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pio einai to kalytero programma gia na milisw me kapion me microfono kai camera?! to MSN leei?
So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause
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Αν θες μόνο μικρόφωνο δοκίμασε skype. Το Messenger υποστηρίζει και κάμερα και μικρόφωνο, αν έχεις καλή γραμμή δε θα έχεις πρόβλημα.
Όμιλος πινγκ-πονγκ Χαλκίδας: http://www.ping-pong.gr
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to skype xrisimopiw gia omilia! kai einai ontos kalo, apla otan milaw me ena filo mou pou exei DSL! kolaei kai den mporei na me akousei san na exei kai kala poly argo internet! de kserw akoma ti paizei 8a to psaksw!


alla egw 8elw na kanw videokliseis mesw internet! to MSN simeriferete kala? i yparxei kalitero programma?

So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause
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to NETmeeting twn windows ema8a kanei videokliseis, alla yparxei kai to MSN , me to opoio piramatistika, kai den mporw na pw oti me ikanopiise

to NETmeeting pws douleyei ? ekei pou exei na balw to onoma aftou pou 8elw na kalesw ti bazw? ston MSN , apla me to mail, edw pws sindeomai me kapion?


episeis ksanarwtaw , kserei kaneis kanena allo kalo programma gia videokliseis ektws apo to netmeeting kai MSN?!

So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause
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Υπαρχει και το Yahoo messenger, προτίμησε την αγγλική εκδοση που έχει και πολύ καλό on-line radio (Launch cast)


Λινκ: http://messenger.yahoo.com/

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afto to yahoo pou les, 8elei mipos na exeis kai mail sto yahoo?


genika pws epikinonei , kai briskeis ton allon ? san to MSN me registration kai me to mail sou ? i me to IP xima tou allou? exeis kalyteri piotita apo ton MSN? genika pio einai TO KALYTERO programa gia VIDEOKLISEIS??

So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause
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