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Everything posted by Tedaros

  1. h supra mou mama exei 225 aloga. exei filtro kai exatmish hks. dld peripou 235 aloga. me bgalmenous katalutes anebainei peripou sta 255 aloga. atmosfairika. opote exoume sthn prwht periptwsh: Power at Flywheel (BHP) : 235 Weight without Driver (KG) : 1450 Power to Weight Ratio (BHP Per Ton) : 164.67 0 - 60 (Secs) : 6.48 0 - 100 (Secs) : 16.78 60 - 100 (Secs) : 10.30 Quarter Mile (Secs) : 14.85 Terminal Speed (MPH) : 94.06 Drag Strip Quarter Mile (Secs) : 14.75 Drag Strip Terminal Speed (MPH) : 95.12 kai sth deuterh: Power at Flywheel (BHP) : 255 Weight without Driver (KG) : 1450 Power to Weight Ratio (BHP Per Ton) : 178.69 0 - 60 (Secs) : 6.04 0 - 100 (Secs) : 15.19 60 - 100 (Secs) : 9.14 Quarter Mile (Secs) : 14.39 Terminal Speed (MPH) : 97.33 Drag Strip Quarter Mile (Secs) : 14.29 Drag Strip Terminal Speed (MPH) : 98.44 den einai kai to pio grhgoro tou kosmou alla borw na pw ena apo ta pio omorfa.
  2. antapokrinetai arketa sthn pragmatikothta kai giauto to edwsa..! kai gia na ksereis ean sou pei kanenas anhdeos exw peugeot rallye pou kanei 0-100 se 3.....lew twra paradeigma...lol
  3. nai xrwstaw videakia. gurnaw agglia se mia bdomada opote tha balw. den einai tpt sumantiko. ligo broum broum..lol!me to telwneio den kserw ti tha ginei akoma. exw gera mesa egw kai kati paizei na ginei. tha deixei. gia osous theloun na kseroun posa apidia pianei to amaxi tous.... http://www.letstorquebhp.com/calculator.asp
  4. Apo ta telh aprhliou tha ksana kukoforhsei sthn athina h ashmenia supra h dexiotimonh me tis agglikes pinakhdes. tha brisketai peripou gia 5 mhnes(osoi prolaboun prolaban). perioxes pou suxnazei: agia paraskeuh kai glufada. kai epishmws tha borw na enoxlw tous katoikous ths hsuxhs athinas exontas bgalei kai tous 2 katalutes....!!! kalh xronia se olous kai oles!!
  5. to autokollhto deixnei 2 gomenes sth mesh plath me plath kai 3 exatmiseis apo th mia pleura kai 3 apo thn allh pou briskontai panw se fwtia. exei kai brosta autokollhto me 2 gomenes pali (opws to shma ths KAPPA). to moter den fainetai epeidh einai nuxta. einai 3litro(2jz ge) me beltiwsh mono to filtro(manhtari) ths hks. epishs kai h exatmish einai hks. apodidei peripou 240 aloga. den kanei polu thorubo(den me apasxolei kiolas auto). foraei 235 lastixo ebros kai 265 pisw. exei bilstein me xamhlwmena elathria. thelei polu douleia to moter giati einai aplo akoma. einai apisteuta oikonomiko. trexei mono me 98 kai panw benzinh. kai einai dexiotimono bebaia( mhn rwthsei kaneis an einai duskolo, einai sunitheia). euxomai na kataferw na to ektelwnisw wste na uparxei kana kalo amaxi na omorfainei thn athina, phxame sta saxoralla kai tous tenekeds (kseganwtous). to project pou etoimazetai (ean erthei ellada), tha ginei apo beltiwthko oiko sthn agglia me parraggelies apo iapwnia. tha einai sigoura panw apo 700 aloga...gia kathimerinh xrhsh...!! einai makroprothesmo bebaia auto alla kalo einai na prospathei kaneis gia ta oneira tou. ena ena ta bhmata. eipame sas xrwstaw kai videaki..!
  6. leo phgaine edw kai des: http://www.hi5.com/friend/105515340--Thodoris--Profile-html :wink:
  7. prospathw tosh wra na kanw post photografies kai den borw...den kserw ti kanw lathos... oso gia videaki prepei na epistrepsw agglia meta ta xristogenna kai na ta perasw sto lap top apo camera, exw kati palia pou tha sas aresoun...otan thn agorasa ekana sa xazo kai to trabousa sunexeia..
  8. euxaristw gia to reply. nai einai mkiv tou 95 apo japan. kukloforouse sthn athina kathimerina to fetino kalokairi 2007. oso anafora to oti den einai twin turbo den me apasxolei pros to paron. eimai foithths sthn agglia kai teleiwnontas gurw sto pasxa thelw na thn katebasw...alla opws les tha mou kopsoun ton k...o efoson tha allaxei to pososto telous. alla den prolabainw twra me tpt na thn ferw. ean pantos kataferw na thn ferw tha etoimastei to amaxi gia tropeto se 700-800 aloga (single turbo). pera apo auto prepei prwta na ginei h arxh, dld na erthei edw to amaxi aplo..! alla ean einai na me klepsoun oi eforiakoi tha prepei na skeftw kati allo..
  9. Γειά σας, θέλω να κάνω μερικές ερωτήσεις σχετικές με το θέμα της εισαγωγής αυτοκινήτου από το εξωτερικό (Ε.Ε.). Έχω μία Toyota Supra 3000 κυβικά, μοντέλο '95 (Ιανουάριος), με 240 hp τη οποία αγόρασα από την Αγγλία. (Το αμάξι δεν έχει Turbo, το λέω γιατί δεν ξέρω αν παίζει ρόλο) Θέλω λοιπόν να φέρω αυτό το αμάξι στην Ελλάδα. Μπορείτε να μου πείτε σε ποιά από τις παρακάτω κατηγορίες υπάγεται το αμάξι μου? http://bloka.com/d_2.htm Επίσης, αν κάποιος ξέρει, θα ήθελα να μάθω τί ακριβώς αξιολόγηση γίνεται στο αυτοκίνητο από το τελωνείο. Ευχαριστώ πολύ.
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