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About kdk_M3

  • Ημ. Γέννησης Απρίλιος 14

kdk_M3's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ti lete re paides?35 eurw gia stand?pou zoume? pare ena mono apo th yamaha 9 eurw k phgiane to s ena synergeio na sou anoixei tis trypes.to poly +5 eurw...
  2. Dn exei aisthitira λ.outws h allws tha fainotan
  3. Paides wraia h GPR alla emena 220 eura mou fainontai polla gia exatmisi se papi...Tosa lefta gia 0.5 hp kai +5 teliki???Tespa yparxei kai h protech pou bgainei gia crypron x kai kanei 90 euro...xerei kaneis tpt gia auth???
  4. Palikari freno einai...lol...Me symplekti evgaine sth malaisia
  5. File alex h YAMAHA dn exei tpt gia crypton x...oute kolofanaro oute exatmisi..distixws..
  6. AXXAX0X0A0....Kalo...Mh kaneis kana asteio k anoixeis me M3...Tha apogoiteuteis....K **** ta amaxia einai h supra alla dn yparxei periptwsh mama supra na peraseis M... Ennoeitai M3 file mou..Se supra gia na pw thn alitheia dn exw mpei alla exw mpei sth kainouria M...san aeroplano paei otan to anoigeis.:)K pisteuw tha ta patas xalara ta supra me 120 aloga parapanw..:) Makari na eixame oloi ta lefta gia tetoia dillimata...
  7. Re mages pou yparxei auto to kolofanaro me ta flas mesa sthn Athina????To exoun s olh thn Ellada k sth Athina pouthena...eleoc... File Alk_fu thlefwnisa sto magazi pou m eipes alla dn exoun leei th yoshi...Mono th GPR...:(Breite mou mia yoshi!!!!:mad:
  8. Thx file mou..mallon aurio tha perasw na dw ti paizei..tha se enhmerwsw...:D
  9. File alk ama mporeis dwse to thl plz giati dn th briskw pouthena...me eswses...:) Sakisx me thn kleidaria ti ekanes afou briskete panw sto ftero???Kalh idea gia ta flas..:)
  10. Proswpika tha ebaza th yoshi kai g thn emfanisi alla k gia to sigasthra.Gt me th GPR tha mazeveis klhseis apo xiliometra makria.... Paides sto site ths yoshimura dn yparxei kamia exatmisi gia crypton x.... Pws th brhkame edw sthn Ellada???????? Telwspantwn opoios xerei pou mporoume na th broume sthn Athina as to pei gt psaxnw pantou k dn yparxei.H Yanaha leei oti dn exei kamia exatmisi g crypon x... Kai epishs pou mporoume na broume kolofanaro me enswmatwmena ta flas???
  11. dn einai aisthitiras λ autos.dn xerw ti einai alla sigoura dn einai aisthitiras λ File athina meneis?an nai apo p phres to kolofanaro gt dn briskw pouthena... file xamposs phga sth yamaha k lene oti dn exoun eksatmisi yoshimura g crypton x.basika dn exoun kamia g crypton x.xereis sthn Athina kana magazi pou na exei th yoshimura?????
  12. Mi baleis oinopneuma.to ekana sto crypton x m k thampwse ligo to xrwma.dn fenetai poly alla mh to kaneis kalitera
  13. k poios sou eipe oti exei aisthitira λ?????????
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