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Everything posted by BlackTears
Otan jekinaw to Windows Media Player gia na dw ena wmv arxeio ta prwta 6 lepta paizei kanonika meta arxizei na psilokolaei kai meta mou kleinei to programa.. apo oti exw parathrisei h mnhmh pou xrhsimopoieitai gia programata apo ta 25Mb peftei sta 7 kai sunaixizei kai peftei... Jerei kaneis giati kai an uparxei lush se ayto???
:D 1 programma einai alla hdh exw para polla panw.. alla malon ekei tha katalujw kai gw!! :) na dwsw mia idea??? mporei na nai kai xazh.. mhpws omws h lush gia ta problhmata tou gps sto artemis brisketai sthn registry?? koitaje kaneis apo kei na brei kamia lush?? Jereis kaneis pws tha balw koumpia epanekhnhshs kai termatismou??? ama ginetai me tzampe tropo :) :P Epishs jerei kaneis an mporoume na allajoume eikonidia sthn today screen kai pws?? if you know plz tell me.. thanks!!
exw kanei thn prwth lush alla kathe fora thelei na to janasetareis.. thn deyterh lush lew na mhn thn dokimasw...polla programmata... na se rwthsw kati.. otan anoigeis to windows media player gia na paijeis ena wmv arxeio thn mnhmh poso sthn katebazei?? emena katebainei apo ta 27MB sta 7MB kai merikes fores mou klinei kai to programma.... epishs jereis ta arxeia me katalujei xui pou mpainoun?? ta exw synantisei se themes ... Pws tha bgalw koumpia gia epanekhnhsh kai termatismo sthn today screen??? sorry gia to prijimo... :D :D :D :D
mia pou piasame to thema me to destinator ... Ebala to 6.1.1 gia na paizei o kainourios xarths ekana kai tis rythmiseis pou leei sto ngi gia to artemis alla kathe fora pou jekinaw to destinator prepei na paw stis rythmiseis tou gps kai na janabalw tis rythmiseis gia na doulepsei.. jerei kaneis thn lush?? thanks!!
sorry i didn't know
kai pali sbinei to thema einai to backlight na menei anoixto.. exei kaneis kana spasmeno programma gia dvd to ppc??
brike kaneis thn lush oso afora ton fotismo ths othonhs otan exoume anoixto to destinator??
Question: Jerei kaneis pws mporoume kai an mporoume na baloume kai alles gramatoseires sto word kai to exel ektos apo tis 2 pou exei???
ekanes epanekhnhsh??? dokimase na to janaegatastiseis kai molis to kaneis kane mia epanekhnhsh
Gia imitashion bataria kanonikou megethous :D :D ??? H einai protimotero mia "authentikh" kai as exei thn diplasia timh??? Thanks for the advices.. :D
thn bataria thn brika sto ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/2500mAh-battery-Charger-Dopod-P800W-HTC-Artemis-P3300_W0QQitemZ190115696871QQihZ009QQcategoryZ130790QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting leei oti einai kai gia to artemis.... pou apo oti eida einai idio me to dopod p800w kai me stenaxwrise ligo... apo ekei brika kai bash gia to artemaki... den leei diastaseis alla den fainetai na einai megaluterh apo thn authentikh oute na exei kamia epipleon kapaki h kati tetoio... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
geia kai pali... gia mpataria 2500mAh ti lete?? son kai kala tha prepei na einai mamisia h deuterh mpataria?? Lete na dhmiourgisei kapoio problhma sto artemaki?? :worry: :worry:
eutuxws oxi akoma... alla sto mellon... mhn jexname oti ta pocket pc einai to mellon ths texnologias... :)
Geia sas... gia ta pocket antivirus ti lete??? ajizei ton kopo?? exete kanena upopshn???
KOSTAKELLA: to exeis kanei overclock??? sta posa kai ama ginetai ti thermokrasia sou pianei??? lagoudaki: pws ruthmizw otan einai se anamonh h cpu na einai katw apo 200MHz???
nai kainouria.. exei mia bdomada pou to phra... pws to bazw se anamonh na exei katw apo 200??? apo thermokrasia poso exei??
to ekana overclock sta 286 alla thn bataria thn roufaei san trelh kai se sas etsi kanei??
Molis ekana apegatastash to Tom Tom kai twra exw 6,9Mb alla apo programmata exw egatesthmena Destinator Battery Status Pocket DivX to patch gia thn microSD kai ena arxeio hxou 3,71Mb kai 2 xartes gia to destinator (komenous) sunolo 8.7Mb exw paragilei mnhmh microSD 2Gb kai thn perimenw eleytherh mnhmh gia ektelesh programmatwn mou leei 25Mb kala einai?? thanks gia ton xrono sou
Osa link exw dokimasei apo thn qtek, apo auta pou exete dwsei, den douleyoun enw exw kanei logariasmo kai activation mou leei oti den exw thn adeia na mpw se authn mhpws jereis giati?? alla genikos sto forum mpainw kai mporw na dw themata alla oxi auta pou bazete. to Akribes mhnyma einai... Black Tears, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Telika doulepse to Battery Satus...Poios Mporei na ejigisei to parakatw??? Enw mesa sth mnhmh kai sti baterry status leei eleutherei mnhmh gia apothikeush 2Mb otan paw na kanw egatastash ena programma 1.2Mb mou leei oti den yparxei diathesimos xoros??? Enw ama apo thukeusw ena rxeio den uparxei problhma....
Sorry sas exw spasei ta neura alla..... na kanw to tom tom apegatastash alla meta ama thelw na to janabalw pou tha to brw?? Jerei kaneis pou briskontai ta arxeia me katalujh xui??
lagoudaki mhpws mporeis na steileis oloklhro to link gia to patch?? thanks... Apo tote pou perasa to Battery Status den mou kanei install kanena programma pou dokimasa:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: ... Oute to Sprite Backup pou dinei h HTC.. Jerei kaneis Giati??
Thanks mate... na se kourasw ligo akoma??? apo mpataria pws paei me overclocking.. to exw pros to paron sto 247... fenete pio grhgoro... alla to battery status pou katabasa prepei na exei kapoio problhmataki giati gia na mou anoijh tis rythmiseis prepei prwta na to aferesw apo to Shmera kai meta na to jana anoijw... Mhpws einai kalo otan kanw egatastash programata na kanw epanekhnhsh to PPC?? to ver tou Battery Status pou exw panw einai to 0.04.201 Build 0191 thanks kai pali..
mias kai eiste mesa re paidia... na kanw merikes erwthseis pou eiste kai poio palioi??? To clear type pou einai gia thn othonh na to energopoihsw h to kanei na sernetai?? Jerei kaneis ruthmiseis gia to WiFi?? An mporeite apanthste kai sthn prohgoumenh erwthsh an jerete... "Na to kanw overclock h den ajizei ton kopo?? Thanks for your time :)!!!
h ekdosh leei beta... douleuei swsta?? na to kanw apo twra overclocking to exw mia bdomada peripou ajizei ton kopo h den einai kai kamia tromerh diafora???