Axx!!!Auti h forthnet tha me trelani!!!ti ginete eki pera mou fenete pws oloi ta ksinoun:mad: pernw til p lete k rotaw an energopoihthika k mou lene aurio...kala tous lew...:shifty: k lew katse auti isws na me koroideuoun gi auto biga sto site kai vlepw
04/10/2006 Ενεργοποίηση υπηρεσίας
ti ginete eki mesa!!!:confused: ksana pernw til k m lene ax nai ontws energopoihthikate(sovara dn to ksera) eke tous lew to kserw auto!!!ystera m lene pws tha m stiloun to username k to pasword aurio...kala twra dn mporoun???:shifty: apo pou tha erthi auto to rimadi to username???apo tin alaska???:mad: :( :confused: what's going on ane pasword k ena username ine!!!