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Everything posted by geovass
Το εχει κανει κανεις να δουλεψει με blackberry service ?
Η Vodafone παρελαβε σημερα στην αποθηκη της...
Ποια εκδοση εχεις...? Η Εργοστασιακη ειναι η 1.20.xx εαν θυμαμαι καλα. Εγω εχω την 1.40.xx κατι εαν θυμαμαι καλα!
για τις radio rom upgrade, δεν χρειαζετε να κανεις hard reset. Μονο soft reset. Η 1.50 εχει βγαλει προβληματα με την καταναλωση της μπαταριας. Την ειχα βαλει και την πεταξα....
Ναι, μπουρδες γραφουν....:cry::cry::cry:
που το ειδες αυτο?:X
Απο Δευτερα 24 το δινει η Vodafone στους εταιρικούς πελάτες!:)
Σωστο. Δεν θα ειναι στην τριτη σεζον. Καλη η αρχη του 3του μερους...:X
Δεν εχει σημασια τι θα περάσεις πρώτα...:)
Αυτο ειναι αναβαθμηση ROM για τα μοντελα της Singular. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=329506
Εαν κανει upgrade ναι θα του κρατησει τα παντα.
Νεα ROM...:D Software version GSM Radio: Protocol version: CE version: 1.57.502.2 OS build: Windows Mobile 6 AKU 0.4.2 Build 18125 ht@p://rapidshare.com/files/55298724/RUU_Kaiser_CINGULAR_WWE_.exe Issue fixed 8925 Vibrate Stays On when mail is received HTC 8925 - USB Stereo headset not working 8925 freeze Multiple reports of device freeze and inactive touch screen 8925 PTT release issue Blank screen, phone locked up (or powered down) Vibrate won't shut off HTC 8925 touch screen response issue No message received when a voice message is sent HTC camera Error HTC 8900 - XM files are read only and this means the trial will never expire.
πρόγραμμα Navigator Με χαρτες Ελλαδος.
San Francisco; Sept. 5, 2007 Apple and Starbucks Announce Music Partnership Wirelessly Find and Buy Music at Starbucks Apple® and Starbucks today announced an exclusive partnership that lets customers wirelessly browse, search for, preview, buy and download music from the iTunes® Wi-Fi Music Store at Starbucks onto their iPod® touch, iPhone™ or PC or Mac® running iTunes while at a participating location. When a customer enters a participating location, their device will automatically recognize the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store using a high-speed Wi-Fi wireless network with no connection fee or hotspot login. Customers will be able to browse, search and freely preview millions of songs, including a new “Now Playing” service which displays the name of the song playing in the Starbucks store at that moment, then easily buy and download songs or albums directly to their device. Prices and selection on the Tunes Wi-Fi Music Store are the same as on the regular iTunes Store. The service will make its debut at more than 600 Starbucks company-operated locations in New York and Seattle on October 2. “Getting free access to the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store and the ‘Now Playing’ service at Starbucks is a great way for customers to discover new music,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Imagine walking into a participating Starbucks, hearing a great song, and being able to instantly download it onto your iPod or iPhone. We think this is very cool.” “With this partnership, we’re bringing Apple’s leadership in digital music together with not only our retail footprint, but the unique Starbucks experience, to offer customers a world-class digital music experience,” said Howard Schultz, chairman, Starbucks Coffee Company. “Introducing this new service is a natural extension of our music strategy which only enhances the retail coffee experience for customers by helping them discover and acquire new music instantly.” After its debut in New York and Seattle on October 2, the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store will continue its national rollout to 350 Starbucks stores in the San Francisco Bay area on November 7; 500 stores in Los Angeles in early February 2008; 300 stores in Chicago in March 2008; and additional markets throughout the US later in 2008. The iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store at Starbucks will run on the robust T-Mobile HotSpot Wi-Fi network which is available at participating Starbucks locations across the US. With Apple’s legendary ease of use, pioneering features such as Cover Flow™, integrated podcasting support, iMix playlist sharing, seamless integration with iPod and iPhone, and the ability to turn previously purchased songs into completed albums at reduced prices, the iTunes Store is the best way for PC and Mac users to legally discover, purchase and download music and video online. Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh. Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in innovation with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system and iLife and professional applications. Apple is also spearheading the digital media revolution with its iPod portable music and video players and iTunes online store, and has entered the mobile phone market this year with its revolutionary iPhone. Starbucks Coffee Company provides an uplifting experience that enriches people’s lives one moment, one human being, one extraordinary cup of coffee at a time. To share in the experience, visit http://www.**************. http://www.**************/aboutus/pressdesc.asp?id=790
...:X:X:X:X (κακο σκυλι, ψόφο δεν εχει !!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:)
Μπραβο Λεωνιδα!:) Πολυ σημαντικό αυτο που έκανες!
MP3 players (τιμές, συγκρίσεις, εντυπώσεις και mini-FAQ)
geovass replied to teorizo's topic in Digital Gadgets
picture is down...:( -
Ναι, συμφωνώ για τις ταινίες που παιζει ο Θεός Anthony!! οσο για την γεωργικη παραγωγη ...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Ειδα προχθες το Hannibal Rising...:cry: Μεγαλη πατατα το εργο... Ολα τα prequels μετα το Silence of the Lambs ειναι για μεγαλα χαστουκια...:( http://ia.imdb.com/media/imdb/01/I/64/53/03/10m.jpg
Windows Live Mobile: MSN contacts στον κατάλογο μου
geovass replied to akpe's topic in Windows Mobile Pocket PCs
Δεν βλεπω την επιλογη για αλλαγη λογαριασμου. Που στο καλο ειναι ...??:cry::wacko: -
Windows Live Mobile: MSN contacts στον κατάλογο μου
geovass replied to akpe's topic in Windows Mobile Pocket PCs
Αυτο που περιγραφεις εγω δεν το βρισκω... Μπορεις να βοηθησεις λιγο? Παταω sign-in και μου πεταει παραθυρο που με ρωταει εαν θελω να συνδεθω και να συγχρονισω... Εχει ή ΟΚ ή Cancel. Αμα πατησω Cancel, απλα δεν με βαζει... -
Ειναι beta νομιζω αυτο το built...