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martha_stam's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
hi!!!!loipon tha hthela de auto to topic na lete oti tragoudia soft ,erwtika..oti se aresei k sas thimizei diafora;) me etsi wraious stixous,me nohma!!!oti sas ekfrazei genika!!!:O thanks ...
hi metal lovers!!!loipon thelw na mou peite sigrotimata pou paizoun metalcore..oti pisteuete eseis.. thanks..
oxi mesw bt..mesw thiras usb me kalwdio..se poies rithmiseis les??ti na koitaksw?? thanks padws geofil!!!
hi guys!!!loipon prospathw na metaferw ta sms sto my phoneexplorer alla otan pataw ananewsh mou grafei "αδυνατη συνδεση com9"..k etsi dn mporw na ta metaferw..dn m epitrepei..ti na kanw???k ti einai to com9?? thanks!!!
k egw aristeroxeiras...vevaia paizw mpala,basket k kalo mou podi einai deksi!!!
ax paidia euxaristw poli!!!!t katafera..k pali euxaristw na ste kala oloi sas!!!:)
:!:t ekana auto pou mou les alla meta dn uparxei h foto st knt mou:wacko:!:worry:!!akougetai t ntin ntin k mou emfanizei ena parathiro(phone g) k ena allo(phone memory card) k exei diafores epiloges k sta duo tis idies, opws anoigma t fakelou gia provoli arxeiwn k egw auth epilegw..sth sinexeia kanw copy /paste alla meta dn uparxoun:mad:..uparxoun k alles epiloges opws ektipwsi eikonwn k antigrafh eikonwn sto pc k diafora tetoia dn ta thimamai ola!!!!exw mperdeutei!!:!:
to knt mou tha t exw anoixto 'h kleisto..a k sto my computer dn mou t anagnwrizei...ti na kanw??
geia sas!!!loipon dn kserw an exei anaferthei pio prin,alla thelw na metaferw kapoies eikones apo to pc sto knt k dn kserw pws..vasika sto pc suite exw valei file manager alla enw pataw copy sth foto k meta paste st mnhmh thlefwnou meta dn tis vlepw tis eikones sto knt mou..ti na kanw??pws ginete na tis metaferw!!!???na pataw leitourgia thl 'h metafora arxeiwn... euxaristw poli!!!
egw sinithws to xeimwna dn vlepw oneira(koimamai varia gt eimai kourasmenh apo olh tn mera)enw t kalokairi vlepw arketa suxna..twra teleutaia vlepw 2 sigekrimena poliagaphmena mou proswpa k kathe fora sizitame t provlima pou antimetwpizoume(exei ginei mia pareksigish m t 1 apo ta 2 proswpa k dn milame twra)malista tis proalles evlepa ta idia proswpa gia 5 meres sinexomena k proxtes pali t idio..!!!!aman pia ti kollima k auto..!!!!aa k kathe fora mou xamogelane k oi duo..!!!k milame sinexeia k meta otan ksipnaw eimai me ena xamogelo!!!!:):P
egw sto dhmotiko hmoun sto 10 opws htan oloi!!!meta sto gumnasio hmoun apousiologos..vasika sth prwth gumnasiou hmoun 2 se olh tn prwth,sth deutera t idio alla sth trith vghka prwth k hmoun shmaioforos!!!!na k oi vathmoi mou: 1 gumnasiou:19,11 2gumnasiou:20 (dn einai duskolo mn nomizete ,taktikh k programma thelei!!!) 3gumnasiou:19,11 na doume twra sto likeio..makari na sunexisw etsi!!!
offspring einai teleioi..xtipiemai otan tous akouw!!!trela!!blink 182 thewrw pws ta songs moiazoun kapws..auta..
xxmmmm gia na skeftw..1.na mn ksanapaw sxoleio 2.panta diakopes me ksefrena parti 3.na ta ksanaftiaksw me tn.......(dn kanei na t pw) 4.an dn mou katsei o prohgoumenos na ta ftiaksw me tn kouklo ton matt tuck apo tous bullet for my valentine 'h me tn chad michael murray...!!!!!5.na paw sth dania 'h sth rwsia pou exei olo ksanthous!!!paradeisos tha nai..pw pw tha ta paiksw..!trela tha nai..!!!! aaxxxx exw megalh fantasia..!!!!!:P
dexter vasika oi bullet for my valentine paizoun metalcore k emocore..theorountai metal k oxi toso emo..an deis k ta guys sthn band o tropos ntusimatos pio metal para emo..auto pisteuw.. adithetws oi my chemical romance exoun emo katharh!!!!me tipota dn katatassontai se metal..!!k sthn istoselida twn bullet for my valentine anaferontai san metal band k se diafora fansite to idio..auto thewrw dioti k ws mikrh(15 xronwn) dn kserw k poli! :DGelasa poli me thn perigrafh twn emo!!!wraia :lol::lol::p filika...
hand of blood-bullet for my valentine tears don't fall-bullet for my valentine αχ και να σ' ειχα δω-χαρις αλεξιου