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και το υπολοιπο................................................................................ 1.) How do I use the wallpaper feature? To use the wallpaper feature do the following: 1.) Move the picture you wish to use into your Photo folder 2.) Locate the image on you PSP, and click triangle 3.) Select the set as wallpaper 4.) Enjoy your wallpaper Note: Only one may be used at a time NOTE: If any of these steps are wrong, contact me, and I will change them (I do not use 2.0) 2.) Is the wallpaper feature like that of PSPersonalize? Yes, but it is better. It is a.) safer and b.) allows bigger images to be used 3.) If I take out my memory stick, will the background still be there? Yes 4.) What's the maximum size for a background image? The maximum size (width:height) is: 480x272 UPDATE: ohgod just informed me that you can use the zoomed in area of larger pictures (greater than 480x272) and the zoomed in area will be set as the background. So you are able to upload large images, but If you want to use it as a large photo, and part as a background, multiple images are not required. 5.) Am I able to send pictures to my friend's PSP? Yes. 6.) How do I send pictures to my friend's PSP? Follow these steps: Gamexploiter: 1.) Turn Your Wi-Fi switch on 2.) Go To PHOTO 3.) Select The Photo You Want To Send/Share with another PSP 4.) Press Triangle 5.) Select SEND(icon with the "wireless" thingy) 6.) GO TO THE OTHER PSP(2nd PSP) 7.) Turn The WIFI Switch ON(2nd PSP) 8.) Go To PHOTO 9.) Go To Any Picture 10.) Press Triangle 11.) Press/Select RECEIVE 12.) The 1st PSP should find the 2nd PSP 13.) On Your 1st PSP(the one with the picture),Press X 14.) Wait For The Other PSP to download it 15.) The Picture Should Appear on the 2nd PSP 16.) Press O on your second PSP 17.) It Will Ask You if you want to save it to your memory stick 18.)Select Yes 7.) What is AVC Format? AVC is: AVC format is the new MP4 it is a very good compression rate.. meaning that if u want to put a 10 meg movie u could put that same movie in 3X better quality for the same amount of space 8.) How does the UMD region code work now with the 2.0 upgrade? If you upgrade a US PSP with JP firmware, the region codes will not change. Region codes do not change with firmware. 9.) Does AVC support full-screen? Yes is does but right now we can only confirm the videos downloaded off the P-TV site are full screen (H.264 videos are downloaded from P-TV), and also if u want a homebrew movie to be full screen it has to be in the psp's resoultion. EDIT: Highest resolution user-able is: 320x240 10.) Where do I put h.264 videos? h.264 videos go in the 100ANV01 folder, in the format MAQxxxxx.MP4 i.e MAQ10018.mp4 All normal videos i.e home made go into the 100MNV01 folder in the normal way. 11.) If I want to send pictures to a friend do they have to have a 2.0 also? Yes, if you are sending files to a friend, they must have 2.0 as well If you have any additions, please pm me 3.) Misc. This section includes guides that involve 2.0 firmware/misc. topics that don't really fit in the above sections Transfer Methods: Wireless: Here is a great guide to transfer files from your 2.0 PSP (using the browser) and your computer (wireless transfer!): [Click Here] Direct USB connection: To connect to your PSP and transfer movies, pictures and music, just connect the PSP to your computer's usb port using a USB-USB-b connector. This acts as a removable drive. Προσωπικα ανυπομονω να γυρισω Αθηνα για να την δοκιμασω.....................
Βρηκα φωτο απο την v2.00 πως μπορω να την ανεβασω???? EDIT Δειτε και αυτο: 1.) Where can I get the Firmware 2.0 Update? To get the update for 2.0, please download it [Here] (η διευθυνση ειναι για οσους εχουν γιαπωνεζικα psp'ς) 1.1) It will not read the update file correctly, what do I do? To successfully install 2.0, you must move the eboot file into your Game/UPDATE folder. If you do not have this folder already, please create it. NOTE: Be sure to have it in all caps for it to work. (If this still occurs, back-up your data and reformat your memory stick, then try it) 2.) When does the US 2.0 update come out?/Will it work on my JP 2.0 update? The US firmware 2.0 update does not have a set release yet. Many have rumored that it will appear within a few days or a week. There are also rumors that the US will release a 2.1 update that will fix any mistakes in the 2.0 JP update. You can not go from 2.0 JP to US JP. 3.) Will the Japanese 2.0 work on a US PSP? Yes, the Japanese firmware 2.0 update will work on a US PSP. 4.) Is 1.52 required to successfully update? No, firmware 1.52 is not required to update to 2.00. 2.00 contains all the previous updates so this is not a problem 5.) How large is the file? The file size for the update eboot is: 16.3 mbs 6.) Am I able to play hombrew on 2.0? No 7.) When will hombrew be playble on 2.0? At the current time, it is hard to tell, it could be never. 2.0 may never be able to run hombrew, but that is my personal opinion. Here is an excert from IGN: Quote: Originally Posted by IGN "One extra note not in the official documents -- the PSP is more secure than ever against hacker and homebrew application support. Sony did not announce this officially, and we would never have known about it unless coders hadn't found the new chunks of added security code. 'Mr A' of MaxConsole.net reports that the PSP's security file has been significantly changed in the update, locking out all but the most determined hackers -- in order to play homemade programs on the PSP, coders would have to decrypt the security code, and in order to get the code to decrypt, they would have to have a *****ed program to run on the system." 8.) Are people working on *****ing 2.0? At the current time we are unsure of any groups working on this, but I am sure that 2.0 users are constantly trying to find ways to "*****/hack" the firmware. 9.)Can't we just open 2.0 eboot up with a hex editor and edit it? Theoretically, yes. If someone was to edit the eboot file, there is no idea what the outcome will be. If someone makes one wrong mistake in compiling it, it will brick your PSP, so hex editting it is not recommended. (Update: re-configuring the eboot file corrupts it) 10.) Will buttons be switched when I upgrade on a US PSP with JP firmware? No 11.) What is WPA? Version 2.00 now supports WPA ( Wi Fi Protected Access ), a newer format of security for your wireless connection. This will lower the chance of anyone being able to use your internet connection and taking up your bandwidth. 12.) Are there any sideaffects of having 2.0 JP on a US psp? Yes and no. Using the JP upgrade in no way affects your PSP besides voiding the warranty! This was explained by MalumEnSe: The reason why it could in theory violate your warranty is because if you have a Japanese firmware running, it needs to be sent to SCEJ (That's Sony in Japan) for repair. However Sony has made it clear that SCEJ will NOT ship repaired PSP's outside of Japan, so unless you live in Japan or have a friend that will accept it and send it back to you, you're screwed. This is a perfect example of why patience is a virtue. 13.) When the US 2.0 comes out, can I upgrade to it from the JP 2.0? No, you will not be able to go from 2.0 JP-2.0 US 14.) After I update it, can I delete the 2.0 JP firmware from my memory stick? Yes, you can delete it after you have upgraded it Networking/Browser Questions/Answers: 1.) Does the new 2.0 browser support flash? No 2.) When will the browser support flash? We are unsure at the momment if the PSP internet browser will support flash or if it is being planed to do so. 3.) Can I download media via the web browser? Yes you can, K[dot]Y has made a nice little guide for users to find out how, please visit [Here] 4.) How do you input text with the browser? The new PSP browser uses the PSP's built-in keyboard. There are keyboards being made for the PSP, it is all a matter of time/patience. 5.) What language is the browser in? From what I have gathered: Whatever language your system is set at. 6.) When does P-TV come out in the US? We are unsure, but we are assuming it will come out the same time as the 2.0 update comes out in the US 7.) Can I browser any website? No, you can not browse websites that include flash, but very few websites do this 8.) Can I use AIM/MSN online chat programs? According to KingofNoobs's faq, yes you can:WebAim works for Aim and mob.e-messenger (http://mob.e-messenger.net/mobile/) and http://www.e-messenger.net/ for all of them 9.) What is P-TV? P-TV is short for Pocket TV. P-TV is a website that allows PSP users to download movies for free onto their PSP. 10.) Does the browser support Java? Yes the browser supports Java, but from the reports, not large scale Java. 11.) Do I need a wireless router to access/use the internet browser? From what I have gathered, yes, you still need a wireless router to access the internet via PSP 12.) What else is required to use the PSP web browser? As stated in KingofNoobs FAQ:Well u need the follwing items: PSP Version 2.0 on your psp High speed connection (DSL, Cable, T1,T3 or faster) A wireless router that supports 801.11B standard or a 801.11g that has backwards compatiably with 801.11b 13.) When browsing, is there any chance of me getting a virus/spyware on PSP? No, viruses/spyware are not formated to infect portable devices at the moment, and may never infect the PSP. 14.) When browsing the speed seems slow, what do I do? To surf faster, make sure you have WiFi saving off in your PSP network settings 15.) I am getting a memory error on the web browser, what do I do? Clear the cache and then make cache 2048 to clear this problem 16.) Can i connect online using WPA on my games You cannot connect over the internet on your games using WPA at this time (so you can not download gamma packs via Wipeout Pure using 2.0) 17.) Is there a way to transfer files through the wireless connection? Yes, check out the Misc. Section below and it is in the Transfer-->Wireless section 18.) Does Yahoo Mail work? Does Gmail? Yahoo Mail does not work with the current PSP browser, but Gmail does.
Λοιπον παιδια μολις κατεβασα την 2.00 γιατι εδω που βρισκομαι (γ@μ@τ@ ειναι αλλα για να κατεβασεις κατι θες σιγουρα FLASHGET).......αλλα θα πρεπει να περιμενετε να γυρισω στην Αθηνα :( που εχω αφησει το αλλο Pspακι οποτε και θα του την περασω και θα σας πω αποτελεσματα, εντυπωσεις, φωτογραφιες, (μαζι εχω το ΚΑΛΟ :D :D )
Για την ακριβεια 249 θα κανει :D :D.
Με ενα μαλακο πανακι και προς Θεου οχι με μπλουζα, ή οτιδηποτε αλλο ΧΑΡΑΖΕΤΑΙ και ΧΑΡΑΖΕΤΑΙ πανευκολα πιστεψε με. (εδωσα το ενα απο τα δυο σε φιλο για να παιξει και πηγε να καθαρισει την οθονη απο τις δαχτυλιες με το πουκαμισο και μου γ@#$*^ την οθονη, γεμισε γ@μ!%%!#$ χαρακιες :( )
Ευχαριστω πολυ. :)
ΟΚ θα μπω, θα κατεβασω, και θα σας πω :D
Καταρχην σορυ που δεν απαντησα τοσο καιρο αλλα εσπασα απο #$%^&%$ το laptop μου (του τραβηξα μπουκετο και δεν ξανααναψε ο μ@λ@κ@ς) και ετρεχα να αγορασω αλλο, οποτε απο σημερα i am back :!: λοιπον φιλε shodanjr_gr εαν θες δωσε μου καποιο Link για να κατεβασω την 2.00 γιατι απο την χοντροΜ@Λ@ΚΙ@ που εκανα εχασα και τις favorites και σχεδον ολα τα αρχεια του Psp και επειδη βαριεμαι να ξανααρχισω απο την αρχη το ψαξιμο :O εαν δεν βαριεσαι γραψε μου το Link θα την δοκιμασω και θα ποσταρω και φωτο, οσο για το psp meeting απο οτι καταλαβα μαλλον απο Σεπ θα παει ε??? που θα εχουμε γυρισει στην Αθηνα (αν και εγω προσωπικα ξαναγυρναγα ανετα Αθηνα εαν κανονιζαμε κατι.... ;) )
Τελικα ειναι κανενας αλλος μεσα για PSP MEETING :w00t: ??????
Laptop φερνω εγω :w00t: MS DUO μαλλον απο 256 και πανω ετσι?
Λοιπον FIFA, UNTOLD LEGENDS, NFS (μονο εαν ειναι να κανονισουμε κανα Meeting Να το κανονισουμε εγκαιρα γιατι σκεφτομαι το NFS να το δωσω πισω και να παρω κανα TWISTED METAL), τα εχω εγω, μας μενουν τα wipeout, CODED ARMS (ειναι καλο? γιατι το βρηκα αλλα πρωτου προσωπου εγω δεν παιζω οποτε........)
Ξερεις κανεις τι ακριβως ειναι αυτα τα επιθεματα? και εαν σε πετανε σε τιποτα 080009001000102839487 ειναι δηλ τιποτα dialer? www35.διευθυνση.com www2.διευθυνση.com
Δεν εχεις και αδικο, τι λετε κανονιζουμε κανενα Meeting να στρωσουμε και κανα multiplayer σε wipeout, FIFA, NFS, UNTOLD LEGENDS και οτι αλλο το υποστηριζει (και δεν μου 'ρχεται στο μυαλο τωρα :O )?
:w00t: Εγω ειμαι μεσα, ΠΟΥ? και ΠΟΤΕ? :D :D :w00t: και στο καπακι στηνουμε και κανα TOURNAMENT στο FIFA :D
Με γεια σου αλλα φιλε μου γιατι να το παραγγειλεις απο εξω οταν εδω το πουλανε πια 280Ε και σε περιπτωση καμενου Pixel στο αλλαζουνε ενω απο εξω αντε βρες ακρη.........
Λιγη βοηθεια ακομα ή καλυτερα την κουρτινα 2???? :( Ο ΒΙΤ καταλαβα ποιος ειναι ο τυφωνας ομως?????????????
Aν θες μπορεις να μου στειλεις με ΡΜ το ονομα του προγράμματος? :O Σε filesharring εχω βρει π.χ. στο μουλαρι αλλα για να κατεβουν κανουν 25μερες :D
Επειδη τωρα το προσεξα...............πως καταφερες να το ripαρεις?? ή το κατεβασες απο internet?
Εαν κατεβεις κεντρο στη Χαλκοκονδυλη το εχει 60Ε (καλο παιχνιδι το εχω καμμια δεκαρια μερες τωρα αλλα κολλησα με το ΝΒΑ 2005 και το ψιλοπαρατησα)
Ηδη κυκλοφορει φιλε μου εκτος και εαν εννοεις οτι θα περιμεεεεεεεεεενεις την ευρωπαικη εκδοση :cry:
Δυστυχως πια στα περισσοτερα παιχνιδια παιζεις με το analog και οχι με τον σταυρο ετσι την πατησα και εγω με το ΝΒΑ 2005
Τα παιχνιδια κανονικα πρεπει να ξεκινουν απο 35~55 ευρω (τοσο εχουν εξω) εδω μεχρις στιγμης τα αγοραζουμε σπο 60~75 ευρω, To GT4 εχει ηδη ανακοινωθει και θα κυκλοφορησει μαλλον μαζι με το Psp τον Σεπ ή τεσπα μεσα στον Σεπ (USA εχει ηδη ανακοινωθει για Αρχες Σεπ)
H "ιστορια" του ασπρου PSP που θα κυκλοφορησει 15 Σεπ At E3 2004, Sony unveiled the PlayStation Portable in various colors, including yellow or white among others. The first variant to make it to marketplace, following the stepstones of original Jet-Black, will be Ceramic White, and it's coming on September 15th. Black PSPs are flooding the market, falling in the hands of, oh my god, "casual gamers" on a daily basis. If you are the kind of hardcore gamer that likes to have something special to pull off his pocket, then SCEJ got something coming for you. It's white, wears white buttons and detailing, comes with all the goodies of the Value Pack in white color, and it's coming out in the same month as the PSP port of Winning Eleven 9. Planned for release after the summertime, the Ceramic White edition of the PSP is not eligible for the Free UPS Shipping Shipping Worldwide campaign. Today's PSP announcements about Winning Eleven and Ceramic White Edition are coming from the PlayStation Meeting 2005 which just took place in Japan. At the gathering, the upcoming firmware 2.00 was also unveiled. και θα περιεχει τα παρακατω features Network Internet browser added * Macromedia Flash is not supported. A part of the web pages might not be displayed correctly * The startup of the internet browser can be limited. Video Jump function added (UMD Video & UMD Music) A-B repeat function added (UMD Video & UMD Music & videos stored in Memory sticks) "4:3 mode" added to Video mode (videos stored in Memory sticks) Sound mute function added (videos stored in Memory sticks) MP4 (AVC) format playback support added (videos stored in Memory sticks) Music Can accept music tracks in Atract3 Plus format from "Sonicstage" under version 3.2 (now for pre-order) MP4 (AAC) & Wave (Linear PCM) format playback support added (music stored in Memory sticks) Photo Wallpaper function added Image receiving function added TIFF, GIF, PNG, BMP format supported Settings "Korean language" added to "system settings" -> "System language" "Character set" added to "system settings" "Theme settings" added "Internet browser startup limit" added to "Security settings" "WPA-PSK (TKIP)" added to security method in "Network settings" Keyboard now support web input. * All the setting before the upgrade will be preserved.
Ειδες να πουλανε??? γιατι και εγω αυτο που ξερω ειναι οτι εχει παει 1 σε καθε καταστημα για επιδειξη και θα αρχισουν να πουλανε κανονικα μεταξυ 1 και 15 Σεπ