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About aletsi

  • Ημ. Γέννησης Μάρτιος 26

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  1. paidia 8elw mia boh8eia opwsdhpote giati 8a to peta3w.exw ena 3600 exw balei to destinator 6 to exw egatastisei anoigei kanonika kai exw balei tis ru8miseis pou grafetai edw gia na brei sima. to afinw gia 1-2 wres e3w kai mou grafei to mhnuma den bre8hke keraia!!prosoxh!oxi den bre8hke sima alla den bre8hke keraia! ti kanw la8os???boh8eia please
  2. to afinw se anoixto xwro gia mia wra kai mou bgazei pali oti 'den bre8hke keraia'.Thn keraia den briskei. Exw balei oles tis ru8miseis pou xreiazontai kai tpt. mipos exw kanei kanena la8os sthn egatastash??ti allo mporei?
  3. paidia exw kanei thn egatastash tou destinator 6, exw ftia3ei oles tis ru8miseis etsi opws tis exete anaferei polles fores edw kai mou bgazei oti den briskei keraia gps. mipos den exw kanei kati kala?
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