1)sabbato einai anoixta? programmataki tou ebala. periergo an htan den to 3erw.
2)gia na kanw format sth syskeyh prepei na einai anoixth?den mporw etsi opws einai kleisth na ths kanw?
3)to molybaki to pataw enw einai kleisth h syskeyh, thn anoigw kai synexizw na to pataw ews otou bgei h o8onh anamonhs?
4)exw ta contents ths mmc krathmena sto sklhro mou disko. apo kei mporeite na mou peite pws 8a brw ta contacts mou kai ta sms mou?
5)ebgala thn mmc, dokimasa restart alla pali ta idia, ara den arkei to na sbhsw ta contents ths mmc.
ti kanw? apla mou dixnei to nokia, meta asprizei olo, 3anaprospa8ei, ta idia kai sto telos sbhnei.