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Everything posted by geovass

  1. μην ανησυχείς! Αμα βγει και εσυ θα μπορεις να το περασεις με manual τροπο!:D
  2. Δεν διαφωνω με αυτο που λες. Φορουμ ειναι και συζηταμε γενικος!:D:D:D Το καλοκαιρι θα ειμαι Αμερικη. Θα το δω απο κοντα :D
  3. απο τους 400,000,000 (πληθυσμός Β. Αμερικής) το αγορασανε οι 500,000. Ξερεις τι ποσοστο ειναι αυτο?:lol::lol::lol: Εγω δεν μιλούσα βεβαια για την αγορα της Β. Αμρικης, μιλούσα για της Ευρωπης/Ελλαδας. Εαν αυτη η συσκευη ΔΕΝ ηταν Apple, δεν θα πουλούσε ουτε 10,000 κομματια. Καλημερα σας!
  4. κι ομως! στην Ελλαδα ζουμε. Η αισχροκερδια ειναι γυρω μας...:cry:
  5. Απο πανω (εαν ειναι του ιδου cooker!):D
  6. όπως και ενα πατίνι με ένα ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΟΠΛΟΙΟ... Αλλού είναι το θέμα όμως. Μη σκέφτεσαι σαν τρελο-Macακιας :D. Σκέψου εναν κανονικό χρήστη. Εαν η Apple - στην Ευρωπη - παταει στο οτι θα το παρουν ολοι οι Mac Freeks - τοτε οι πωλησεις θα ειναι πολυ μικρες. By the way και εγω Mac εχω, αλλα το iPad το βλέπω με πολύ δισταγμό.:X
  7. Ακριβώς!:D Αν και ακόμα δεν έχω πιστει ότι θα υπάρχει αγοραστική επιθυμία για αυτό το προϊόν. Ειναι κατι |κλειδωμενο| μεταξυ Laptop και Κινητο...:mad:
  8. http://gizmodo.com/5516860/apple-delays-international-ipad-launch-by-one-month
  9. Επειδή ειχα το HERO με HTC Sence και εκανα τα παντα για να το ξηλωσω, μπορω να σου πω οτι το stock android παει πιο γρηγορα και πιο σταθερα! Αλλα... γουστα ειναι αυτα!:D
  10. Νομιζω πως ναι! Χθες βραδυ ηταν στο 40% ενω συνήθως ειναι γυρω στο 30%. Not bad!
  11. σφαιρα παει το ατιμο! Μπαταρια δεν ξερω ακομα. Το πρωι την περασα!
  12. Νεο test built...:D http://n0rp.chemlab.org/android/nexus/testing/update-cm-5.0.6-N1-test3-signed.zip ... ---- 5.0.6-N1 * Merged AOSP from Google as of 3/31/2010 * Ability to move installed applications between internal storage and SD (from Chris Soyars) * Added libncurses, lsof, irssi, htop, bash, nano and powertop. * Added option to disable USB Debugging notification. * 5 column launcher drawer (from Kmobs and ChrisSoyars) - can be switched back to 4 column in Spare Parts * Animated GIF support in the browser (info from Google) * Updated translations from Eug89, RedVirus, and ThiasB * Yahoo mail can be used over wifi (from Invader@AllDroid) * Kernel is now built from source and installed properly by the Android build system (from Android-X86, tweaked by Wes Garner and Chris Soyars) * New camera features (antibanding, focus mode, jpeg quality) from CodeAurora * Battery percentage meter fix from ChainsDD * Fixed some bugs in Dropbear and added dropbear-****** to generate host keys * New ARM NEON optimizations for Bionic from ARM and 0xlab (http://0xlab.org - Jim Huang) * Audio gain tweaks from Pershoot * Kernel * Launcher can auto-orientate now (enable in Spare Parts) - not really all that pretty but it works * Fix the Google backup transport. If you are doing a no-wipe install, run "bmgr transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService" in a shell to get it enabled. * More bugfixes from AOSP contributers (http://r.android.com) * Sexied up Nexus LWP from WootRoot and jeagoss with more colors, background, and trackball lighting * Added wireless-tools (iwconfig and friends) to the build * Reverted bcm4329 wifi driver to older version * Added option to set a system-wide http proxy server (this should really be a per-ssid setting though) * Allow Bluetooth in airplane mode (needs settings db update if installing w/o wipe) * Added some sounds back * Added trackball-unlock option from Kmobs (this conflicts with the music skip option) * Fix for the red/pink camera tint bug!! (from HTC/Google) * Number keys work on the vk in the Terminal app again (from Jack Palevich's Google Code project)
  13. Ναι, εχει αλλα δεν ειναι ακομα ενεργο.
  14. Παρε του N2 http://n0rp.chemlab.org/android/nexus/testing/update-cm-5.0.6-N1-test2-signed.zip :D
  15. CM 5.0.6-N1 ROM Log ---- 5.0.6-N1 * Merged AOSP from Google as of 3/31/2010 * Ability to move installed applications between internal storage and SD (from Chris Soyars) * Added libncurses, lsof, irssi, htop, bash, nano and powertop. * Added option to disable USB Debugging notification. * 5 column launcher drawer (from Kmobs and ChrisSoyars) - can be switched back to 4 column in Spare Parts * Animated GIF support in the browser (info from Google) * Updated translations from Eug89, RedVirus, and ThiasB * Yahoo mail can be used over wifi (from Invader@AllDroid) * Kernel is now built from source and installed properly by the Android build system (from Android-X86, tweaked by Wes Garner and Chris Soyars) * New camera features (antibanding, focus mode, jpeg quality) from CodeAurora * Battery percentage meter fix from ChainsDD * Fixed some bugs in Dropbear and added dropbear-****** to generate host keys * New ARM NEON optimizations for Bionic from ARM and 0xlab (http://0xlab.org - Jim Huang) * Audio gain tweaks from Pershoot * Kernel * Launcher can auto-orientate now (enable in Spare Parts) - not really all that pretty but it works * Fix the Google backup transport. If you are doing a no-wipe install, run "bmgr transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService" in a shell to get it enabled. * More bugfixes from AOSP contributers (http://r.android.com) * Sexied up Nexus LWP from WootRoot and jeagoss with more colors, background, and trackball lighting * Added wireless-tools (iwconfig and friends) to the build * Reverted bcm4329 wifi driver to older version TEST ROM 2 is out! CM 5.0.6-N2
  16. Service Pack 1 on its way soon... http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2010/04/win7sp1-04-07-2010.png:D
  17. Unlocked HTC Desire launch delayed until April 13th http://www.htcsource.com/2010/04/unlocked-htc-desire-launch-delayed-until-april-13th/
  18. Nexus One Car Dock!:D http://androidandme.com/2010/04/news/official-nexus-one-car-dock-en-route/ http://www.google.com/support/android/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=178146 manual http://www.google.com/googlephone/NexusOneCarDock.pdf
  19. ναι, πρεπει να βαλεις αυτη http://n0rp.chemlab.org/android/nexus/Radio_20100203_2_Signed_PASSION.img
  20. +1 και εαν θελεις να πειραματιστής και λιγακι, βαλε τηντεστ να δεις ΚΑΤΑΠΛΗΚΤΙΚΟ ήχο από το ηχείο, 5 στήλες στο μενου και αλλα καλούδια!:D
  21. παμε παμε να γουσταρουμε!:lol::lol::lol: Εγω το εχω δωσει το HERO αλλα τα παρακολουθω ολα!
  22. για παρτε την απο εδω!:D:D:D http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=656205 Includes: - Based on the 2.1 RUU that will be on HTC's site tomorrow for some and the next coming weeks for other countries - 2.1 Sense for GSM Hero - Root - Busybox - Apps2SD - New radio (flashed on update) - New kernel - Very fast and stable
  23. New Features Of Android 2.5 (Froyo) Google OS Slimming As promised, Froyo will start separating a lot of the applications currently embedded in the core and liberating them into the market as separate apps. Portable App Engine Using the new Portable App Engine, Android will now be able to run Palm Pre and iPhone applications using a virtual machine. While the Pre only has about 2,000 applications, Apple’s iPhone is currently the industry leader with 150,000+. iPhone’s best games are very desirable to non-iPhone owners, for example, as they generally offer superior graphics and level of gameplay, that is, until Froyo comes out. Portable App Engine is a "20%" project started by 2 Google engineers – Joseph Smarr and Ikai Lan – and got its name from Google’s flagship App Engine. Google is notorious for allowing their engineers to work 20% of their time (1 day a week) developing their own ideas and releasing the most ingenious ones to the public. For example, Gmail, Google News, Orkut, Google Talk, and Google Sky Map were all "20%" projects New Charging Technology The Froyo SDK will lay the groundwork for the new charging technology, similar to the recently announced RCA AirPower which should allow charging by absorbing power from surrounding WiFi signals. No word yet on what Google has planned yet. Calendar Bug Fixes The Android calendar is notorious for being a little cuckoo and alerting users of all-day events too early, as well as displaying conflicting information between the calendar and the widgets. Froyo promises to address calendar issues in order to make Android more attractive to business users. :D:D:D:D
  24. με το apndroid μου συμβαινει το ιδιο, οταν το απενεργοποιώ και το ξαναενεργοποιω...
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