Ericsson T28s - Nokia 3330 - Siemens S45 - Siemens S55 - Siemens SL45i - Siemens SX1 - Motorola MPX200 - Siemens SX1 Limited - Siemens CX75 - Qtek 8310 - Nokia N95 - Samsung Omnia i900 - SonyEricsson X10i - Samsung Galaxy S - Samsung Galaxy S2 - Samsung Galaxy Note2 - Samsung Galaxy Note4 - Samsung Galaxy Note9 - Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra



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Sas para8etw keimeno sxetiko me to color depth kai exw kanei erwthsh se ena kollhto mou of8almiatro peri tou 8ematos (axaxaxa) :lol:


A color on a computer is a combination of the three light components R_ed, G_reen and B_lue, RGB. Different colors are obtained by varying the amount of each of the three components. When it comes to 24-bit graphics, (which is the highest number a computer normally can display) it works like this: Every componenet (R,G,B) has 256 nuances - these components are also known as 'channels'. Because these can be combined with each other, we can calculate the total ammount of colors by multiplying 256® with 256(G) and 256(B), the answere is as we already know, 16.777.216 (16,8 million colors). You have probably noticed that the expression '24-bit' is often used to describe 'true-color' (the 16,8 million colors mode). When describing colors with bits, it's often reffered to as color-depth. The easiest way to calculate the ammount of colors a certain amount of bits allows is to punch it in on your calculator. A color-depth of 24 bits means '2 raised to the 24:th power'. 8 bits allow '2 raised to the 8:th power (="256")'.


48-bit color mode, uses 16 bits for every channel (RGB). This means that each one of the channels has 65.536 nuances (or 'steps' if you like). e.g. this allows for 65.536 grey-scales compared to the 256 allowed in 24-bit. (The grey nuances are obtained by mixing the exact same valeues in every channel - e.g. in 24-bit RGB, R=0,G=0,B=0 is black, R="2"55,G="2"55,B="2"55 is white and R=128,G=128,B=128 is mid-grey). Now 16-bits per channel means a total number of: 65.536®*65.536(G)*65.536(B) ="2",8*10e14 colors!!! Thats over 280 trillion colors!!! (281 thousand billions of colors!)


Now, how about 32-bit graphics? That's '2 raised to the 32:nd power' which gives us 4294967296 (~4billion) colors right? Wrong!

In the case of 32-bit graphics, we are still talking 24-bit color. The additional 8 bit come from a 4:th channel. This channel contains the transparency information. It is called the "alpha channel". In this case it's not RGB, it's RGBA! If we add an 16-bit alpha channel to 48-bit color graphics we actually get 64-bit graphics. This will probably be the next evolution in computer graphics.


It may seem unnecessary to have 16-bits of color information per channel and it's true. The human eye can not see so many colors. However, if we are going to increase from 8-bits, the next logical step actually is 16-bit, since computers operate with bytes (1 byte = 8 bits) and 16 is the next multiple of 8. (16=8x2) :)


Now, with the arrival of Microsoft΄s graphical API; DirectX 9 - Manufacturers of graphics hardware have moved to 64-bit and even 128-bit color. In these cases there are 16 and 32 bits per channel, respectively. (16-bit per color channel means 65.536 nuances of a particular color, and 32-bit equals ~4billion nuances.)

They now use floating point values instead of integers to calculate the color values. While it is still true that the human eye can barely distinguish more than 10-bits per color channel, it makes sense to do all interim calculations within the graphics hardware with floating point precision. The result will be images with greater quality, especially when showing images with both very dark and very bright areas (High dynamic range).



Thn wra pou teleiwna to keimeno elaba thlefwno apo ton filo mou,

mou eipe loipon pws an kai de xreiazomaste parapanw apo 8bit ana kanali (giati to mati mas 8a piasei dyskola th diafora)

parola tayta 8a yparksei problhma otan kanoume metatropes se eikona me 8bits per channel (8bpc),

opws tone adjustments h color enhancements

merikes xrwmatikes plhrofories polytimes gia to smoothness ths

kai thn omalh xrwmatikh parousiash ths eikonas mporoun na xa8oun

h kai na "paramorfo8oun" logw la8wn strogylopoihshs twn values gia ka8e channel,

ta la8h afta ginontai akomh pio emfanh otan afta ta actions ginoun epanhllhmena panw sthn eikona.

Gia na exalhf8ei afto to problhma anebazoume to color depth me akribeia 48bits per pixel (48bpp) outws wste na apofygoume afta ta la8h omalhs parousiashs/apeikonhshs ths eikonas,

gi' ayto to logo kai polloi scanners, sarwnoun me 48bpp precision.

::LiNK RaMoNe


Hey, Ho!

Let's Go!



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