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[Επίσημο] Motorola V600


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dtsolakis den einai anagh na mpeneis sunexia ekei! TO kalo pou exei to moto mas kai mou aresh polu einai oti den xriazetai na mpeneis sunnexia sto menou polu apla mporeis na ftiakshs sortcats PANTONTAS opou 8es to mesew soft key......... eimai polu eukolo kai 8a se volepsi polu p.x egw to exw valei sortcut na mpeneis kteufian sto power ekei pou les Nai H Oxi.......... :D dokimaseto alla prospa8ise na min ksexasis ta sort key meta (evala polla kai oute ta 8umame twra xaxaxa)


filika spiros

Be a leader of your mind and your heart, believe in yourself and change your destiny..... :cool: The Dreams always came true!Be a Dreamer :zzz:

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος dtsolakis (16 Απρ. 2004 , 11:02)


Αυτό μου την δίνει υπερβολικά! Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω για ποιό λόγο η MOTOROLA θεώρησε περιττό να βάλει ενα σημαδάκι όποτε είναι ανοικτό το bluetooth που καταναλώνει μεγάλη ποσότητα ενέργειας. Εχω ξεχασει το bluetooth πολλές φορές ανοιχτό και αναγκαζομαι να μπαίνω στην τροφοδοσία bluetooth για να το ελεγχω...


Apla theorise pws einai pio glamour na sou dixnei tin leitourgia tou Bluetooth me ton fwtismo... alloste otan eisai makria apo bluetooth adapter pisteuw pos to BT einai se idle mode. Gia auto kai prepei na patiseis to FIND ME ama theleis na se vrei kapoios. Egw genika exw doulepsei to V600 me to BT anoixto ala kai me kleisto.... den exw paratirisei kamia ousiastikh diafora sto thema ksefwrtishs ths mpatarias

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Antimetopizw ena mikro provlimataki kai mias kai pou tha paw to kinhto gia update mia apo autes tis meres tha ithela thn gnwmh sas se ena sugekrimeno thema.

Exw to V600 edw kai duo evdomades.... To prosexw san ta matia mou opws kanw aloste me kathe kinhto pou exei perasei apo ta matia mou .

Ilikrina to kinhto den mou exei pesei pote katw kai oute to vazw mesa se tsepes. Na fadastite pws to akobaw siga siga sto trapezi gia na mhn kanei kanena shmadi sto alouminio apo katw.


Exw omws to ekshs provlima enw eimouna mia xaroula... koitaw to kinhto kai ti na dw ..... sthn ashmenia apsida guro guro apo to mauro plaisio tis proswpshs (Oxi to aluminio meros) efuge ena mikro kommataki san na ksefloudise....


oriste kai mia photo



Pisteuete pws to service tis MOTOROLAS tha mou to kalupsei san egguhsh????? Einai mono duo evdomades to kinhto kai den exei to paramikro shmadi gia na peis pws mou exei pesei katw.

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος solaris (17 Απρ. 2004 , 01:58)


Antimetopizw ena mikro provlimataki kai mias kai pou tha paw to kinhto gia update mia apo autes tis meres tha ithela thn gnwmh sas se ena sugekrimeno thema.

Exw to V600 edw kai duo evdomades.... To prosexw san ta matia mou opws kanw aloste me kathe kinhto pou exei perasei apo ta matia mou .

Ilikrina to kinhto den mou exei pesei pote katw kai oute to vazw mesa se tsepes. Na fadastite pws to akobaw siga siga sto trapezi gia na mhn kanei kanena shmadi sto alouminio apo katw.


Exw omws to ekshs provlima enw eimouna mia xaroula... koitaw to kinhto kai ti na dw ..... sthn ashmenia apsida guro guro apo to mauro plaisio tis proswpshs (Oxi to aluminio meros) efuge ena mikro kommataki san na ksefloudise....


oriste kai mia photo



Pisteuete pws to service tis MOTOROLAS tha mou to kalupsei san egguhsh????? Einai mono duo evdomades to kinhto kai den exei to paramikro shmadi gia na peis pws mou exei pesei katw.


EΛΕΟΣ ΜΕ ΤΑ GREEKGLISH!!!!θΑ πρέ[πει να μας βγαίνουν τα μάτια να διαβάζουμε τα κορακίστικα ή να αδιαφορούμε???? :blink:

Λοιπόν ΣΑΦΕΣΤΑΤΑ και πρέπει και θα στο καλύψουν,τθα τους το εξηγήσεις όπως σε μάς και θα τους ζητήσεις αλλαγή.Φαίνεται καθαρότατα ότι ΔΕΝ είναι λόγω κακής χρήσης...

<Πειτε ΟΧΙ στα greeklish>- http://www.periland.gr Επισκεφθείτε το online μου κατάστημα...http://www.apiastos.gr



Tον χάρο καλοπιάνουμε να μην μας έχει άχτι,ποτέ δεν θα πεθάνουμε κουφάλα νεκροθάφτη :lol:

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Γεια χαρά και από μένα,

συγχαρητήρια για το myphone.gr.


Πρόσφατα αγόρασα το V600 από ΤΙΜ, για όλους τους λόγους που το έχετε και εσείς :)


Μπαίνω απ'ευθείας στο ψητό, με μικροbugs που έχω συναντήσει, τα οποία μυστηριωδώς έχουν εμφανιστεί μία φορά το καθένα:


Flex version: SE6442AXXG10E2_1

S/W version: TRIPLETS_G_0B.08.A5R_A


α) κατά την λήψη κλήσης, με άνοιγμα/κλείσιμο στο πορτάκι, η μπροστινή οθόνη την άκουσε και έβγαλε μία λευκή γραμμή με μη αναγνώσιμους χαρακτήρες.

Αναγκαστικά turn off/on και έστρωσε.


β) το moto ανοικτό, βάζω τον μετ/στή για φόρτιση, τίποτε το moto... σαν να μην τον είχα συνδέσει... βρε καλό μου, αλλαγή μπρίζας(lol) τα ίδια.... οκ, reboot time αλλά δεν... το πλήκτρο off δεν αντιδρούσε, όχι μόνο για το κλείσιμο του τηλ, αλλά ούτε και μέσα στα menu.. αναγκαστικά αφαίρεση μπαταρίας...


Δεν ξέρω αν σας έχει παρουσιαστεί κάτι παρόμοιο.. αν ναι, λύθηκε με firm upgrade ?


Και μία newbie ερώτηση... πριν το πάω για ενημέρωση firmware, πρέπει να μεταφέρω τον τηλ. κατάλογο στην sim?? θα χαθούν οι καταχωρήσεις?



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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος RootX (18 Απρ. 2004 , 12:15)


β) το moto ανοικτό, βάζω τον μετ/στή για φόρτιση, τίποτε το moto... σαν να μην τον είχα συνδέσει... βρε καλό μου, αλλαγή μπρίζας(lol) τα ίδια.... οκ, reboot time αλλά δεν... το πλήκτρο off δεν αντιδρούσε, όχι μόνο για το κλείσιμο του τηλ, αλλά ούτε και μέσα στα menu.. αναγκαστικά αφαίρεση μπαταρίας...


Το ίδιο έπαθα κι εγω χθες. Με κλειστό το κινητο (ειχε τελειωσει η μπαταρια) βαζω το φορτιστη αλλα τίποτα. Μετά απο 3-4 προσπάθειες, δούλεψε. Μάλλον δεν "πιάνει" καλα το βύσμα γιατί αρκετές φορές δεν καταλαβαίνει και το καλώδιο USB όταν το συνδέω. Ανησυχητικό θα έλεγα...

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kai egw eixa pathei mia fora .... kai nomiza pws fortize .... Sthn arxh nomiza pws epidh to eixa afisei na ksefortisei entelos argouse na vgalei mia endiksh sthn othoni... omws meta apo 30lepta eida pws i katastash htan i idia...

Evgala to visma ala tipota..... to ekana polles fores... Telika to evgala apo thn briza kai to ksana evala kai doulepse kanonika.... Den kserw an einai kanena protection tis Motorola gia otan afineis polles wres to fortisth sthn briza

Mallon omws prepei na einai provlima firmware

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος solaris (14 Απρ. 2004 , 23:28)


Exw mia mera pou exw parei to V600 kai shmera den douleuei to SEARCH sto site gia na boresw na psaksw merika erwthmata pou exw.... Ena apo auta pou me endiaferei amesa einai :


Exw to MA700 Bluetooth Adaptor kai to V600.

Exw epishs ta MA Handset Manager kai to MOTOROLA mobile phone tools


1)JAVA paixnidia pws perniounte sto kinhto? (Apla eixa sunithisei na ta pernaw polu apla me ta symbian kinhta pou eixa.)


2) Yparxei dunatothta me to parapanw bluetooth na stelnw sto kinhto me ena aplo deksi click kai 'send to nearby computer' Diladi opws ekana me ta symbian ki8nhta kai me tis IRDA


Euxaristw prokatavolika


Ξέχνα το ΜΑ-700, δεν δουλεύει με το V600. Πάρε το Omnius CL.2 να δεις την υγειά σου! :)

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Klasika phga shmera sto Service sthn Motorola kai arxise na mou lipei to service tis NOKIA... Borei vevaia na mhn exei i MOTOROLA tis treles oures ala toulaxiston epernes sthn AC to kinhto sou thn idia mera pou to edeines.... Anyway


Egw eixa ta parakatw provlimata me to V600


1. Anavathmisi logismikou gia diorthosh provlimatos anaforas SMS


2. Mesa sto menu kai me apenergopioimenous tous hxous sta koubia ...evgaze enan hxo apo to akoustiko.... san na apomonones to akoustiko kai na to anoiges ksana.... Opws kanei diladi ena hxeio otan tou to aposundeseis apotoma.




3. Genika otan milaga sto thlefwno akougontoustan ola me ena triksimo... piezontas ligo to akoustiko eftiagne


4. To parapanw provlimataki me tin prosopsh... to opoio tous eipa akrivos oti sas eipa kai parapanw.... H vlakia einai pws eniwsa ligo m@l@k@s dioti lew thn alitheia kai me koitazan les kai tous elega pws eimai o Napoleon.


As elpizoume pws tha mou to ftiaxoun...

upothike kai i periptwsh na allaxtei to kinhto .... pragma pou me fovizei giati to diko mou exei SHARP othoni kai tha mou dosoun kanena paliotero me tin "mple' othoni kai tha spastw.

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Άλλο bug

Ο ήχος μηνυμάτων είναι ο ίδιος με τον ήχο κλήσης!!! Ό,τι κι αν επιλέξω...


Πάντως η κάθε συσκευή έχει τα δικά της bug μου φαίνεται... Αλλά πέραν αυτών, το v600 ΛΕΕΙ.

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To V600 σε τι χρώματα κυκλοφορεί ? (όχι σε τι χρώμα μπορεί να πάρει ανάλογα με τις προσόψεις.) Επίσης είχε λεχθεί ότι το V600 σε ένα συγκεκριμένο χρώμα δεν αλλάζει προσόψεις ισχύει?
Sony Ericsson NEO V 4.1.1 rooted
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paidia allazoune ta panta sto kinito akoma kai to V koitaxte edw http://www.cnn.cn/view_product.php?product=ORI0KJGY55

Be a leader of your mind and your heart, believe in yourself and change your destiny..... :cool: The Dreams always came true!Be a Dreamer :zzz:

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paidia pantos egw oute bug oute tipota den exw antimetopisi mexri twra. Twra den kserw ti na pw fenete epeidh den exoune valh to xeraki tou h ellhnares sto kinito mou :P


to Motorola PST mporei na douleupsh me bluetooth giati emena den douleuei psaxnei sunexia gia suskeues.Enw me ta alla programta douleuoune ola mia xara den kserw ti na pw kserei kaneis?

Be a leader of your mind and your heart, believe in yourself and change your destiny..... :cool: The Dreams always came true!Be a Dreamer :zzz:

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος cableguy (19 Απρ. 2004 , 23:21)


paidia pantos egw oute bug oute tipota den exw antimetopisi mexri twra. Twra den kserw ti na pw fenete epeidh den exoune valh to xeraki tou h ellhnares sto kinito mou :P



Σε ποια χώρα κατασκευάστηκε το δικό σου? Το δικό μου (και υποθέτω και αρκετών αλλων) ειναι κινέζικο...

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Packed in the E.U kai made in China Paidia esas to kouti ti eixe mesa ? Emena eixe ena manual, CD, BlueTooth handset, fortisti mia mpataria xmmmmm den ksexasa tipota auta

Be a leader of your mind and your heart, believe in yourself and change your destiny..... :cool: The Dreams always came true!Be a Dreamer :zzz:

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος cableguy (19 Απρ. 2004 , 23:11)


paidia allazoune ta panta sto kinito akoma kai to V koitaxte edw http://www.cnn.cn/view_product.php?product=ORI0KJGY55



Na eisai kala re cableguy pou vrikes auto to site. Apo oti fenetai aurio pou tha paw sthn MOTOROLA den tha mou to exoun allaksei to kedriko kommati sto kinhto kai me vlepw na paraggelnw apo ekei. 16 $ den einai kai tipota to tromero... Pados gia authn thn timh h poiothta tou aluminiou den tha prepei na einai kai oti kalutero.... Etsi htan kai oi aluminenies prosopseis tou NOKIA 8850/8890

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ti pota re filaraki...Ma kala den se noiazei h poiotita tou alouminiou mono to V se noiazei mono gia auto 8a to agorasis :P


Ti pernei kaneis stis epoxes mas me 16Euro (peripou) :s

Be a leader of your mind and your heart, believe in yourself and change your destiny..... :cool: The Dreams always came true!Be a Dreamer :zzz:

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος cableguy (19 Απρ. 2004 , 23:39)


Packed in the E.U kai made in China Paidia esas to kouti ti eixe mesa ? Emena eixe ena manual, CD, BlueTooth handset, fortisti mia mpataria xmmmmm den ksexasa tipota auta



Oυτε CD, ουτε headset. Ουτε καν ενα manual τις προκοπής αλλα αυτο ειναι γενικό κακό με το v600

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kala apo oti eida kai epsaksa gia manual ta mona pou vrika htan se pdf kai autia xalia akrivws opws einai to manual pou mou dwsane " ma kala tsigounides toso lefta dwsame ligo melani parapanw re paidia gia kamia eikona " xaxaxa

Be a leader of your mind and your heart, believe in yourself and change your destiny..... :cool: The Dreams always came true!Be a Dreamer :zzz:

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος cableguy (19 Απρ. 2004 , 23:46)


ti pota re filaraki...Ma kala den se noiazei h poiotita tou alouminiou mono to V se noiazei mono gia auto 8a to agorasis :P


Ti pernei kaneis stis epoxes mas me 16Euro (peripou) :s



Nai mono to kedriko me endiaferei mias kai olo to upoloipo einai athikto... (vlepe kai photo pio panw pou exw valei)

Makari na exoun kai mikres keraies autoi ekei na paraggilo mia kai eksw.


Eimai sigouros pws ama zitisw to mesaio kommati sthn MOTOROLA


1. Den tha to exoun

2. Tha sou to vazoune paketo me ta upoloipa kalhmata

3. Oxi 16euro ala sigoura tha exei 90-100euro....


Egw gia kalo kai gia kako to tupwsa gia tous to tripsw sthn mourh ama mou poun kamia ekswfreniki timh

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re si $16 dolaria na einai to polu 20 Euro mazi me ta ekswda metaforas den kserw akrivws poso einai h antistixia alla kapou toso einai peripou.. kai egw to skeftwmai gia keraia alla mou aresei kai etsi pou einai

Be a leader of your mind and your heart, believe in yourself and change your destiny..... :cool: The Dreams always came true!Be a Dreamer :zzz:

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος niwn (19 Απρ. 2004 , 15:52)



Άλλο bug

Ο ήχος μηνυμάτων είναι ο ίδιος με τον ήχο κλήσης!!! Ό,τι κι αν επιλέξω...


Πάντως η κάθε συσκευή έχει τα δικά της bug μου φαίνεται... Αλλά πέραν αυτών, το v600 ΛΕΕΙ.


Δεν νομίζω να είναι bug. Όταν έχεις επιλέξει ταυτότητα ήχου γιά μια επαφή & λάβεις μήνυμα απ'αυτήν, λογικό δεν είναι να ακούς τον χαρακτηριστικό ήχο που έχεις επιλέξει γιά αναγνώριση; ;)

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Motorola, Sony Ericsson to Report Rising Profit Amid Nokia Woes

April 19 (Bloomberg) -- Motorola Inc. and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Ltd., the world's second- and sixth-largest mobile-phone makers, this week may report rising first-quarter earnings and sales as they capture market share from Nokia Oyj.


Sony Ericsson may today post pretax profit of 37.6 million euros ($45 million), compared with a loss a year earlier, according to an SME Direkt survey of 20 analysts. Motorola on Tuesday may say profit rose to 7 cents a share from 1 cent, according to 34 analysts in a Thomson Financial survey.


Motorola, based in Schaumburg, Illinois, and Sony Ericsson, along with Samsung Electronics Co. and Germany's Siemens AG, are benefiting as consumers buy phones with cameras, music players and organizer functions. Espoo, Finland-based Nokia, which has dominated the market for the past six years, on Friday predicted revenue may decline for a fourth consecutive quarter.


``Competitors are benefiting from Nokia's weakness,'' said Torsten Gruendel at Cominvest/Adig in Frankfurt, which oversees $23 billion and owns Nokia, Siemens, Samsung and Motorola shares.


In the fourth quarter, Nokia's share of the handset market shrank to 34.7 percent from 36.1 percent a year earlier, according to market researcher Gartner Inc. That was the second straight quarterly drop for Nokia.


Samsung's Gains


Samsung, the third-largest handset maker by units sold, on Friday said first-quarter profit almost tripled to a record 3.1 trillion won ($2.7 billion), helped by mobile-phone sales. The company said it will sell more phones this year than the 65 million it forecast in January.


Samsung's market share rose to 9.9 percent in the fourth quarter, and Siemens's share gained to 9.5 percent, Gartner said.


Munich-based Siemens, the world's fourth-largest mobile- phone maker, reports fiscal second-quarter earnings on April 28.


Nokia Chief Executive Officer Jorma Ollila forecast industry sales will grow this quarter from the 128 million units sold in the three months through March. Competitors have improved their offerings while Nokia has been too late in introducing attractive phones, he said Friday.


A Goldman, Sachs & Co. survey of 2,300 consumers in the U.S. and U.K. found that handset buyers are becoming more undecided about which brand to choose, ``at Nokia's expense,'' Goldman analysts Tim Boddy, Robert Maclean, Brantley Thompson and Natalie Hayday said in an April 14 note.


Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and LG Electronics Inc. will benefit from Nokia's weakness in mid-priced phones and grab market share this quarter, the analysts wrote. Nokia is currently selling about 100 different models, 40 percent of which are ``low- end'' phones, Ollila said Friday.


Motorola Revival


Motorola, whose market share fell to 14.2 percent in the fourth quarter from 17.1 percent, according to Gartner, unveiled 14 new phones in January and February. It also introduced three more, the A840, V710 and A845 models, at a trade show last month in Atlanta. All three models have video cameras and high-speed Internet access.


Motorola Tuesday will probably report an 11 percent increase in first-quarter revenue to $6.73 billon, according to the Thomson Financial survey. Motorola has predicted a jump in phone sales of as much as 25 percent in the quarter.


``If Motorola manages to finally deliver on what they've promised, they could be the one to take up the slack,'' said Gartner Inc. analyst Ben Wood in an interview.


Camera Phones


Sony Ericsson, which is vying with LG for the No. 5 position in global handset sales, last month announced the S700 phone, equipped with a 1.3 megapixel camera allowing for higher resolution photos, and the K700, which records and plays videos and stores about 450 pictures taken with its camera. The company was formed in October 2001, when Sony Corp. and Ericsson AB merged their handset units.


President Katsumi Ihara on March 9 said the mobile-phone market, expressed in units, will grow more than 10 percent this year, after previously predicting an advance of as much as 10 percent. Sony Ericsson will likely say first-quarter sales soared 61 percent, helped by the popularity of its camera phones, the SME Direkt survey showed.


Siemens plans to introduce 30 new models this year, from 26 new phones in 2003. Among the new models are four clamshell handsets, which Siemens sells mostly in Asia. Siemens sold a record 15.2 million units in the quarter through December.


Rudi Lamprecht, who heads the IC Mobile division, has said he plans to take the No. 3 position from Samsung by selling more phones in markets such as eastern Europe and Asia. Siemens now has about 10 percent of the global market, which Lamprecht has forecast will reach 560 million phones this year.


`Much Tougher'


``The market has gotten much tougher,'' said Anders Hedh, head of marketing at Dialect AB, which operates about 100 mobile- phone stores in Sweden. ``The others have caught up with Nokia when it comes to design and functionality.''


The 53-year-old Ollila, after unseating Motorola as the world's largest handset maker in 1998, has held Nokia's market share above 30 percent for more than three years, according to Wood, who compiles quarterly reports on market share as an analyst at Gartner.


Nokia may take as long as until the fourth quarter to reverse the slide in market share, analysts including Jakob Pedersen at Sydbank A/S said. Ollila on Friday said new handsets won't have a ``major impact'' until the fourth quarter.


``We'll see Nokia struggle to retain market share,'' said Pedersen. ``Almost all the other players will benefit.''

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