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About pandemonium

  • Ημ. Γέννησης 03/02/1983

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. ti ennoeis kradaetai ? mhpws paizei tpt me thn tash sthn perioxh sou ?
  2. mpa.. den tha to elega aggelopa... giati uparxei kai ena fan bus sto kouti kai ola einai sundedemena ekei.. kathws epishs kai mporeis na baleis fylla na meiwnoun ton thorubo..
  3. epeidh asxoloume me overclocking to thema ths thermothtas me endiaferei polu .. sou proteinw gia yuxtra AeroCool DP-102 h mia Thermaltake Silent Boost, ena kouti me thsThermaltake Xaser III V2000A, ena trofodotiko Levicom 420XPE me 2 anemisthres kai kathws epishs extra anemisthres sto chipset, ena hdd cooler kai kalummata psykshs mnhmwn me anemhsthra kai merika fan guard .. tha mou peis oti me alla ayta o logariasmos tha ftasei sta uyh .. logiko.. alla kai na baleis udroyuksh pali auta tha ta xreiasteis.. pantws ta kollhmata sta pc kata 50% einai apo thermothta.
  4. vodafone cu kai gprs me sundesh kinhtou sto pc ginetai ? an to exei kanei kaneis plz msg me... phra thl sthn vodafone-panafon kai mou eipan oti se kartokinhta den ginetai... kamia idea ?
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