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Everything posted by Helios

  1. O FILOS MOY APEKTHSE ENA OLOKAINOYRGIO NON LIVE T610 APO XTHES! Toy to allaxan eykola kai twra panyghrizei!! Mallon tha prepei na arxisw na skeftomai afto poy eipes telika... :p :whistle:
  2. Opiodhpote arkei na mhn efthynesai esy gia afto ,wste na mporeseis na zhthseis antikatastash.
  3. xthes "pethane" to voda live T610 filoy ...shmera tha to paei se SE sc na toy to allaxoyn an einai dynato me ena "non live" T610...an ta kataferei sas vlepw oloys na parakalate na ta ftysei to T610 sas! :p
  4. E mhn ta theloyme ki ola dika mas...proswpika den me endiaferei toso poly h poiothta twn fwtografiwn apo ena thlefwno ...kai sto P800 apogohteysh htan ...kai sto t68i kai sto 7650, genika thn doyleia moy thn kanw kala.Apo kei kai epeita an thelw sovares fwto tha parw kai "sovarh" camera mazi moy ...oxi to thlefwno! :alien:
  5. Kai esy e? :) akoma o kyrios arithmos moy vodafone einai kai emena alla oxi kai na anexomaste ta panta re seis...T610 live OK alla dwse kai to dikaiwma na to xeklidwneis. Telos pantwn pantoy NLS an kaneis symvolaio tha exeis FULL GPRS mono se kartokinhta den to exeis opote gia kapoion poy xrhshmopoiei to T610 ws gprs modem gia internet kai ws kyria syndesh exei 2 epiloges stet h cosmote opws eipa prin. Twra vre esy gia na mhn vgainoyme kai off topic, giati den kaneis afth thn erwthsh sto section ths stet h akoma kalytera petaxoy apo ena telestet center kai rwta ..mhn ntrepesai tha soy poyne! :) :D Pes mas kai mas meta giati ta xoyme psiloparathsei teleftaia :lol: Filika.
  6. Den apokleietai katholoy,diaforetikes oi rythmiseis gia ta mms diaforetikes gia to vodafone gprs (allo APN ktlp). H endeixh toy gprs mporei na einai energh sto thlefwno alla exeis prosvash mono sto APN twn mms, prepei na energopoihthei h katallhlh yphresia kai na ginoyn swsta oi rytmiseis wste na xrhshmopoihseis to gprs gia wap h internet, analoga me to ti theleis. Ekei exei provlhma o filos ...ax to kalo cc ths vodafone ,ADIORTHWTOI EINAI .
  7. Apla epanerxontai oi arxikes ergostasiakes rythmiseis ,exw kanei apeires fores master reset se polla montela kai se kanena den egine sfto poy les.
  8. Loipon ,to t68 einai apo tis kalyteres agores poy mporeis na kaneis twra file alfisti ,afta poy prosferei sthn timh poy erxetai twra dyskola tha ta vreis kai se kainoyrgia modela. Na symlphrvsw apla oti me thn xrhshmopoihsh toy ellhnikoy t9 (160 xar) aftomatws exeis vevaia kai to teliko s,to na xrhshmopoieis to t9 tha to synithiseis se 2 meres einai geloia ypothesh! Apo pleyras aftonomias einai oti kalytero yparxei se exgrwmo kinhto . Mexri thn R6 ...kati ....den thymamai mporoyses na svhseis tis proegatesthmenes eikones ..ta panta.Apo ekei kai pera prostethike afto to aparadekto xarakthrisiko poy eixe to kainoyrgio tote t300. An proerxesai apo ericsson syskeves genika h taxythta plohghshs den tha se dysaresthsei an kai se sxesh me alla thlefwna einai sxetika argo, antexetai pantws. H symergasia toy me alles syskeves krinetai apsogh apo emena toylaxiston, no problem. Egw eixa gia panw apo 1,5 xrono ena t68M anavathmismeno se i xwris kanena sovaro parapono apo thema poiothtas kataskevhs. Gia thn othonh twra Oles oi STN othones exoyn afto to provlhma ston hlio , vasika einai thema synhtheias tipota to fovero. To pio omorfo gia mena einai to mineral grey t68i, poly pio mourato apo to galazio t68i kai apo oti thymamai se kapoia poy eixa dei me elafrws kalyterh kai pio fwteinh othonh. Sxetika me to SAR toy thlefwnoy pragmati exei apo ta xamhlotera ,an milas poly wra kalo einai na pareis ena kinhto me xamhlo SAR level. Na prosekseis to joystick poy apo oti thymamai htan kai to efpathestero shmeio aftoy toy thlefvnoy. Afta :)
  9. Γεια σας κοριτσια... :p :)
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