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Everything posted by Valkyre13

  1. File moy se eyxaristw gia pollosth fora!Loipon kati allo poy me exei provlhmathsei.Exw valei to quickword apo to gnwsto magazaki alla den mporw na to kanw register.Moy exei dyo arxeia .app alla den kserw poy na ta valw gia na ginei register!Epishs kai se alla programms poy soy zhtane px. na kaneis to tade arxeio copy sto C:documents/..... den kserw pws na metakinhsw to arxeio se ekeinh th n perioxh.To file manager poy exei to P900 den einai me ayth th morphi kai den soy deixnei ola ta arxeia kai toys fakeloys twn diskwn toy.Mhpws prepei na egatasthsw allon file explorer?
  2. Geia xara se olous!Exw mia aporia:thelw na perasw sthn mmc toy kinhtoy moy ena arxeio 10mb alla den kserw pws na to steilo ekei.Synexeia to stelnei sth mnhmh toy kinhtoy meapoptelesma na mhn yparxei diathesimos xwros kai etsi na mhnto stelnei.An mporeite bohthiste me!Eyxaristw
  3. File kinitoeidimona gia xara!Den mporesa na antistathw diavazontas to post soy kai epeidh eimai sxetika kainoyrgios sto forum pairnw to tharos na se rwthsv ean gnorizeis poy mporw na to vrw
  4. Se eyxaristw gia mia akomh fora!Exw wra tropopoihsei to arxeio se divx kai to exww kanei encode kai ola leitoyrgoyn apsoga!!Akomh den mporww na pistepsw tis dynatothtes toykinhtoy!
  5. File Geovass se eyxaristw poly gia thn apanthsh!Exw katevasei to pvauthor3 kai exw ena dvd sth diathesh moy poy thelw na metatrepsw.Epeidh eimai omws oligon asxetws :o kai ousiastika twra kanw ta prwta bhmata tha mporoyses na moy peis an einai eykolo pws tha kanw encode thn tainia.To kserw eimai 100 xronia pisw :whistle: gi ayto an mporeis pesta moy ligaki apla!Se eyxaristw kai pali!! :p Y.G.:Sorry poy den se thymomouna alla ta diavasa kata tis 4 to prwi.... Y.G.2:To arxeio zip poy katevasa me ta optimized profiles einai toy p800 mono h kanei kai gia to p900?
  6. Geia kai xara se oloys!Diavazontas xthes to forum epesa panw sta post kaio ta attachments enos filoy(sygnwmh den thymamai nick kai twra eimai sth douleia kai den exw xrono na psaksw) poy edeixnan to P900 na deixnei apospasmata apo tis tainies T3 kai Indiana Jones.Tha ithela na rwtisw loipon me poia diadikasia ginetai h dhmioyrgia full tainiwn gia to p900 kai an yparxoyn tipota URLs poy exoun hdh anevasei tainies gia download.Eyxaristw poly. Y.G.:H poiothta pws einai?Vlepetai aneta h einai gemato pixel kai tholoura?
  7. Se eyxaristw poly!!Perimenw pws kai pws na to piasw sta xeria moy!
  8. Geia xara se olous!Tha ithela na sas zhthsw sygnwmh giati kapoies apo tis erwthseis pu thelw na kanw isws exoun apantithei an kai den nomizw.Exw ksetrelathei me to P900 kai tha ithela na mathw kapoia pramata gi ayto. 1)h egatastash twn programmatwn mporei na ginei kai sto thl kai sto Memory Stick h parousiazontai provlhmata? 2)H poiothta ths kameras einai katholoy veltiwmenh kai mhpws kserete kana URL me fotografies travhgmenes apo thn kamera toy P900 gia na dw? 3)Epeidh den gnwrizw to thlefwno mporeis na to xeiristeis plhrws me to Jog h einai aparaithto na xrhsimopoieis panta thn grafida? 4)Diavasa se ena review oti einai dynaton me mia mellontikh anavathmish na einai dynath h xrhsimopoihsh Memoty stick Duo Pro.Einai efikto kati tetoio? An einai eykolo lyste moy aftes tis apories!Sas eyxaristw ek twn proterwn kai pali sygnwmh an kapoia apo aytes exei hdh apanththei.
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