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Everything posted by yiannakis_31

  1. :happy: :happy: katarxin sygnwmh gia ta agglika mou alla den exw dynatothta na gracw ellhnika.. xilia sorry... tha ithela na rwthsw an yparxei h dynatothta na dynamwsw thn entash tou akoustikoy toy 6600 mou dioti otan kalw h me kaloune ,dystyxws, akouw para ma para polly xamhla.Dokimasa na dynamwsw thn entash me to mauro wheel sth mesh ths syskeyhs alla mataia ,tipota.. Sas parakalw voithiste me..:( :( :( :( Kai pali sorry gia ta agglika.
  2. telika exw maura mesanyxta. se poio post anaferesai?
  3. kalispera se olous. Eimai new sto forum opote sorry an rwtaw kati pou exei xanasyzhthuei sto pareluon.. Mhpws mporei kapoios/kapoia na mou pei pou ua vrw to Handy Clock gia 6600 to download?
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