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Everything posted by aniperblitos56

  1. paw na ta perasw gia prwth fora!! einai ta blue edition
  2. Problhma me Microsoft office 2007 thn wra pou paw na ton egatasthsw mou bgazei oti den mporei na topopoihsei to CapiCom.dll giati den exw access sto arxeio prospathisa na thn apokthsw mesw tou properies>sexcurity tab alla tpt .. ebala ta xp black edition(se afto ofeilete kai oti den exw ellhnika kai den mporw na ta perasw a office) kai meta apo to chckdsk pou egine exasa thn adeia..:wacko: ti na kanw? xerei kaneis kamia idea? oute na to diagrapsw mporw xarakthristika otan pataw delete mou bgazei Cannot delete CapiCom :file is corrupted or unreadable...Help Euxaristw gia ton xrono sas ek twn proterwn
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